High School AU

90 1 7

Lukas's POV

I was sitting in the dining area eating cereal with my adopted sister, Petra. As we waited for Mom to come downstairs and tell us to get to school, I contemplated the last few weeks.

We had gotten expelled from our last school for a stupid reason each. I always carried some lollipops on me, and they could often be confused for cigarettes, but it wasn't because of the suckers. It was for dress code on Petra's part, since she had worn pants that day, and I got expelled for punching a locker.

Mom had been livid upon hearing that we got expelled, but she was upset at herself for not reviewing the school and mad at the principal for not letting us be us. When we had told her we got expelled, she had gotten up, and walked out of the house. She returned to tell us that she had gone and punched the principal for that.

She had then informed us that we were going to attend a new school. Surprisingly, it was a shorter walking distance than the previous school.


I jerked upon hearing Petra yell my name. She stared at me, as our mother glanced from the sink and said, "Hurry off to school, you two! You have a ten minute walk." Grinning, Mom added, "But with Petra's casual walking, it will probably take twenty to twenty four minutes."

"Mom! Don't say that! I can go fast when I want!" Petra growled, but she still smiled at our mom's teasing.

At the door, we gathered our bags, and put our hats on, and walked out. We headed the opposite direction of our old school for our new school, chatting about what it would probably look like.

"I wonder...." murmured Petra.

"Wonder what?"

"Do you think we'll make friends here? I mean, you do kinda look like a bad boy, with your shirt untucked." Said Petra, grinning at me. "Maybe muss up your hair a bit more and I think you can pass fully for it."

We had reached a cross walk as we had chatted and now we had to cross the street. As we waited for the light to turn, a girl, about our age, pulled up on a motorcycle, glanced at us through her helmet's visor, then drove off in the direction we were headed.

"Who was that?" Petra gasped, in awe of the motorcycle, and that the girl had an elegance on it, almost like a seasoned horse woman.

I shrugged, as we continued waiting. Another girl came up, with a boy who looked like her, but he had brown hair instead of black. The girl reached up and pressed a button on the post that we hadn't seen, and the walk light turned green.

Many of the drivers rolled down their windows and called a hello to the other two in our group, calling them "Twins" as we walked across the street. Perhaps they had always been seen in this area.

They were walking ahead of us, the boy swinging a baseball cap in his hand, so they probably forgot about us, and began talking about something.

The boy asked, with a worried glance, "Sis, you sure you don't want me to walk you to your classes?"

"I'm sure. I know that your teachers may be okay with you leaving early, but I don't want you to lose your education because of me." answered the girl, staring straight ahead.

We reached the school, me and Petra confused about what the two in front of us were talking about, when we spotted Motorcycle Girl in the student parking lot.

She was chatting with a muscular boy, her helmet off to show that she was a dark-skinned girl with purple-black hair, and several of the lower class men were going up and, quite obviously, asking to touch her motorcycle.

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