FNAF part 4/?

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Michael mumbled as the sunlight hit his eyes. Squinting in anger at the brightness, he realized Mason was no longer on the bed. There was snoring coming from the floor.

Michael's POV

Slowly leaning over, I saw Mason on a cot with a blanket covering him, and his glasses on my bedside table.

Carefully getting up, I showered, changed, then went downstairs to see nobody in the living room and the basement door slightly open.

I shook my head as I walked down the old steps into my dad's basement workshop. "Father, you know Mom told you not to work so much."

My father sighed as he laid down the pencil in his hand and rubbed his temples. "I know, but I can't seem to find out what's wrong with one of the new animatronics, and I couldn't sleep."

Walking over, I glanced at the unfinished Funtime Ennard in the corner, only a mask covering the endoskeleton. "Why haven't you finished Funtime Ennard?"

Sighing again, Dad rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Can't think of a design idea, and I keep thinking up new animatronic designs." Turning his seat around, he looked at me. "Any ideas, Terrence?"

William's POV

Since last night, I had stayed up due to one cup of coffee, carefully sipped to last, anger at Claudia, and needing time to process things.

I knew my eldest would get upset if I called him by his middle name without him telling me he wanted to be called by it. I internally chuckled.

Michael had gained that from his mom, and I wasn't going to undermine that gift from her since he looked an awful lot like me when I was younger.

She had nearly punched me in the face in high school to me calling her 'Rose'. She had declared it was for friends only. It was then I fell in love with Clara Rose Schmidt because she wasn't gonna be shoved around by boys or girls.

"It's... Michael. I want to be called Michael, Mike, or even Mikey." Mike said, his face gaining a disgruntled look at his first name.

I chuckled again. "Alright then. Michael. What design would you like to make or add to one of Uncle Henry's and I's animatronics?"

His eyes brightened as he raced and grabbed a blueprint paper and a pencil. "I don't know why, but I was thinking maybe the animatronics could have a stomach space-" --He drew a large circle, big enough for a child bigger than Elizabeth could fit in-- "that kids could sit in and use them as some sort of mech, and hide in. This space will also be big enough to hold oversized cakes and pinatas!"

As he chattered through his design and ideas, I leaned over him with a soft smile. How long had it been since he had told me one of his fantasies? Much too long. The last time had been when he was about six or seven when Vincent had given him a late gift. Clara had chewed him out for giving our child a toy gun for a birthday, but it gave us the ability to teach him how to handle firearms responsibly.

Ten hours later (Elizabeth's POV)

I woke up and rubbed my eyes as I snuck down the stairs to the living room to see Daddy and Terrence sitting on the sofa, Terrence's head on Daddy's shoulder as the telly played some opera.

Based on the loud snores coming from them, I thought that perhaps Dad had stayed up late working again.

"Eliza? Good morning." Turning, I saw Mommy behind me, wiping her hands on a towel. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Mummy, I want to see Daddy's present for me!"

Mum laughed at my request. "Now, now. You know how much your father is putting into his gift, and he doesn't want it spoiled for you, so you have to wait, alright?"

I gave out a whine, but I understood. Daddy did love keeping secrets and surprises, much more than Uncle Vincent.

Terrence's weird friend came down, rubbing his eyes before smiling at us. "Good morning, Mrs. Afton, little miss Afton."

"Mason. How did you sleep?"

Mason smiled at Mom. "I slept well, ma'am. Where is Michael? I didn't see him when I woke up."

I spoke up, "He's on the sofa with Daddy. I hope Terry is feeling better."

"He wishes to be called Michael, dear," said Mommy, placing the towel on the counter.

The rest of the day was spent with me begging for a clue about my birthday present from Daddy while Mason and Michael worked on homework in Mike's room.

To not be continued...

I can't keep doing this story because 1. I already wrote it in a short version and 2. I really want to stop this book to focus on my other stories. There will be one last chapter (possibly will be published today) before I complete this book.

See you in my other books, my hybrid fledlgings!

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