Chapter 9: Ache - Part 1

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Picture credit: Ninaplushy on Instagram 

Chapter 9 - Ache

Supper was...interesting for lack of a better word.

Izayoi finally had clothes that fit, and the two women were sitting at the large dining table waiting for Toga to finish dressing.

Izayoi found herself staring at the plate in front of her, at a loss as to how she should act or what to say to Toga's wife. Ex-wife? Suspended wife?

Did that somehow make them both his wives? Were she and Lady Inukimi related now? How was the other lady so calm through all of this?

"Human," Lady Inukimi smirked, "you are hyperventilating. Breathe normally before you pass out and worry our dear Toga."

"Don't you hate me?" Izayoi blurted before bowing, "Oh, I'm so sorry, my lady--"

"Izayoi," Lady Inukimi's voice held power and command. Izayoi looked at the other woman, all of her fear, confusion, and guilt etched into her skin.

Having gained her attention Inukimi continued, "I will only say this once, so listen well. I do not hate you. I also do not hate Toga. He was my hope in a time I scarcely dared to hope, but I never loved him the way you do. He has never looked at me the way he looks at you. I know Toga. I know the many sacrifices he's made over the years to become the man he is today. What I will not allow him to sacrifice is his heart. The sole purpose of an Inu Daiyokai lady is to mother the strongest children she is capable of creating. I cannot do that with a broken man. So, listen well, human. You need to guard his heart and do well by him. I'm leaving him in your care until the appointed time. Do not toss him aside for another man. He would let you if he thought it would make you happier. I however, would not be so forgiving."

Izayoi stared in shock, unable to find a single thing to say.

Inukimi chuckled, "Have you nothing to say after such a marvelous speech?"

Izayoi surprised her by rising from her seat and kneeling before her, laying her forehead on the floor and stretching her hands towards Inukimi.

With her forehead to the ground, her words were muted, but she knew any Inu Daiyokai would still be able to hear her. "I still do not understand the yokai way. If Toga were my husband I'm not sure I'd be able to give him up for any reason. He is my sun. Without him my world is dark and barren. I will do my best to be a good wife to him and guard his heart until he is returned to you. And--"

Izayoi stopped, tears gathering in her eyes, constricting her throat, "and he means everything to me. I could never love anyone as fiercely as I love him."

Lady Inukimi went to her knees beside the girl and embraced her. "You say that now, sweet Izayoi, but wait until you look into the eyes of your child. Rise, now. One princess does not bow to another like some groveling servant. As a lady, you must know that this is not done."

"Y-yes, my lady."

"Good girl," Inukimi smiled, rubbing the girl's head affectionately as they sat up. "I believe you will be good for him."

Toga walked in then, and Izayoi's breath caught. He wore no armor, no hakama, just a silky, silver and blue kimono wrapped tightly around his muscular form. His warm eyes found hers, and he grinned at the becoming blush that spread across her cheeks.

As the women stood, he bowed to them. "My lady, Inukimi."

He took Izayoi's hand and kissed it, "and my bride, Izayoi."

Izayoi was saved from responding by a loud, booming snarl that echoed around the castle.

At her fearful look, Inukimi patted her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, dear. I sent a servant to ask Sesshomaru to join us. It sounds like he may decline."

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