Chapter 4 - Ambitions: Part 1

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Picture rights: Lenbarboza

Toga took his time heading home that night. He still couldn't believe he had allowed a Hell Viper to sneak up on him, let alone get that close to Izayoi. For all of his power, for all of his strength, the girl could have died in an instant.

Toga felt humbled, painfully humbled.

He had never truly considered all the dangers humans were subjected to, let alone their children. He had never had to worry about poison, venom, being eaten alive. It had taken a Hell Viper to even temporarily weaken him.

But Izayoi? Even a small, ordinary snake could snuff out her life.

The thought didn't sit well with him. As powerful as he was, surely he could figure out a safeguard of some kind. He would speak with his friend Totosai and see what could be done.

In the meantime, these southwestern yokai were out of control. There should not be merchants selling Hell Vipers to random humans. A person should be able to walk near their home without fear of being eaten or attacked. Where was the yokai lord of the southwest?

Were Toga the lord of these lands, he would do better by these people.

He paused, literally stopping mid-air as the thought took root, a sense of responsibility landing on his shoulders. Instead of suffocating, it felt right.

He started flying home again, his mind whirring. This would be an extraordinary undertaking. After it was done, it would be a massive amount of land to control and keep track of. He would need his closest friends to advise him. He would need trusted allies and governors to put in charge of different regions.

The more he thought about it the more the idea took root. It would be a good legacy to leave his family. If his plans succeeded, his son would not only inherit the northwest lands but also the southwestern lands. Sesshomaru would not be a lord of the west. He would be the Lord of the West.

The Lord of the West, huh? He liked the sound of that.

* * *

During the next several years, Toga traveled in an ever-widening arc around Izayoi's southwestern town. He sought first to see if there was still a yokai lord. Finding none, he then sought to win the loyalty of the strongest yokai he could find. Some yokai he befriended; others he beheaded. Those in between came to bow to him in respect or cower from him in fear; he was satisfied with either response, for it meant they would be less likely to turn against him.

Toga ruled brutally but justly, earning respect and recognition from yokai thousands of years older than him. He was also more inclusive with decrees meant to limit the predation of humans and half-breeds called hanyou. For the first time hanyou and other marginalized groups had a banner they could belong to, serve under, and be proud of. Yokai were not judged by their blood percentage, raw power, or family standing. They were instead judged by their character, loyalty, and performance in battle. It was little wonder that Toga amassed a large following, including those that had never before sworn allegiance to anyone else.

Even with his large following, Toga was very careful with who he allowed into his inner circle. Two of his most faithful comrades were his longtime friends Totosai and Myoga. Totosai was an ancient, wise yokai and unsurpassed swords smith. Myoga, the flea yokai, was the best intelligence officer Toga had ever had the pleasure to know. He could always count on the two of them to council him wisely and with his best interest in mind.

Before what would be their last land-dominating battle, Totosai presented Toga with the Tenseiga. The Tenseiga was capable of cutting down the living dead created by Toga's other hellish sword, So Unga. Tenseiga could also bring humans back to life, giving Toga the safeguard he had desired for Izayoi and her family.

Though he had not intended to use Tenseiga in battle yet, it became invaluable when they learned the rogue yokai they fought against used zombie puppets to do his bidding. That battle became the fodder for his nightmares, and Toga knew the darkness from it would linger with him for years to come.

He stayed with the freed peoples for weeks before finally appointing a magistrate over them. He left months later, knowing in his heart that those people would gladly follow him even into the Underworld if he required it.

He was finally on his way home for much needed rest when he caught a familiar scent.

Toga paused and looked around, "Myoga?"

Myoga bounded up onto his shoulder. "I'm here, master."

"Good to see you, Myoga!"

He held up his finger for the flea who gratefully drank his fill. "Oh, mmm, and it's great to see you as well, Master Toga. Many thanks again. Your blood is truly delicious. I swear it lengthens my life. Any news?"

Toga smiled, "I should be asking you that."

"Of course, of course. There does not seem to be too much to report as of late. Lady Inukimi sends her regards and wishes me to tell you that you should feel free to stay gone as long as you need."

"Such a loving woman, my wife," Toga laughed. "What of my son?"

"Lord Sesshomaru was successful in his recent battle as well. Many are saying his is a younger version of you--although he has more of his mother's ice in his veins."

"I'm glad to hear that he is doing well. What else have you heard?"

"The village run by Lord Shoto is as prosperous as always. They've had an influx of our own soldiers seeking treatment there in the past few years."

This surprised Toga. "Did the old healer die? She refused to treat my wounds years ago."

"No, it seems as though that youngest daughter of Shoto's has dedicated her life to the healing arts. They say she has received proposal after proposal from numerous suitors but she has refused them all in order to better focus on her work. They say she wants peace between the two races. Some are calling her a saint."

Toga smiled, his heart lighter having heard this. "That sounds just like her. It has been some time since I've been there. Perhaps on my next round I will visit."


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