Chapter 6: Just a Glimpse - Part 1

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Picture - Rei looking into the sacred fire. From the anime Sailor Moon, property of Toei Animation Co.

Chapter 6 - Just a Glimpse

They traveled in much the same way in the advancing weeks, talking about anything they could think about--except her yokai love.

Izayoi learned a great deal about yokai politics and aristocracy, including the fact that Toga hadn't been born an aristocrat. Instead, there had been a proving battle open to all Inu Daiyokai; the prize had been Lady Inukimi's hand in marriage and the lands and titles that went with her. Toga had proven himself to be the strongest Inu Daiyokai of his generation and married her the next day. Their son, Sesshomaru, had been born a few hundred years later. Toga was proud to know that his son would one day surpass him in strength--if his mother or his pride didn't kill him first.

"When did you know you were in love with Lady Inukimi?" Izayoi asked him one day.

He laughed, "Such a human question! An arranged marriage between yokai is considered a success if they bear children and don't kill each other. I have been very lucky. My lady is my friend and my most trusted advisor. We care for each other and look out for one another, but I do not think it is not what you humans would consider romantic love."

Izayoi wasn't sure why that made her so sad. She supposed if Toga had been in love with his wife then it would have been easier to bury her feelings. Instead, she now felt so sad for both of them and increasingly guilty for her feelings. Lady Inukimi sounded like a wonderful woman. Though they hadn't yet met she somehow felt like she was betraying the woman.

However, as much as she wished to kill the feelings she had for Toga, doing that grew increasingly difficult each day they spent together.

She had always known him to be a good, honorable man. Every village they passed through served to prove it that much more too her. It didn't matter if it belonged to humans or to yokai, it was evident that the people were prospering under Toga's leadership. The healthy, laughing, rosy-cheeked children helping their mothers (most of whom were visibly pregnant) bespoke of people with enough food to eat and time to spend with one another in peace. The people weren't just surviving under Toga's rule--they were thriving.

On the rare occasion they entered a village where this was not the case, Toga secretly met and spoke with his men to discern what had gone wrong. Sometimes it had been a bad crop season, blight, or fire. In those cases, Toga would arrange resources to be brought to the village from neighboring towns so that the people could make it through. If, however, it was because the vassal he had placed in charge had become arrogant and greedy, then Toga would confront him and challenge him publically. This always led to the death of the previous vassal and the appointment of a new one--one who had witnessed firsthand the price of greed.

Toga always said the same thing as he left: "Rule well and wisely. I may return at any time."


It had been a little over two months when they finally found a priestess willing to listen to a yokai and teach medicine to a normal girl.

Toga spoke with the priestess first. He returned to Izayoi with a contemplative look on his face. 

"What did she say?"

"You need to meet with her now. Alone." 

Izayoi nodded and made her way to the shrine.

Seeing the priestess exit the shrine with a large basket, Izayoi hurriedly approached her. As she had done so many times already, she bowed and stated simply, "Please, milady, I am seeking a priestess that can teach me how to heal people."

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