Guardian Au

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So I don't forget which is which, I'm not gonna be changing the names of the people shown. However, I will be hiding my character's name to show that her name wasn't known.

You don't know me. I am... was... an oracle, a seer, traveling the world before, while the others tended to charge money to sit in a fancy place and read the fortunes of others. Now I am older, barely able to lift even this pen in my comfortable yet simple bed in the royal palace, but I must tell of the things I have seen.

I used to just wander around and the only charge for my service was what I needed; food, water, and shelter. In my travels, I had heard tales of the long-gone Guardians, how people whispered of seers and oracles being the only ones to see the markings of them. Many have traveled to famous oracles, declaring to be one of these mythical beings, but they have been found to be frauds.

This story is not about them, but about some children that I met in my journey to where I am today.

The first was a small girl from a small, unknown village. She was dirtier than everyone else, and her dress was so faded that it was a soft baby blue rather than a royal blue, as she told me it started out as, with a mud-covered apron and hem. Her hair was unkempt, yet had a grace to it that made it appear charming, and her eyes were two colors, calm and gentle. She always had a hand-sewn yellow and white bear on her person. She had no shoes on, but she walked with elegance despite the heat of the stones. 

Irene, as I was told was her name, explained to me as she served dinner that her mother had passed while bringing her into the world, so she lived with her father, who seemed to show little care for the small girl, for his clothes appeared to be n...

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Irene, as I was told was her name, explained to me as she served dinner that her mother had passed while bringing her into the world, so she lived with her father, who seemed to show little care for the small girl, for his clothes appeared to be newer and less threadbare as he went into the night. However, when I asked about the star marking I saw on her cheek, she looked at me in confusion and said she had no such marking.

As I stayed in their small village that night, I became a surrogate parent to her, despite her having the marking of the Guardian of Peace. Then the army came the next day, ransacking the village of nearly every resource had. When they had gathered all the villagers into the center, they demanded a child as a companion for the princess, under an order of the king.

 Irene's own father immediately shoved her toward the army, offering her as a sacrifice and ignoring the pain in her eyes. This act made the entire village rise into an uproar, declaring that he had no right to give her up like that. A fight ensued, with Irene's father slaughtered by the village folk, and the village asked if she wanted to stay or go, to which she whispered that she wanted to go and explore the world. I pleaded to not be separated from her, as she clung to me along with the other children, all of us somehow having gained no injures, during the ruckus. The army accepted to let me come with her, and the two of us were loaded into the cart that was supplied, waving goodbye to the elders at the village gate. Thus, my journey continued, until we came to a river where Irene was taken to be bathed and our group met a family of hunters.

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