Chapter 12: Pregnant Pause

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Picture: found without details on a site with many fan pictures. Please let me know if you know the artist. 

Chapter 12 - Pregnant Pause

The next morning the four of them, along with a dozen of Lady Karin's most trusted servants, set out for the small village protected by a very forward priestess and the lecherous monk who had become her husband.


They arrived at the village a few weeks later.

As they rode through the town with their riches, Shoto and Karin found themselves worried that the poor townspeople watching them so carefully would attack them.

That worry did not lessen when the people, almost as one, began to fall into the procession and follow the wagons.

"Shoto..." Karin whispered nervously.

He patted his wife's hand and said reassuringly, "Lord Toga would not hesitate to protect us."

His back, she noticed, was tensed.

They arrived at the shrine in the middle of the town, and Izayoi climbed down from Toga's back.

From the shrine they could hear unmistakable gasps and groans. Toga and Izayoi shared a secret smile before Izayoi stepped closer and called out.



There was the sound of scrambling and low voices before Kana quickly walked out.

Dressed in monk's clothes.

Karin blinked rapidly, her cheeks glowing red. What type of woman had her daughter been staying with all this time?

"Kana! I can't wear your clothes--" the monk hissed, hiding at the edge of the door with her clothes in front of him.

Kana looked back at him and grinned, "I'm not finished with you yet, monk. Wait for me."

Karin gasped, shocked to her core. What a crude, crass woman!

Kana turned to look at the group of wagons questioningly. Then her eyes landed on Izayoi, and a large smile split her face.

"Izayoi!" She squealed.

She ran to embrace the other girl, picking her up and spinning her around with inhuman strength.

"I thought I'd never see you again? Do you still hate me for telling Toga you were in love with him? Did you and he finally--"

"Uh, Kana, these are my parents!" Izayoi cut her off, blushing furiously and glancing at her mother.

Karin looked faint.

Shoto looked amused.

Toga looked resigned.

Kana released Izayoi and sauntered over to Toga, her eyes narrowed, "You being with her better mean you did your job and impregnated her, yokai."

Toga's lips twitched but he said stoically, "My wife is with child. That is the reason we have returned."

Kana grinned and punched him in the arm, "It's about time."

She then turned, and her countenance changed. She bowed, her manner more reserved than Izayoi had ever seen her and stated, "Mother and Father of my friend Izayoi, I am honored to be in your presence. Thank you for entrusting her into my care. I did my best to teach her well."

They stared at her, unsure what to say.

Kana waited, shrugged, and then said, "I'm a priestess that's one-quarter kitsune. I'm used to being considered odd, but please know I would die before I allowed anyone to harm your daughter or grandchild--not that I'd ever have a chance with Lord Toga around."

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