Chapter 6: Just a Glimpse - Part 3

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Izayoi crouched behind the small bush, hiding as much of her body as possible.

Had she really stood naked before Toga? He had turned away almost immediately, but she was sure he'd seen.

He was such a gentleman!

Or, a dark thought mused, he didn't like what he saw.

She frowned to herself, glaring daggers at his back, until she saw his armor absorbing into his body.


Then he untied the sash on his kimono.

Wait, he didn't have a second kimono with him. Surely he didn't mean to--

He started opening the kimono.

"Toga!" she said frantically, "you could just go get me another kimono from the village."

He glanced in her general direction, "And leave you here, vulnerable, by yourself? I think not."

He removed the kimono, leaving him clad only in his pant-like hakama and mokomoko, which thankfully concealed his form.

Until he turned around.

Izayoi's body momentarily forgot how to breathe.

Before she moved past her shock, he gently tossed his kimono to her and turned back around to give her privacy. Somehow she caught it.

As quickly as possible she wrapped it and tied it around herself. Then she rolled up the sleeves.

"What were you doing out here all alone?" He finally asked. "I've told you to never--"

"Oh, no!"

He glanced quickly back at her before staring straight ahead again, "What?"

"I-I wasn't alone! Kana! Oh, no! The centipede said she had a mate!"

He nodded, "I'll go-"

"No! What about not leaving me? Toga, I'm scared," she admitted quietly, slowly walking back towards him.

He turned to her then and placed a comforting hand on her shoulders, "I will always protect you, Izayoi. Never doubt that."

Her eyes stayed firmly on his face. For the first time, that was actually the safest place for her to look. "I know you will, Toga-sama. You always do."

He wiped a wet leaf from her cheek with his knuckle, his hand lingering for a second before he turned around and bent down. "It will be quicker if I carry you."

She looked at his strong back, covered only with his mokomoko, and for a moment wasn't sure she was brave enough.

Kana's next scream was enough to decide it for her, and she quickly scrambled up his back.

Izayoi didn't have time to think as he suddenly accelerated and she was forced to hold on as tightly as she could.

For several minutes that felt like hours her only thought was not to fall--not that she could have even if she'd completely let go. Toga's hands had a firm grip on her legs, and his mokomoko flipped around Izayoi, pushing her into his back.

His pace slowed as he caught an unexpected scent. Then he stopped, his ears listening.

"I think she's okay," he murmured, sounding amused.

"But that scream!"

"Trust me, she's safe. We should head back to the village."

He turned to walk back, and she gasped, "How can you say that? We can't just leave her out here all alone!"

Someone to Protect: Toga x IzayoiWhere stories live. Discover now