XXI. Fucked up

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TW : NSFW 18+
Please be advised that there are mature scenes within this chapter including aggressive sexual activity.

Serenity's pov   don't forget to play the song ;)

"I can help with that, turn around."

Unsure of what exactly was about to happen I listened to him and turned around, still on my knees on my bed except my back was now facing him.

He rested his hand on my shoulder and slowly went up to the back of my head, he gently grabbed a fistful of my hair and slowly tilted my head back to where I could see him.

He did nothing but make eye contact before breaking it off to drink from the bottle that was once in my hands. He finished and looked back down at me, realized he didn't swallow his drink.

He left the bottle on the floor before getting directly behind me and gripping my hair tighter, he used his free hand to grab my chin and motion for me to open my mouth.

So I did.

He spit the alcohol he had in his mouth into mine, didn't even care enough to even think of the act. His hand was still roughly grabbing my hair while he used the other to rub my thigh.

I was too dazed in satisfaction and awe seeing him look at me so proudly. Bliss surrounded my flushed face, eyes clouded with the same igniting look in his. Letting the hot firewhiskey burn down my throat, some dripping down glossing my lips with a thin coat of liquor.

Never breaking eye contact, I savored every drop of the firewhiskey from his lips. He took his time but eventually pulled back with a satisfied grin.

"You looked like such a slut doing that darling," he said letting go of the grip he once had on my hair.

"I loved it."


He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, which quickly went from grabbing my face to grabbing my throat. His palm clamping down around it to hear the tiny gasp ripple from me. As his fingers dug into my skin, he used his other hand to tease me up and down my thigh. "Tell me darling... do you like that?"

I wanted to answer but I also internally didn't want to give into him, even at this position.

"Don't be shy Serenity.... use your words. I know you want to be a little brat but right now, I've got you to your knees darling," he whispered, his lips at my ear, heavy breathing causing my hairs to stand up.

"Y-yes but if you think this is what it takes... it'll be nothing but boring in less than a minute." I was lying, he kept kissing my next and my chest going down to my boobs, saliva traced with alcohol kisses to be exact. It was intoxicating, the way he was kissing me all over while teasing me at the same time.

I knew he could tell that I was lying, that I find his kisses and treatment in bed anything but boring. He could tell from the way my mouth would open and I'd bit down on my lip, the way I wouldn't meet his eyes because I know he's enjoying every bit of having me in his power.

"Boring? Didn't your father ever tell you not to tell lies, Serenity? It's not good for your aura darling," he bit down on my shoulder causing me to yelp which he then tightened his grip on my throat making me let out a whine.

My heart thumped painfully, adrenaline pumping through my veins as my thighs clenched every time he'd tease me higher and higher up my thigh. My chest heaved up and down with every little word he said to me, driving me utterly mad.

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