Traumatized AU - Part 2

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The photo above is what happens every time Jessica sees Lukas

TW: mentions of trauma, and death

The next day

Lukas sat in the living area that he had been designated, getting all of his cleaned clothing put away neatly.

His mind was drawn to the papers on his desk that Petra had given him.

"I think it may be helpful to both of us, if we both had a copy about our new patient." Petra had said, handing him the papers.

He had asked how often a patient bonded to a doctor, to which she had replied that it took a patient about two weeks to three months for a patient to grow attached to a doctor, with the exception of Radar.

He put the last piece of clothing away, then walked over to read the paperwork of Jessica Frost for the second time.

His eyes skimmed the paper, taking in all the information about her. It told him that she had been locked in a small, dark room, chained to the wall, except for time for chores, eating, and bathing, by the foster father that had adopted her, her twin brother, and her elder sister, with her brother and sister trying to get her freed.

The paper said that she had finally snapped one day and had stabbed the man to death with a crowbar, and had been admitted into the institute by her sister, Lily Frost.

A schedule was trying to be produced for her, but they were trying to figure out a good one for her.

His phone rang with a phone call from Petra. He placed the papers down and picked up the phone.


"Lukas, are you doing anything for the next few minutes?"

"No, I don't have anything planned. Why do you ask?"

"Can you go and stay in the surveillance room for a while ? It's supposed to be my turn, but I'm having to help the another doctor with one of their patients that tore their strait jacket and started hurting themselves."

"Sure, how long?"

"About two to three hours, maybe longer. I'm sorry that I may not give you very interesting work."

"It's fine. I'll take the paperwork you asked me to look over with me, along with my phone to listen to music."

"Thank you for doing this, Lukas."

"You're Welcome." And then the call ended, and Lukas began gathering all the papers that he was given earlier that day.

He walked down the hall, turned right, then left, right again, and finally waking straight down a long hallway, and then walked into the room to the left.

The room was filled with monitors, some of the monitors looking into rooms where the patients were kept, some of them with patients in them.

He watched Dr. Nell walking Radar down the hall, her arm linked in his, chattering with him. Lukas had been told on his first day in this room that rooms with the lights off meant that the patient in it was sleeping.

About half of the monitors showing a patients room were off. He wondered why the rooms designated for Dr. Cross were mostly empty, with the exception of two.

He turned on his music, which consisted mostly of piano music, and began going through his mail that he had picked up from the mail room. He pulled a letter from his parents, and, after checking the monitors quickly, opened it and began reading.

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