More MHA and things (edited)

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Name(s): Celestine and Iris Crystallin

Hero name: Gemini as a team, Gem for Iris, Multi for Celestine

Villain Name: Spear Twins, Range for Celestine, Spiral for Iris

Team Affiliation: League of Misfits

Hero or Villain: Unknown

Current Affiliation: U.A. students in Class 1-C

Quirk(s): Confusion (Iris) and Double (Celestine)

Iris and Celestine are twin sisters that get confused, despite not looking the least alike. Gem's quirk allows her to make the air 'spiral' to enemies, allowing the heroes to get into position without being detected by sight. Multi's quirk lets her make multiples of many objects with up to two copies of each object, which also works with humans. However, these copies can be easily destroyed with a simple wave, and hearing/other senses quirks counteract Gem's quirk.

Costume: (Hero) The outfits are pale lavender (Celestine) and charcoal (Iris), with the Gemini symbol on opposite sides in the other one's color. (Villian) Basically, their outfits just change to blue (Iris) and orange (Celestine) with spears made of black thread. Both costumes have hoods that cover their hair with complementing masks with black lenses, making it impossible to see their eyes.

Training: The Spear Twins are enhancing their quirks by using them with no warning and attacking members of the LOM. This also helps keep everyone attentive for surprise attacks or hints of an incoming ambush

Name: Mira [REDACTED]

Hero name: Antidote

Villain Name: Vaccine

Team Affiliation: League of Misfits

Hero or Villain: Unknown

Current Affiliation: Currently a U.A. student in Class 1-B

Quirk: Healing wind

Mira, due to her quirk, has blue skin, fish ears, tail and constantly hides her eyes while in civilian mode. Antidote's quirk allows her to counteract Belladonna's quirk (more on Belladonna down below) by just sending a wind with healing properties. This 'wind' can be as big as the wind off the ocean, or as small as a breath from a baby's lips.

Costume: (Hero) a blue dress with ocean grey shorts with wind designs on the fabric and simple green boots and a simple white headband with a thick veil with only the mouth visible. (Villian) a stormy grey jumper that hides her tail with thunder clouds, sleepy blue boots with a mouth veil that is pitch black.

Training: Vaccine is training on how to reverse her healing properties on enemies, making it both an aid to her teammates and a weapon against others.

Name: Loraine Snowrose

Hero name: Belladonna

Villain Name: Nightshade

Team Affiliation: League of Misfits

Hero or Villain: Unknown

Current Affiliation: Currently a U.A. student in Class 1-C

Quirk: Poison Nails

Much like the poisonous berries of the Nightshade plant, Belladonna's nails have the same deadly ability, depending on how much pain she wishes to inflict on her enemies, with the effect lasting up to three seconds with the strongest poison she can produce and one minute with the weakest. Loraine, despite her abilities, likes to hide her hands, mouth, and one eye. When canceling her quirk (using Eraserhead or a pill), the effects she put on her enemies/victims also end, even if her quirk was/is still active.

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