Facts for my Gacha OCs!

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Have some headcanons for my OC friends!

All the girls, due to having different hair lengths/colors/hair types (i.e. thin short pink hair, thick, long brown hair, and wavy medium white/orange hair), have to worry about the products they use. The guys do have the same problem, but not as bad, so they often do shopping runs to get the products needed, if all the girls are occupied.

Raven, as she is a phoenix, can just light her hair on fire and it comes out perfect, but when she is lit on fire and water is dumped on her, she lets off a huge amount of steam. As a result, she is referred to as the 'walking sauna' and she hates it. Raven is fireproof, and she molts hair and feathers, the feathers are then collected by Luna to be used in potions.

Tim is a florist, so he often gives live flowers to the girls to put in their hair/ in vases. He often gets teased by other men for his work, so he finds ways to charm the girlfriends of the men who make fun of him to buy his flower bouquets/arrangements (cost varies). He runs his own floral shop but has had several bee infestations that are being worked out.

(My version) Petra is the hair designer of the modeling quartet, so she does the hair of all the girls for special occasions. As the hair designer of the Family House, she can judge a person's hair and find out what is wrong with it and even tell what hair products to use on their hair.

Mira is able to hide her blue skin, but she doesn't as it comforts her students (she's a swim instructor/lifeguard) to know that if something happens, she is able to do something without fear of drowning.

Loraine's tail is a literal lantern, lighting up in the dark when the moon is not full or bright enough. Loraine is a beekeeper, so she and Tim have to be work neighbors so her bees can pollinate his flowers and make honey, and Tim gets new flower types and help with his bee infestations. However, they don't like that many see Loraine going into the flower shop and jump to conclusions about the two of them.

Edmondo doesn't take control often, only every thirty minutes after a bottle of blood does he start getting cranky and vying for control. This can be especially troubling when the modeling quartet does photoshoots.

When the Species Shifters (Lily, Jessica, and Jesse) get very sleepy/are asleep, they always revert back to their original species (cat for Lily, dog for Jessica, and Jesse). This is especially dangerous when they are a flying species and in the air.

Sakura and Lucy Ro'meave have a charm on them that allows them to 'switch' hair highlights. In order for this charm to work, they both have to agree to switch highlights until both of them are back home or in a safe place (photo above the story). They are also immune to (still around, but very rare) Forever Potions.

Ebany is a robot made for a family who lost their daughter (actually named Ebany) to an accident with a plane. The daughter's actual body was never found, but a recorder and notebook were found with her last days on it, which was loaded into a perfect robot replica of the girl. Ebany at first had a bit of trouble with learning human emotions and other human things, but she is getting better. However, her mind will do a periodic 'refresh' and erase any information that it finds 'unnecessary', including memories of the others in the Family House. Iris is working on fixing that small detail, while everyone scribbles down notes and/or videos everything for Ebany.

Because of Ebany's memory loss condition (Clari calls it a condition and Ebany agrees), Clari always is the one to remind Ebany of everything she forgot. They also installed video recorders onto Ebany's clothes to give it a 'first-person perspective'.

Lavender often drops by at random intervals to spend time with Ruby and Luna.

Luna is working with Lavender, Ruby, and others to make a code for children to say if they need help but are unable/too scared to say anything.

Celestine is able to open portals but doesn't do it often due to working in a prison. When it is time for her to go home, she goes into the break room and opens a portal to the Family House.

All of the members of the Family House can go to different dimensions/worlds (like the DreamSMP), but do not do this often either to avoid ruining the plot/storylines.

My Gacha world has a strength level that each species have both pros and cons. The strongest in the group is Riley the Grim Reaper, while the weakest is unknown. This strength level depends on the dominant species, for example, the Frost Twins are the second strongest because they are Species Shifters, meaning that they can gain the abilities of other species, but also gain their weaknesses.

Grim Reapers are the Strongest as they cannot be killed by any weapons, they can only die when they decide to do so.

Loraine will fight more violently if she is deprived of her mask, so Mira learned to carry multiple masks on her.

Sakura makes more food than what is needed to give the leftovers to those in need. Her bakery has a table outside the back for the needy to grab as many food/leftovers as they want. This table also is where the clothes that Lily makes are put and where the Family house donates old clothes.

Trojan is a home decorator/builder with Hades and Tim. Tim is in charge of floral decorations, Trojan is in charge of furniture and deciding the location of the furniture and Hades is in charge of art and wallpaper.

Trojan, Hades, and Tim are all in a gang together when they are not working on house design, or working in their jobs.

Half of the Family House is meme-y and the rest often wonders why they are friends/dating a meme-er.

Sakura is the papa's daughter while Lucy is the Mama's girl, which surprises everyone due to Sakura looking like a mama's baby.

Celestine, Irene, and Riley can open portals to other dimensions/worlds and helps out random people in that world.

DarkAngel and IreneAngel are very good friends, despite a rocky start. DarkAngel often comes out of the mindscape and (rarely) brings Vanessa out to get Sakura's desserts.

Riley can kill people themselves, but they cannot reap their soul afterward, so Riley sees if they can get one of the others to do the deed.

Ian likes to prank the others during the night, so everyone insists that he be watched. That doesn't stop him though, as he would pretend to sleep until the person watching falls asleep then wreaks havoc.

Everyone in the Family House that has/is an animal/hybrid can change into their animal, with no change in abilities, just smaller/fluffier.

Even though Celestine can open portals anywhere, the Family House members prefer to use normal transportation, so Celestine's portals are used for emergencies only.

Daren has separation anxiety, and when in crowds, he clutches onto one of the other members of the House when Teddy isn't around.

Celestine, Raven, Iris, Tim, Hades, and Trojan are a part of a 'gang', each consisting of three of them.

So... I hope you like these. If you want to ask any questions, put them in the comments! Just don't make them too personal. Also, I'm sorry for being gone for so long, I have just been experiencing problems. School is going to start soon, so updates will be later than what I am trying to be.

I am planning on finishing about three of my books before I start another book. However, this book will remain open for a long time. I have been working on my character designs, so they have changed in look.

Having said that, I hope that you stay safe and healthy, and that school begins/has begun well for you. With that, I'll see you next chapter. Soar high, my hybrid fledglings. 💗😄

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