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I used Google translate for the Norweigan words... I'm sorry if they are not accurate!  Translations at the end. Enjoy!

There was once a rhyme designated for something, created for children, yet it has been forgotten in time by many people.

Tamara 'Tam' Ridgewell was one of the few people who remembered this rhyme, along with her twin brother, Thomas 'Tom' Ridgewell. She had always been the more collected sibling, observing the signs around for any problems to appear.

When Tam had moved in with her best friends Ell and Mattilda, she had hoped that her brother would be able to find happiness with his friends, Edd and Matt. Then the red girl came, Tori Larrson who spoke with an accent that she called Norwegian. 

Along with the crows.

When Tori had first appeared, seven crows were flying across the road. Tamara had seen them and decided to stay cautious with Tori.

Tom and his friends had moved to a house a street over, so Tam would often walk over to hang out with them. That was when she saw more crows, sixteen, to be exact.

There was also another person there, who introduced himself with a heavy Norwegian accent as Tord Larrson.

"Larrson?" Tamara questioned, "Are you related to Tori Larrson, by any chance?"

"She's my tvillingsøster." Tord disclosed, giving Tamara a smile.


Tord seemed to realize what she meant and amended what he said. "She's my twin sister. And you are?"

Tamara crossed her arms, her black 'eyes' glowering at the horned man. "Tamara. Tamara Ridgewell, Tom Ridgewell's twin sis."

"I didn't know that Jehovah's witness had a sister." Tord quipped, sparing a glance at the mentioned man taking a swig from his flask.

"Shut up, commie." groused Tom, glancing over at the Norwegian with a look of disgust.

Tord chuckled as Tamara shook her head. Tom seemed to look at something, making his brow furrow before he grumbled and sauntered away for the kitchen.

When Tam got home that night, she found only Tori up with the TV on and some bacon on a plate. Ell's cat was curled up next to the girl with hair horns, purring as Tori stroked it.

"How was your day with your bror? Brother, I mean." Tori inquired without looking away from the screen.

Tamara flopped down, her eyes turning to the screen to see the news on. "He's fine. I met your brother Tord."

Tori glanced at Tam out of the corner of her eye. "Tord er litt merkelig fyr. Vær forsiktig rundt ham, venn."


Tori shook her head. "Nevermind. So... is there anything you want to talk about?"

Tamara's eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask?"

"Because-" Tori shrugged as she munched a piece of Ell's welcome pie, "-you never know if you will need help one day, and I want to be better friends, or venner, with you."

As the weeks passed, Tori and Tamara became, as Tori had wanted, very good friends, while Tord and Tom had a rivalry. When Tam had once come home drunk, Tori was the one to sit her down and make her drink water. Ell jokingly told Tam when she got sober that Tori had taken and hidden Tam's flask as Mattilda sat on the sofa with a mirror to brush her golden-orange hair.

Later that same day, Tori had pulled her aside as Ell and Mattilda went to the store.

"Tammie, you told me something. Noe jeg ikke tror du noen gang ville fortelle meg."

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