Hogwarts (part one of ???)

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I tried to make the scarves. I am sorry if I did them wrong. This is the time when Albus Severus, Rose and Scorpius are in their 2nd year. I also changed a few things about my Hogwarts AU.

The train began pulling away as four friends began trying to find a carriage to sit in the entirety of the journey. Soon, they came to a carriage with three people in it.

The first was a fair skinned boy with pale platinum blonde hair and eyes like blue mercury, the second was another boy with messy black hair and green eyes and olive skin, and the third was a young girl with fiery red hair and brown eyes that had tan skin.

"Excuse me." Said a girl with gray hair with a purple streak, her eyes, one deep gold and the other a brown.

Looking up, the blonde boy said, "Yes?"

"Can we sit in here with you? All the other carriages are full, and one of my friends doesn't like being cramped."

"Sure!" Crowed the red head, scooting over, away from the window, as a boy with wolf ears pulled his trunk in and heaved it up onto the shelf.

"What are your names?" Asked another girl with hair a-la-Pansy Parkinson (did I spell that right? The a-la part) as she pulled three more trunks in, which she helped the boy put away, her red-orange and deep mahogany eyes looking at them.

"I'm Scorpius Malfoy," said the boy with mercury eyes, "this is Rose Weasley," pointing to the red headed girl, "and this is Albus Severus Potter."

Smiling, a new girl with pink and white hair, and green and purple eyes said, "I'm Irene, this is Ruby with the purple and orange hair, Luna is the gray haired girl, and the boy is Ian."

Soon, all had settled down in a seat, Irene next to the window, Ian sitting across from her, with Ruby and Luna sitting happily on the ground in the large carriage.

"What houses are you in?" Asked Irene, looking at the three others.

"Albus and Scorpius are in Slytherin. I'm in Gryffindor." Rose spoke, looking up from her book for the first time.

"We don't go by house names anymore. Everyone is allowed to be themselves and sit with their friends at Hogwarts." Said Scorpius, as Rose tucked her bookmark in and closed her book.

When they reached Hogwarts

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Said Headmaster McGonagall, standing next to the sorting hat on it's customary stool.

"Before the feast starts, you will be sorted into your houses by the Sorting Hat. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

Pulling a scroll out of somewhere, she began reading out names, the students coming up and getting sorted.

"Angel, Irene?"

Irene slowly walked up, and sat carefully on the stool, allowing the hat to be set down on her head.

"Hmmm..." Murmured the hat, only heard by Irene, "not bad... not brave enough to be in Gryffindor.... Clever enough for Slytherin... Sweet and amiable... Intelligent like a Ravenclaw... But I don't know.... I feel like Professor Snape may have liked you..."

Irene sat silent, letting the hat chatter about the people who had fallen during the War. She felt Professor Malfoy and Professor Potter's eyes looking at her.

Just as a disclaimer: Ginny and Harry divorced, same with Hermione and Ron and Pansy and Blaise, but have worked out the custody rules. Luna's husband and Astoria passed. Fred is NOT Dead in this. There is also a spell that will revive people, but has to be done very carefully, or the performer will lose a lot of energy.

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