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This is just explaining what a Nine-tailed fox's Feral state is.

When a nine-tailed fox, or a hybrid of a nine-tailed fox, goes into Feral mode, its pupil will change to alert those around them that they have entered a feral state. Other physical changes include the hair of the hybrid or person getting messier, and their tail growing bigger or solidifying into a crystal-like state.

Irene's tail will not solidify into a crystalline state, except if she takes a type of potion that increases the enzyme amount for this feral state (Shown above). The feral state has several stages.

Stage 1: The person's hair will become messier than it normally is, then their tail will begin solidifying at the base (if they have the proper amount of a molecule to get a crystal tail). They will also begin growling lowly, only those standing very close to the person will be able to hear the growls. Their teeth and nails will also sharpen and lengthen to allow more damage and more protection, as their magic will not allow them to summon weapons or use spells.

Stage 2: If the person is a hybrid of nine-tail, the other species that are less prominent will become more prominent (i.e. if the person is a raccoon and nine-tailed fox hybrid, but does not have the 'mask', the mask will appear). The tail process of solidification will also by this time be a fourth of the way complete.

Stage 3: The tail will be halfway done, and the pupil will change by this time. The person's speed will begin increasing at this state, and they will be able to see the location of all their friends nearby. Their magic strength will also increase to allow them to heal at massive speeds if their Darkside is of a high level. A Darkside of Level 10 and above heal at light speed, while Level 5-9 heal at demon healing speed (For those who have seen Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, it's the speed of the Molded healing).

Stage 4: By this stage, the person will be going at the speed of a cheetah at max at the farthest distance. All innocents that are unarmed are shown in the vicinity, and the tail will be three-quarters of the way done. They are also able to tell allies and foes apart due to their scents.

Stage 5: The final Feral stage. The tail will be fully made of hard crystal and highly dangerous to enemies. At this stage, the person will mentally go into an "unconscious" state while still awake. They will protect with little to no thought of their own safety, only making sure that all innocent civilians are safe around them.

When all foes are captured and the problem at hand is ended, the people in the feral state will return to normal with very little memory of being in it. When coming out of the feral state, the person will be very exhausted and will have to be cared for.

Aftercare: Basically just make sure they eat and rest for up to 24 hours, as their feral state is heavily connected to their Dark side and their magic core. Don't let them over-exert themselves, and call their boss/co-workers to get them a day off, as over-exertion will increase the chances of bad luck or getting sick. If you know a witch or alchemist, ask and pay them for a regeneration potion.

Feral states only activate when a group of civilians not in their friend group is around them and danger appears. These times can be when going to the store, at the job, or even on dates with their s/o.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and like the explanation of the feral state of the nine-tailed fox. Having said that, I hope that you stay safe and healthy and I will see you next time!

Soar high, my hybrid fledglings!

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