Chapter 2: The World We Leave Our Children - Part 2

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Once she was out of sight, Izayoi ran to the edge of town, cursing when she saw the guards at the gate; she knew they wouldn't let her outside without her father or Lord Toga. So instead, she walked along the wall, keeping her head down and wiping her tears in an effort to hide her emotions from any that might see her.

She didn't want to marry that boy! Or any boy.

She wanted to marry her hero, Toga-Sama.

She knew that wasn't possible. He was a yokai. She was human. He was already married and had a son.

Maybe she could marry Toga-sama's son? No, he was still a yokai, so that wouldn't work.

She sighed unhappily. She didn't want to marry Takemaru! He was as far from being like Lord Toga as humanly possible. If she couldn't have Toga-sama, she at least wanted somebody strong, and kind, and courageous like him.

She scrubbed away another tear, frustration replacing despair. Why did she have to marry anybody? Maybe her parents would just let her stay with them.

"Izayoi? Are you crying?" A deep, haunting voice asked from atop the wall.

She jumped, her little heart pitter-pattering, "Doggie-sama!"

Toga looked down at her quizzically, "What has my sweet Izayoi so upset?"

"I-I don't want to get married!" She suddenly wailed, despite her best intentions to stay reserved as a lady should.

Toga's eyes widened, and a laugh escaped him, "You're still a child. Why are you worried about that?"

"My parents introduced me to my betrothed today. He didn't like me--and I really didn't like him!" 

Toga's tone was gentle, "I'm sure there's plenty of time to get to know him. When are you to marry him?"

"Never!" Izayoi declared.

Toga's lips twitched, "I understand, but when do your parents expect you to marry him?"

She thought for a moment and shrugged, "Some girls marry at 13. Some at 15. It doesn't matter. I'm not marrying him or anybody else!"

Toga had to admit that this new information troubled him. No wonder human women tended to die so often in childbirth--they were still children themselves.

Toga found himself nodding quietly, "Alright. I'm not saying I want you to. Have you talked to your parents?" 

"Just when I told them I wasn't going to marry him and left," she admitted.

He nodded, "Let's get you back to them. I'm sure if you--"

"Could you talk to them, Doggie-sama?" she asked suddenly. "They listen to you."

His first thought was to refuse. It was not his place to tell Shoto what to do with his human daughter. 

Looking into her pleading eyes, however, Toga found himself relenting. 

"I--yes. I will talk with your parents," he agreed.

Her tensed shoulders relaxed a bit at his promise.

"Could we... could we walk outside before going back?" She implored. "I don't want to talk to anybody else right now."

Again unable to deny her, Toga found himself agreeing to walk with Izayoi outside the gates. 

"For a few minutes then," he agreed. 

At the gate the guards nodded at him and parted for both to pass. He knew they would tell Shoto where his daughter was.

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