My Dream SMP Headcanons (Edited)

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I have a lot of headcanons, so I want to have them here as a chapter for this to not forget them for other books that I may write. Enjoy.

Dream does have a house that he hid deep in the woods/mountains, but he never really goes there unless he needs a place to hide or when he wants to expand it and he always has his compass named 'My hidden home' in his inventory.

Lucid is a Dreamon who had planned on attaching himself to Ranboo but was caught and held by Dream in his subconscious. Lucid... isn't exactly evil, he just likes putting thoughts of going to the End into his hosts' minds, but he doesn't really speak up often.

Nightmare is the one who likes to cause havoc (when bored), while Lucid likes keeping things calm in the mind space of Dream. Nightmare usually comes out when Dream gets too emotional or when Dream falls asleep, so people see Dream walking around at nighttime and are confused.

(Taken from a tik-toker called etgotlostagain headcanon) Ranboo did have three books, but Dream burned the second one because sometimes Lucid manages to latch onto Ranboo and make the Enderman hybrid go into his purple-eyed phases (I found out these are called his Enderwalks). So Dream burnt it to keep Ranboo safe from the prison, since the book contained Ranboo's ramblings of his deeds while in his purple phases.

Dream burnt Ranboo's second book at the same time that he burnt the book of revival, before being captured. However, the book (Ranboo's) wasn't completely burnt.

(Future) Tubbo saw Dream running with the book, but thought it was a book that he and Ranboo had borrowed for Michael. However, when they caught and arrested Dream, he found the halfway-burnt pieces of the book and recognized Ranboo's handwriting. He carefully kept the book away from Ranboo in an ender chest and is planning on showing it to Sam, Techno, and Phil before telling Ranboo that Dream and Ranboo were innocent of any crimes.

Georgenotfound and Sapnap want to visit Dream, yet Quackity keeps telling them to wait a bit longer before visiting. So they wait for the okay by working on the mushroom kingdom.

Badboyhalo and Skeppy have a bad feeling when they see Quackity going into the prison to visit Dream.

DreamXD is actually a non-physical being, who likes floating around the Dream SMP server. He randomly will become physical to give George gifts or to protect the people who need help.

When (and if) Dream were to lose his last life, he would wish for his friends to remain safe and happy, which DreamXD hears and is determined to keep. So he becomes a physical being, drawn closely to George due to his close resemblance to GeorgeHD, DreamXD's late lover.

(Future) Sam actually didn't know that Quackity planned to hurt Dream with his Warden weapons before he heard Dream calling for help. He quickly stepped in before Quackity could cause any fatal damages, and ordered Quackity out the first day, and is always close by when Quackity visits.

Tommy, after his death and revival by Dream, doesn't like being in the same room as Dream. He tends to try and steer clear of any talk of Dream.

Ranboo and Tubbo both work together to write the books that Ranboo brings to Dream to inform him of what is happening outside of the prison.

(Future) Techno sneaks off with Phil, Karl, and Puffy to repair Dream's hidden home, and keeps the compass on him and the rest of Dream's possessions hidden in chests around the destroyed base.

Sapnap and George both have compasses that are linked to Dream, and if Dream were to die, the compasses would always point to the hidden base or constantly point to the left or right. George's is named Dreamer and Sapnaps is called Dream.

If Dream dies, he wrote a will stating Bad as the receiver of his base, which Phil will give Bad the compass as Techno is afraid of Bad.

Dream left a book and quill on a hidden lectern which Karl found describing how he was planning on building his base, which Karl convinced the others to follow the plans to rebuild.

Ghostbur, since he is unable to affect the world, likes to walk around and encourage the builders with the ghost of Friend the blue sheep. (Rest in peace...)

When a person dies and is then revived, they obtain a paler streak of hair to signify that they were dead before but have been revived.

(Future) Dream, under Tubbo's begging, took one of the book and quills in his chest in Pandora's Vault and began writing out the entire book of revival, keeping it hidden from Quackity by giving it to Sam for safekeeping while Quackity visits.

Michael the Piglin likes drawing things he sees in his dreams. Mostly small snippets of dreams containing DreamXD and GeorgeHD, which confuses his adoptive parents to no end as they don't know who the drawn people are.

Technoblade has gone into retirement but still likes sparring at random intervals.

Tubbo and Puffy work on memorizing potion recipes should they need a potion of some sort and be far away from others.

(Future) Skeppy is in charge of decorating the hidden base.

Nightmare is forced to torment Dream by another Dream AU, and in order for him to stop tormenting Dream, the AU has to be discovered and destroyed. (Give me an idea for a manipulative AU in the comments and I will make sure to give credit!).

Badboyhalo is part demon and likes to carry Skeppy around in his scarf when he makes himself taller to his full canon height (Nine-foot-six).

Sapnap, Karl Jacobs, and Quackity are all in a relationship (I found this on the wiki...), but Sapnap and Karl do not know of Quackity torturing Dream for information on the book of revival.

Nightmare and Lucid argue about hurting the others, so Lucid is the one to mostly do damages to others, as Nightmare is more gentle and longs to be with Georgewasfound.

Georgewasfound (George's opposite) appears rude and very chaotic but actually is very protective when it comes to Nightmare. He is currently panicking about his "Nightty's" whereabouts and has had to be tranqed by Skeppy's opposite while Goodboyhalo runs from him.

Sapnap is part blaze but doesn't like activating his blaze power unless he has to or when he gets angry.

Dream, when he gets anxious, can turn into his blob form, but he has to leave a sign to let Sam know that he went into this tiny form. (I'll think of a sign for this...)

I can't think of any other headcanon's right now... So I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the headcanons. I will work on the other stories on my profile when I have the time. Having said that, I hope that you stay safe and healthy, and I will see you in the next episode.

Soar high, my hybrid fledglings!

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