FNAF Story (part 2/?)

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Once more, this is MY AU. So, don't yell at me that something isn't right. Basically, I wanted to give Michael a happy childhood, while maintaining the main concept of why he bullied Chris. But, as everyone has a different concept of why he bullied (i.e. lack of attention, or he was made to) I did both concepts as one, just a little different. 

Also, to differentiate between Terrence Afton and the other Terrence, Michael will be called "Terry" for the duration of this chapter. Also, the reason that Michael (in my AU) is the only one with blue eyes in his family is that he got both recessive genes from his parents. (If you don't know what recessive genes are, look them up! I can't explain what they are as I could easily make it more confusing).

I also had to look up Chris's birth date. (It's apparently March 19th, but it may be wrong. Thanks, SCOTT, for making my AU harder to write! smh...),  but I will make it a Saturday, May 19th of 1983, instead.

Terrence 'Terry" Afton leaned against the wall next to his bedroom door, waiting for Chris and Elizabeth to appear.

It had almost been like a normal thing. Terry would wake up, get ready, put his mask on (a near-exact replica of his uncle's, just less broken and easier to get rid of, while Uncle Vincent's was kept in a trunk for safekeeping), tease Chris, get talked to by his dad, then off to school.

There was just the fact that Terry hated bullying his little brother. So he was never seen sitting in Chris's room for two hours on most nights, holding his baby brother tenderly when finding Chris asleep on the floor near his door crying before tucking him into bed.

Mason was someone he chatted to when he could. The newest member of the group, a boy with black hair also named Terrence, had insisted on it (despite Terry's objections) and was never too far away. So Terry had to check his words before he spoke.

"Only two more weeks until I can stop..." he chanted under his breath as he opened his locker. In two weeks, Chris would turn nine. In two more weeks, Terry would finally stand up for his baby brother, with Elizabeth to see that Terry loved Chris.

He just hoped he would be brave enough. Terrence had never told him what they would be doing to Chris on his birthday, but Terry was curious how Terrence found out about Chris's birthday.

And was somewhat anxious.

"Hey, Afton."

This sentence was accompanied by a hand crashing into the locker to his right, causing Terry to flinch and glance quickly over. He relaxed upon seeing the red-headed Mason, grinning at him while peering through his expensive sunglasses.

"Hey, Smith..." he mumbled, ducking his head down.

Mason's Pov - third person

Mason grinned at the shorter boy. Mason was never one to be truthful about feelings, and his mother had worked hard to be able to get her son clothes, food, and other things he needed after his dad died. But he had been happy when his mother, a beautiful woman with auburn hair and golden eyes, had supported him when he had come out as gay.

But he decided that he needed to remain on track with what he came over for.

"Can I have an invitation to that party that you told me about last week? Your brother's, right?"

He watched as 'his' Michael (Terry hated that Mason called him Michael, but he got used to it as time passed. Also, possessive /protective/ Mason in da school!!) glanced up at him with lips slightly parted.

"S-sure! I'll tell my dad that I have a da- I mean... A friend, coming with us!"

The bell rang just as Michael finished, blushing red like a tomato. Mason snickered as Michael scurried off to get with Simon and Jake, Simon who looked like he had a rough time at home, and Jake who was clearly into Simon and would bend backward to give Simon the attention he deserved.

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