StorySwap AU (for my OC and the Family Home)

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You know the original AU, where Irene's mother won custody of both Colby and Irene. But what if the father had won the custody fight?

The father immediately changed Irene's name to Erene Blue, yet hardly spent time with the two children now in his care. As a result, the two siblings had to learn to do everything themselves.

Erene became the mother figure and grew bitter as she was unable to follow her dreams because of the father, unknowingly rejecting her Darkside. Her Darkside, despite being rejected, decided to protect Erene until she could consciously make her decision, so Dark would often take control of her host, so Erene's eyes were always darker than normal unless the father is away and no danger was around.

Ruby Hamilton, unlike her original version, has a mother who still doesn't like the LGBTQIAP+ community at the moment, yet she is trying to change for her child, much to her husband and daughter's joy. She doesn't like seeing her friend in the state she is in and is trying to figure out how to help Erene escape.

Several months passed with Erene being colder than before, which made Ruby, Colby, and Ruby's parents sorrowful and the Hamiltons begin making plans.

Erene's mom would often secretly appear at the place the two siblings would be, where Dark would allow Erene to have control and have times of happiness with her mother and brother.

When he reached eighteen, Colby wanted to join the marines section of the army, yet he didn't also want to leave Erene. He was, however, convinced to join anyway by Erene, so he left for it, even though he was very reluctant.

The night after, Ruby's mom burst into the house with her husband, declaring they were there for a business meeting with Mr. Blue, Mr. Hamiltion muttering something inaudible under his breath. Erene retreated to her ridiculously decorated room on the second floor after making food and drinks for the adults.

Ruby, had stayed outside when her parents had gone in to distract the father, watching for the light to turn on in her friend's room. Upon seeing the window light up, she scaled the side of the building and tapped on the window, startling her friend, who Dark had allowed control over her body again.

"Ruby? What are you doing?" Erene said, opening the window. "How did you-"

"No time!" hissed Ruby, swinging her legs into the room. "Pack up everything you have, my mom and dad have a private jet all ready for us to go, all we need is you!"

"Your parents?"

Ruby rolled her eyes as she began putting a pulley system outside the window. "Yeah, they're downstairs having a 'business meeting' with your 'father', while help you pack and get out."

Erene looked blankly at her friend before euphoria enveloped her, and Dark came out. "Listen, Ruby. Before you ask, I'm Dark, not Erene. She unconsciously rejected me, but she is in no form to make a conscious decision yet." As Dark spoke, she pulled out Erene's suitcases and began pulling out all of her host's prized possessions and placing them neatly into the cases.

Ruby decided not to question it, since Dark seemed to be more helpful than evil, opting to help Dark pack up her friend's stuff. When a case was filled, Ruby lowered it carefully to the ground, knowing her parents made sure to have the 'meeting' in a room that was not under or near Erene's room.

After the last case was lowered out the window, the two girls slowly made their own way down, Ruby catching her friend, and getting into the car, Erene carefully hiding in the backseat while Ruby stuck her suitcases into the trunk.

Ruby acted to impatiently honk the horn, a practiced scowl on her face, before her parents came out, the mother yelling at her to 'Be patient!' before they said goodbye.

Upon getting in and driving away, Dark popped up and said, "Finally! I'll let Erene take control again. Stand by!" Erene, when given back control, sat quietly in the back, fiddling with her fingers, until they reached the airport, where the two girls hopped onto the jet and took off for their new home.

After that, everything seemed to be the same, except Erene has yet to follow her dreams, so used to having to care for the home. The Frost siblings were never separated, and their Uncle, Steve, is the embarrassing uncle type, often bursting into their (Jessica and Jesse's) work zone to shriek in pride at his niece and nephew.

Ian has become a main pillar in Erene's life, trying to aid her in getting her to follow what she wants, while Erene's mom is still striving for custody of her children, with the Hamilton parents pitching in.

All in all, all of the characters I made that have a bad backstory have their stories turned on their heads. I'm getting tired and I'm realizing that this is getting mostly about my main OC's opposite...

So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you next time! Soar high, my fledglings!

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