Chapter 3: Good Intentions - Part 2

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Picture rights: Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media, Inuyasha series 


It seemed an eternity before they finally reached the gates. 

"Get the healer!" Izayoi screamed at the bewildered guards. 

One turned and ran towards the healer's hut. The others ran to her side and helped her guide Toga to the Great House. 

"Mother! Father!" Izayoi yelled at the closed door. 

Shoto dashed outside and paused, shock evident on his face as he started into the blank eyes of his yokai friend. "Izayoi! Lord Toga! What has happened?" 

"Some kind of demon snake tried to attack me, and Doggie-sama jumped in front of it."

Toga smelled tears, and it twisted his heart. 

With an uncertain hand he gently took hers and patted the back of it. "Do not fuss over me. I am Inu no Taisho Toga. A small Hell Viper will not kill me. I will heal... Though I am surprised it is taking this long. Venoms and poisons have never affected me."

Shoto helped guide him into the house and sit him on a cushion at the table. 

Izayoi sat next to him, gripping his hand tightly. 

Shoto paced, "Where is that healer?" 

A knock seemed to answer him, and Karin rushed to answer it. 

Sliding open the door she was relieved to see the healer bowing before her. "I was told that my lady requires me?"

"Quickly," Karin motioned the old woman into the house. "Lord Toga has been bitten by some foul creature."

The healer's eyes flashed to Karin's and away. Her steps faltered, slowed. "You've called me to treat Lord Toga? I-I've never treated a yokai before."

Toga didn't miss the disgust in the healer's voice. Neither did Shoto.

"Now see here--!" Shoto began. 

Toga interrupted. "There is no need for any of this." 

 He held up his arm and pulled up the sleeve. "See? It should be healing already."

The healer made a sign with her hands and chanted, "Kamisama protect us, kamisama protect us."

Toga's forearm was a swollen purple-black bruise from his wrist to his elbow. They could distinctly see the fang marks expected from any snakebite, but the wound was also oozing green slime and miasma.

"What kind of snake can do this?" Shoto gasped.

"Hell Viper," Toga muttered.

The healer gasped, and Karin turned to her. "Do you know of this creature?"

"I've only heard stories--I thought it was a myth. It's a creature from the Underworld. It is said that in times of old they were used to assassinate daiyokai rulers. A single bite can instantly kill most living creatures, even most yokai..."

Izayoi's fear hit his nostrils, and Toga squeezed her hand reassuringly. 

"I am not most yokai."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then Izayoi mused, "Why would a Hell Viper be near our village?" 

Toga had wondered the same thing. "That is a valid question. Hell Vipers don't just roam free. They have to be brought over from the Underworld on purpose." 

"Is it still out there?" Karin asked quietly, eying the door.

"You are safe. I killed it with my poison claws," Toga assured the frightened woman.

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