Chapter 4: Ambitions - Part 2

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Picture: @Inu_no_Taisho on twitter, though I'm not sure if that is the original artist. 


"My lady? Are you going outside the walls?" the guard asked her.

Izayoi nodded, "I need some mushrooms from the forest for a poultice the healer has just taught me."

"Just a moment. I will find you an escort."

She nodded and waited patiently for the guard to return with five others. Without a word she led them outside and down the path to her herb garden.

Five years had passed since her broken engagement, and some mornings she still couldn't believe how lucky she was.

Even with guards following her, Izayoi finally felt free. She was free from Takemaru, free to pursue her own interests, free to choose her own destiny.

The only thing that wasn't free was her heart.

Even now, having not seen Toga-sama in over three years, her heart still belonged to him. She was realistic enough to realize that she had no future with him. Humans and yokai did not mix, and even if they did he was a married man.

Having finally confronted and accepted her feelings years ago, she had thrown herself into learning. Healing fascinated her, and so for the past five years she had been following the town healer and asking questions. Her curiosity was insatiable, and her abilities soon rivaled that of the old healer. She worked with the old woman to heal the sick, treat the elderly, and mend battle-related injuries.

Much to the healer's disdain, her princess apprentice had somehow gained a reputation for healing both humans and yokai. Often after a battle their village would be flooded with soldiers, human and yokai, seeking treatment.

The townspeople soon grew accustomed to the unusual circumstances and their odd, fearless princess who patched up some of the scariest, weirdest, and most hauntingly beautiful creatures they had ever seen. Despite concerns, voiced most loudly by Lady Karin, not a single yokai had so much as lifted a claw towards the princess. They weren't sure if it was Lord Toga's protection or perhaps Izayoi's own kind nature that kept the bloodlust at bay, but the creatures were always respectful and seemed content to bask in the warmth of her smile--a smile which some claimed had healing powers in and of itself.

Rumors about Lord Toga and his many battles drifted through the village with the soldiers that cycled through. Even though Izayoi had not seen him in years, she still felt connected to him through the stories the soldiers shared.

After what became known as The Battle of the Undead, locals started to whisper and speculate about whether Lord Toga would end his campaign or if he would begin spreading his influence to the east. There was much heated debate among the people and yokai that discussed it, but as the days turned to weeks and those weeks into months there was a noticeable drop in war-torn soldiers entering their village. More merchants roamed about the countryside. There were more artisans and artists. For the first time in anyone's memory it was actually safe to walk outside, and under Inu no Taisho the people of the southwest experienced a time of unparalleled peace and prosperity.


There were still occasional rogues, but stories were carried from town to town by merchants who had seen, or more often knew somebody who had seen, Lord Toga mercilessly correct those that defied his rule. The stories themselves acted as deterrents to other ambitious yokai-- and human warlords.

In this time of peace, Izayoi's days were relegated to caring for the ill and the elderly. While she still found this rewarding in its own right, she often found herself consumed by loneliness and frustration.

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