FNAF Story (Part 3/?)

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!!TW (trigger warning)!!: Abuse(?), Blood! (I don't know how abuse works... So...)

"How are you holding up?" I asked softly, pulling Michael into a hug.

Michael murmured, "I'm doing fine... Mom and Dad have been trying to help me."

Jake coughed as he began pulling Simon away. "Simon and I will head off to the classroom and tell the teacher that you're chatting with someone and you may be a little late." Simon gave a small whine of "But I wanna see what's gonna happen... and Tia isn't here with the cake she promised, yet!"

Michael hummed as the two of us began walking toward the small, enclosed park at the school. When we reached the area, I tugged Mike to a small bench, where I glanced over the shorter male as we sat. "Have you been getting sleep?"

Mikey ducked his head, his now unkempt hair falling into his eyes. "Not really. My family and I have been in mourning, you know..."

"Right," I murmured, slapping myself mentally for not remembering how my mom was when Father died, but I had been too young to understand then.

Mikey began trying to divert attention by telling me about how his dad was spending more time with him, and how Eli had heard him out about everything, and how everyone was doing at home.

Soon, the warning bell rang, and, determined to get Michael to class on time, I picked my sleepy friend up bridal-style and ran to the class, making it with to the math classroom with ten seconds to spare. The teacher was also nice enough to write a hall pass for me after taking Michael from me and the teacher giving a hug to her small, problem-covered student.

Upon watching Mikey walk to his desk, I made eye contact with a girl who was glaring at me the entire time that Mike had leaned into me before the teacher took him and nudged him to a desk close to her teaching desk, where Jake and Simon were sitting. I proceeded to glare back, eyes sending a challenge to tell me to back off my cute friend.

Nighttime (ten days later) No-one's POV

Mason couldn't sleep that night, so he carefully slipped out of his room and biked over to the Afton home. Upon pulling up, he noted that their car seemed different. The Afton's owned a big white family car and a small pickup, but the bigger car in the driveway was now a reddish color.

Getting off his bike and grabbing his bag filled with his school stuff and some clothes, he crept up to the window looking into the parlor area to see a scene that made his stomach turn.

This is what he saw:

When Michael had run upstairs with Chris's bear plushie gripped in his hand and Mrs

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When Michael had run upstairs with Chris's bear plushie gripped in his hand and Mrs. Afton yelling after him, Mason quickly slipped over to the trellis that led up to Mikey's room. Slowly and expertly, Mason clambered his way up the flowering trellis, making sure not to crush any of the small, delicate blossoms, and peeked into his friend's room, who he saw was sobbing on his bed, blood coming from a cut over his eye.

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