Chapter 7: Awakening - Part 2

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Kana found herself wincing as she sat up the next morning. 

"So sore," she complained, stretching the aching muscles in her back, legs, and core.

"Good morning, beautiful," the monk grinned, sitting up to kiss her cheek.

She laughed, "I'm sure I look absolutely stunning. No bed head, no morning breath, no--"

He silenced her with a deep, passionate kiss.

Instead of relieved, it made her feel kind of sad.

He noticed her distance and pulled away, before asking softly, "Are you regretting our time together?"

She rolled her eyes and tried to sound teasing, "Nah, just thought I should probably find out your name before you leave today."

He was quiet for a moment, turning away before he asked, "Did I not... please you?"

"Pfft, right, like you couldn't tell. Typical man, wanting extra praise," she joked, pulling on her kimono. As she always had, she tried to use her humor and crassness to hide her softer side, the side that right now was aching at the thought of never seeing him again.

"Then... why are you sending me away?"

His sad voice broke through her defenses, and as she looked at him, her heart stuttered at the vulnerability in his eyes.

Perhaps all of his bravado had been for show, just like hers.

"I'm not trying to send you away," she answered honestly, sitting back down beside him. "I didn't ask you for anything more than what we did. I thought maybe you wouldn't want to stay..."

A smile flashed across his face, his good mood returning, "Hey, after last night I expect you to make an honest man out of me. I'm not the type of man to go to bed with a woman I just met, you know."

Her lips twitched, "Is that so? Well aren't you the skilled little virgin."

He actually blushed, "W-well I had plenty of time to think about it."

"Wait.. what? Was that really--?" No wonder he had been so insatiable.

"And just imagine how good I'll be when you have me properly trained," he grinned, waggling his eyebrows at her.

She laughed, "Well, then, husband, I should definitely know your name now."

He looked at the ceiling, pretending to think, "Oh, I don't know, I kind of liked 'Oh yes, holy man, do me monk, do me.'"

She punched his arm the then hugged him around the shoulders and nuzzled his ear. He tensed, and she grinned. Oh, she was going to have fun with him.

Whispering, her lips barely touching the tip of his ear, she breathed, "But a good wife needs to know her husband's name. Just imagine how it will sound when I moan it."

"Yuma!" he said quickly, "my-my name is Yuma."

"Hello, Yuma," she gasped into his ear. Then she bit it and laughed when he yelped.

She stood up and walked to the door, stopping to glance over her shoulder, "And my name is Kana. Remember that for later."

His hazed look cleared at the thought of her leaving, "Where are you going...Kana?"

She turned back towards him and with hands on her hips proclaimed, "I am a very busy priestess. In fact, I have a trainee I need to check on."

"I was wondering whose stuff that was," he said, pointing to the other bed and the feminine bag next to it.

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