Soulmates Touch

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I found this prompt on Pinterest and I wanted to try it... Also...

 It's IwaOi ←(>▽<)ノ

With a hiss, Medusa locked eyes with the fifth man that dared to threaten her family. Her two unborn eggs were carefully surrounded by her serpentine tail behind her.

As the stone curse finished its course, freezing the man with his mouth open in a disgusting sneer, the doors of the temple she had guarded for the past decade opened.

"Medusa." Came the voice of the person who had put this curse, this form, on her.

With a snarl, Medusa picked up the two eggs and placed them into the nest of fabric she had made before she faced the woman in armor.


Athena walked in, her owl perched upon her shoulder, her sword in its sheath.

Raising an eyebrow at the fifty new statues, she said, "What's all this?"

Medusa slithered toward the Greek Goddess of wisdom, her hand caressing a cheek of a particularly handsome man, with a soft, tender look in his unseeing eyes. Her eyes drooping in grief at the man she didn't want to hurt.

The father of the eggs they had made.

"They came here for my head because of the curse you put upon me. Except for this one." as she spoke, Medusa looked tenderly at the man with a gentle look on his face. "He came with a blindfold on and talked to me... like a normal human. Like before I had this curse."

Athena calmly walked over to the nest Medusa had constructed, staring at the eggs sat in it. "And what are these?" The owl on her shoulder hooted as it notched its head to the right.

Medusa slithered over and wrapped her tail over the nest. "My eggs. My children."

Athena smiled. "Medusa. I have come to say that something will happen to you and your... children... in the coming years, you should start preparing for it."

Medusa scowled. "I don't need that. I don't need your help."

Athena's smile wavered. "I wasn't giving help, Medusa. I was giving a warning." With that, Athena vanished. Medusa scowled more, before shouting into nothing. "I DON'T NEED HELP."

Six weeks later

Medusa slithered away from her sleeping babies, one girl, and one boy, with a tired expression. Her babies had hatched and she had seen that they were born with human legs. As such, she had been afraid to look at them, until one of them, the boy, had looked at her in the eyes and cooed.

To her surprise, he didn't turn to stone. So she put aside her fear of harming her children and began raising them.

As she slithered to her throne, she gently placed her palm on the statue of her husband, her writhing snake hair slowing to a stop to allow her to see his face with ease.

"I wish you could see them... I wish you could hold them..."

Just then, the doors of the temple were slammed open to show a huge army of men outside. With a screech, Medusa wildly began slithering toward her children in the back of the temple, near the statue of Athena.

"Come here! Catch the monster!" yelled a voice.

Medusa glared over her shoulder at the army, turning a fifth of it into stone as she continued her trek. When she threw open the door to the altar, she beheld a woman kneeling next to her children. In fright of hurting an innocent, she looked up at the statue of Athena and whispered a prayer for wisdom.

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