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I have been watching a lot of SCP Containment Breach and Secret Lab gameplay, so I wanted to make an SCP AU. Enjoy~, and I know that I may have the SCPs in the wrong facilities, but this is my AU.


Subject: SCP - 5872

Nickname: The Haven

Containment Facility: [Redacted for safety purposes]

Class: In testing

Appearance: SCP-5872 is in the appearance of a young girl, roughly 12 to 13 years old. Her hair is the color pink to white, one purple eye, one green eye, with a little ahoge, wolf ears, heart cheek marking, nine tails, and two angelic wings which she prefers to keep tucked away. Her outfit varies depending on her mood, the weather, and the season. She always carries around a small, deep blue-and-cyan coyote doll that has one red and one blue realistic-button eyes that she calls 'Ian', among a bunch of other dolls. She seems attached to it, never letting it out of her sight, except when it needs to be washed and/or repaired when she will carry around another of her dolls.

Containment Procedure: SCP -5872 is allowed to roam around the facility, with only her caretaker, as the two look like a parent and their adopted child. At 10 o'clock, SCP-5872 must be returned to her room and dinner food is to be delivered there, to keep her secure from any of the Keter SCPs she has not interacted with.

Her containment room needs to contain at least two bookshelves full of books, a desk to color and draw, pencils, markers, pens, (among other stuff), a bed, closet, chest of drawers, and toy box. Make sure to keep her room clean and allow her to sort and place everything in her own orderly fashion. DO NOT take anything from her room without permission, especially the dolls, as she will begin screaming, which will cause an opposite effect of her power, making people go insane or become more hostile toward everyone but herself and those who have been kind to her.

She is also allowed to walk to the other SCPs that she has seen and interacted with during the daytime, and when it is safe to go out (i.e. the facility is not in lockdown or when she is not in observation or experimentation), with proper protection protocol. When and if lockdown happens, make sure to get her as quickly, quietly, and as safely as possible back to her containment room. In case the subject escapes from the care and/or safety that is around her, keep an eye and ear open and consult your GPS, as we have installed a tracker on her necklace.

If a containment breach happens and she is far away from her room, proceed to SCP-999's room and stay there. SCPs -999 and -5872 have a relationship like a normal child and a puppy, nearly inseparable when in contact and in earshot of each other.

Abilities: Unlike her appearance being close to SCP-239, albeit bigger and older, SCP-5872 is unable to affect everything she can see. The subject also seems unable to wish those who do her harm away, and if someone is within her aura, the introduced subject to SCP-5782 seems to get more relaxed.

When Class-D personnel was introduced to them, they claimed to be placed in an area calming to them. One Class-D declared to be back in their childhood home with their late mother smiling at them. Her aura seems to get stronger when she colors, reads, draws, or plays with her dolls.

Subject SCP-5872 seems to also have the ability to levitate objects and defuse situations between arguing people with her innocent aura. Despite people thinking that she's 'innocent', SCP-5872 is highly intelligent, able to sneak out of the vicinity of her caretakers with ease. She manages (in an unknown way) to travel around the facility with little to no hindrance, except when she tries to get down to the more dangerous SCPs, only to be stopped by the security or other scientists.

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