Chapter 5: Journey and Introspection- Part 1

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Pictures: "Inu no Taisho Izayoi" by Vashtastic on Deviant Art.  Clip from Inuyasha, owned by Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Media

Chapter 5 - Journey and Introspection

The next morning Toga wasn't surprised to find that Izayoi had beaten him to the town gate.

When he arrived, her parents were embracing her tearfully.

"Ah," Shoto said, wiping away an errant bead of moisture, "here he is now."

"Shoto," Toga nodded, and the two men clasped arms in an warrior's salute. Toga was amused to see the man still seemed to be fighting the effects of his hangover.

"Take good care of my daughter."

"I will. Now, where are her things?"

Shoto pointed to large bag laying at her feet.

Toga raised a brow, "And the rest?"

"You said to pack lightly, milord," Izayoi reminded him. "I doubt I will be required to wear a 12 layer set while on the road."

"Though as a lady you should," Karin murmured still upset about losing that fight with her daughter and husband the night before.

Until that moment Toga really hadn't looked at Izayoi. Now that it was mentioned, he did notice that she was dressed differently. It was still modest, luxurious, and obviously high quality, but it had far fewer layers than what she normally wore.

"A princess in disguise, eh?"

"Not in disguise, simply on an adventure," she answered brightly.

"Well," Karin said, trying and failing to remain composed, "you should be off soon. Lord Toga, please make sure you stop somewhere safe before nightfall. She is a young human lady and not a yokai."

He nodded, hefted her bag, and led the way.

Izayoi walked backwards, waving for several minutes, until her parents were finally out of sight.

Then, with a sigh, she turned and started walking more slowly, gauging her steps to stay at least six feet behind him.

Toga stopped walking to wait for her and was surprised when she too stopped walking.

"Am I walking too fast for you?"

She looked surprised, "Of course not, milord. I am giving you an honorable distance."

She bowed stiffly.

"A-what?" Toga was very confused.

"Since your status is above mine, when we walk, you go that much more before me."

He still looked confused, "Is this a human thing?"

She blinked in surprise, "Is it not a yokai thing?"

He scratched his head, "Dunno. Leastways it's just us, Izayoi. Just walk with me as you always have. I will measure my steps to yours."

"Ah, yes, milord," she bowed again, receiving another confused look from Toga before they started walking again.

She sighed quietly and glanced down. So much for using physical distance and etiquette to help maintain emotional distance.

Now what?

Her eyes drifted over to him from beneath her lashes.

Kami above, he was handsome.

She stumbled, and he immediately caught her with a laugh, "Even without your 12 layer robes? I must admit, I'm glad. I was beginning to think they had replaced you with a stranger."

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