Chapter 13: Forever - Part 1

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Picture: Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media 

Chapter 13 - Forever

Toga panted as he looked out over the ocean, feeling his life ebbing away as if in sync with the tide.

She had been right. This was my last battle. But at least they will be safe from the dragon.

He wondered, briefly, if he had the strength to return to her, to see her one last time. Would that even be fair to her? He wanted nothing more than to die in her arms, but was that too selfish of him? Would it be better for him to pass away quietly on this hill?

A familiar scent drifted to him a split second before a terrified shriek, "LORD TOGA!"

He turned, fear slicing his heart, "Kana? Why aren't you with Izayoi? What's wrong?"

She fell to her knees in front of him, holding her sides, gasping as much from breathlessness as her tears. "We-we were overrun! A man--he called himself Takemaru of Setsuna. We thought he was a relative of Izayoi's. He killed Shoto and Karin and opened the gates for his army. I tried to get Izayoi out, but she was in labor. She told me to come get you. She said that Takemaru wouldn't hurt her but that he'd kill me for being part Kitsune. I didn't want to leave her, but I didn't know what else to do!"

Yuma, still bloody from fighting at Toga's side during the earlier battle, dropped to his knees beside his wife. "Kana...Lord Toga, he's--"

Toga cut him off, "You did well, Kana. Take your husband and find a new home. Izayoi was right. If Takemaru finds out your heritage, he won't hesitate to kill both of you."


"Monk, take your woman--and your unborn child--and go."

Yuma looked at Toga in surprise, "Child? But--"

Kana wept harder, "I can't leave Izayoi!"

Toga's voice was gentle but firm, "Go. Live. I will save her. Anything you do would only serve to get in my way."

"At least allow me to bandage--"

Toga shook his head, his eyes wordlessly boring into the monk's.

Yuma nodded, pulling his reluctant wife to her feet. "We must go. Every second counts, and the longer we argue the more we delay him from saving her."

Kana reluctantly allowed Yuma to pull her to her feet and guide her away.

As Toga turned to leave, another smell wafted to him.

"Totosai, Myoga, go before me and scout the area. Find a safe place to meet Izayoi when she flees."

"But Master--"


When they were out of sight, Toga's voice carried into the forest.


The young man drifted into the moonlight, his steps soft, determined.

A final ember of hope dared to spark in Toga's chest. Had his estranged son come to help him in his hour of greatest need?

Sesshomaru's eyes traced the blood spilling down his father's arm. The young man's eyes, his voice, were both cold. "Give me the Tetseiga. And So Unga."

So, his son wouldn't even allow his body to grow cold before he sought his inheritance. Did Sesshomaru really hate him that much?

Heart breaking again, Toga found himself asking, "And if I refuse... will you kill me, your own father?"

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