twenty three

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the car had come to a stop as it was backed in. a wide eyed clay was observing his surroundings, looking at all of the buildings and admiring it all.
carmens mom opened the door and smiled at the kids. "we're here!" george smiled, unbuckling his seatbelt. the others followed, unbuckling and beginning to leave. they didn't bother grabbing anything as they knew they'd have to drive to their hotel anyways.
nick stepped out of the car first, grabbing connors hand and helping him out. no words were spoke between the two however. george raised his eyebrow but moved on, grabbing clays hand and exiting the van.
"so, you excited?" he asked his boyfriend, running his hand quickly through the others dirty blond hair. his eyes gleamed in excitement. "you know it."
george stretched his body for a moment before following the group of kids now heading to the big building. laura, carmens mom, stopped for a moment. "oh! there's the rest of them." she pointed towards a smaller car, a hyundai to be more specific. they changed their direction to the car, the car window rolling down. they waved at rick, who, once again was carmens father. he waved back and their friends in the back seat waved as well.
"alright! lets get this show on the road!" rick smiled, opening his car door and turning it off. the others emerged as well and they were on their way.
all they had to do was get their hotel rooms and disney wristbands now.
george was elated, he could tell everybody else was as well.

they had just about settled in. clay thought it was crazy that carmens parents would do all of this. clay had to keep correcting himself since connor didn't really feel comfortable calling them his actual parents, so, he settled for carmens parents and connors, caretakers?
he didn't know.
anyway, george and nick were bringing in suitcases while he began unpacking things.
as nick walked past him, he scoffed at the cot that all of his things were laid out on. "you guys get a big bed and i get this tiny cot"
george rolled his eyes, handing clay his backpack. "oh come on, it isn't even that small."
george thought of something, a smile brought to his face. "if you're gonna complain, go sleep with connor instead"
clay couldn't help himself from laughing, glancing at nick's flustered face. "do- don't word it like that-" nick stuttered, stifling a small laugh. "whatever, cmon, we gotta tell rick we've finished unloading so he can park the car again." nick then added.
george shook his head in protest. "nah, i'm staying with clay, i'll help him unpack."
"fine, pissbaby." nick glared, a joking glint playing in his eyes. nick stood up, leaving the room and closing the door gently behind him. this now just left the two.
george shared a glance with clay before they both locked eyes. george shuffled closer to his boyfriend as they sorted through clothes and items. george stole another few looks at clay, smiling as he watched his boy. his boy. that still felt so happy to say. he shook his head for a moment and turned back to what he was doing.
clay had enough of the awkward tension stringing through the air. he straightened his posture slightly while lifting his hand from the bed they were sat upon. a sudden boost of confidence rushing through clay's body and he felt his heartbeat speed up. he ran his free hand through george's hair, immediately hooking his attention.
clay didn't respond back with words, rather by pressing a chaste kiss to george's neck.
george seemed to catch on fairly quick and set down a pair of jeans he held.

(some kiss stuff idk, warning/tw tho just in case :])
the brit gripped clay's neck,
pushing him down gently down on the bed. he connected their lips, clay letting his hand find its way up george's shirt. the cold contact of clay's hand surprised george but he melted into it, the two boys moving perfectly in sync with one another. it was pure euphoria, the same loving feeling growing in each of the boys chests as time passed. george took a breath as clay's breathing hitched. george lowered himself down slightly and sucked very gently on clays neck,
making sure he wouldn't hurt him. "this ok?" george asked gingerly and sweetly, wanting to make sure he wasn't uncomfy.
clay nodded nonchalantly, his chest beating rapidly. george then stopped, looking at the mark on his boyfriends neck.
clay gazed into george's eyes as george began to kiss his neck over and over, using his other hand to ruffle george's hair again.
"i love you" clay said, disconnecting their lips. george smiled so lovingly, caressing his boys jaw.

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