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chapters r just getting longer and longer lmao
my cousin caught covid so i'm not allowed to go anywhere for two weeks :>

groggily, clay gently pried his eyes open.
"mh," he grunted, quickly realizing this wasn't his room.
dew dampening his clothes, he glanced at his surroundings.
the sun lightly peaked through sunflowers, there were tall oak trees and bunches of different flowers.
but something else made him feel warm inside about this scenario.
turning his head to the left, there was george, tightly attached to clay's side, clay's arm numb under george's head.
clay's face burnt red.
'i hope this won't be awkward when he wakes'
he thought.
but as his mind wandered, it stopped, thinking about him mom.
she must be so worried.
he was supposed to come back last night.
shivering, he sat up a little, attempting not to wake the brunette.
he grabbed the light blue backpack and took his phone, turning it on.
'9+ messages, oh boy.' was all he thought, going through his notifications.
clay read through them,
every single one from his mother.
he answered, hoping she wouldn't be angry.
'clay: i'm so sorry mum, we fell asleep i can come back now if you want'
attachment: 1 image.

he waited patiently for a response, george stirring slowly awake next to him.

mum💞: aww! you two are cute.
don't worry, it's okay.

mum💞: just pay attention next time. also, bring george home, i'll cook breakfast you guys must be hungry ☺️.

he smiled warmly at his phone screen, typing in a response.

clay: thank you mum <3

"mm, g'morning" the british boy awoke, gripping clay harder then letting go.
george moved his head, clay feeling relief in his left arm.
"morning gogy" clay hesitantly whispered, not sure if he was okay to use that name.
george huffily giggled.

"oh shit, your mom might be mad-" george flinched, causing clay to as well with panic fleeting his eyes.
"no george, it's okay i texted her!" clay quickly clung to george's side, feeling the brunette's sigh of relief on his chest.
their eyes met with a moment of silence, not awkward like usual, but a comfortable silence.
they both easily enjoyed this attention and wished it to never end but didn't know their feelings were reciprocated,
so they hid how they felt instead.
"okay. so i'm gonna drop you home now i guess?" george said, fixing his eyes on his car, carrying their garbage from last night.
clay shook the grass from his body,
stopping george.
"well kind of,
my mom said you can stay at my house and eat supper." clay said.
"if that's okay with you-"
george locked eyes with him once again,
happiness in his eyes.
"of course it's okay with me, that just means more time with you." george subtly flirted.
clay held one of his hands, his in his hoodie, up to his face in attempt to hide his flustered-ness.
"oh okay."
george smiled bright, parting ways to the front drivers seat.
clay opened the car door and hopped in, setting his backpack down on the floor.
"good morning boys, how was everything?" clay's mother smiled.
"it was good." george commented.
"my necks a bit stiff," clay muttered, holding his hand to the back of his neck.

"well come on in, i'm making french toast!" she beamed.
the two nodded, following her as they took their shoes off.
"it'll be about 10 or so minutes, so you can do whatever until then." she explained.
"okay, thanks mum."
"thanks mrs."
she nodded, clay lead them upstairs as she departed to the kitchen.
"so i guess we'll just hang around until then."
clay muttered loud enough for george to hear.
"yeah-" george cut himself off, leading with silence as he observed clays door, and soon the contents of his room as the door creaked open.
the two stepped in.
clay threw his backpack onto his bed and flicked on the switch for his fairy lights.
george's eyes lit.
"woah, your room is so cute-" the shorter boy looked around at the plants, the flowers he gave clay, drawings, pictures and plushies.
all pastel colors, and bright yellow firefly lights.
"heh, thanks?" clay nervously chuckled.
they sat down on his bed, clay grabbing a plush cat gently, smiling at it before setting it back down.
"hey, thanks for bringing me there last night." clay thanked him, locking his eyes with george as the brunette placed his hand on clay's face.
clay began to feel a blush creep his face.
"no problem, i'm so glad you had fun."
george retracted his hand out of fear, clay feeling the same strange aura.
"do you wanna listen to anything? i love to listen to music."
"anything's fine, doesn't matter to me."
clay nodded before scrolling through his apple music library.
he pressed on hamilton, an obvious choice for him.
he had it on shuffle as per usual, 'wait for it' fading in.
clay smiled and began moving his head to the song.
george furrowed his brows before realizing.
"oh! this is hamilton isnt it?"
george nodded slowly as he listened to the music.
clay wantingly stared at george as he scrolled through twitter.
george looked up for a moment, locking eyes once again. he understood the look in his friend's eyes, turning his phone off and inching closer,
they attached to eachother, george's arm wrapped around clay's shoulder, clay's right leg entangled with george's left.
"this what you wanted?" the shorter asked, blushing slightly over at clay who was burning bright red.
clay nodded, wrapping his hands around the other.
satisfied, clay buried his head into george's side, without shame this time.
"clayton! your breakfast is ready." his mom calls from the bottom of the stairs.
clay snaps his head up, looking at how they were entangled, he detached himself from george,
the warm feeling fading.
"cmon george" clay huffed, stopping the music and opening the door. george scrambled out of bed, following behind clay.

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