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"trust me he does. have you not seen him staring at you?" nick pried.
clay stared, obviously not buying it. "no he can't like me, why would he anyways?"
nick wanted to yell, he wanted to grab the two and just smash their faces together but he knew he had to wait.
they didn't know eachother for very long and would need time.
nick snapped from his thoughts.
"he likes you for your personality, seriously clay, he talks about you all the time!" he was starting to lose patience with the frail boy.
"but how do you know he likes me?"
"how do you know he doesn't?" nick retorted.
clay hummed in defeat.
"i'm just not so sure nick."
"god you two are so blind." nick thought, leading them back to the table with their food trays.
he thought he'd better just leave it there, give clay some time to think about it.
during lunch, the whole time clay had just sat there, staring off into space.
nick had gone to spend time with his girlfriend, rose so it had just left him and george.
"hey clay, you okay?"
"wh- hm?" clay blinked, turning his head to face george and breaking from his daze.
"yeah i'm okay, i just don't know what to do." clay's cheeks started heating up.
"what's up?"
he sighed. "there's, well there's this boy. and i really like him but i don't think he'll like me back at all."
george had a flash of surprise and disappointment flood his eyes, before giving clay a compassionate gaze.
"how do you know he won't like you back?"
"i don't know. i really like him, he's really kind and pretty, not to mention funny, but i'm not sure he's even gay." clay explained nervously, a troubled but loving look filled his eyes as he thought about the boy.
"oh, well you should try to drop some hints! maybe first tell him you're gay or maybe start calling him cute things?"
george suggested. "i don't know, i'm not very good at relationship advice and stuff." he'd added.
"thanks, i guess i'll try to use that." clay smiled.

slightly dissatisfied that george wouldn't catch on, clay perked his head at the sound of the school bell ringing for religion class.
him and george said their goodbyes, scraping any leftover food placing their trays in a pile heading for their class.
religion was one of the few classes they both had together, except nick wasn't in that class.
clay smiled as he'd spotted his friend, darryl.
"hi dream! uh if you don't mind me asking, why have you been so distant with me?" nervously, clays friend had asked.
"if i'm being honest," clay said, quickly turning around to see where george was and pointing at the boy.
"uh i kind of have a crush, i think, on george,"
darryl looked somewhat surprised.
"george? really? the george davidson?"
flustered, clay nodded.
"you mean the george that spray painted that huge, naughty word, in the principles office with that nick kid??"
slightly annoyed, clay nodded once more.
"yes darryl. that george."
darryl ruffled his hair, thinking for a quick moment.
"well i guess i'm a wingman now! me and zak will help you two get together."
george very lightly slapped darryl on the shoulder.
"dar! shut up" he sighed, eyeing the hallway, but relieved to see george just entering the classroom.
clay turned his head to see most students had headed off to their classes.
"we should go."
darryl happened to be in the same class, knowing him he would probably try to tease clay about the new secret.
'great.' clay internally groaned.
his friend nodded "mhm!" snapping him out of his quick trance.


george took out his notebook, doodles all over it.
as the teacher paced the room, his eyes fell on george's worksheets and all of the doodles and drawings all over them.
he rolled his eyes at the boy and sighed.
"do you remember what i said about drawing on things, mr. davidson?"
"yes sir, i'm sorry."
"don't do it again." he said, dismissing himself and continuing his pace around the classroom.
george looked back from the notebook and the board, copying down what had been written.
as the teacher made his way back to the front, he grabbed some more worksheets and pulling out this cart of bibles.
"now. you will all group into three, remember to make responsible groups." he began to explain to the class, students slowly gaining their attention to him.
"what you will do is take a bible, one for each group, and i will list verses for you to find and write down.
the idea is to make a sketchnote, which i'm sure you all know how to do by now."
most students nodded.
he sighed before handing out the worksheets.
after doing so, he signaled for them all to group up.
the first thing george did was look for clay.
clay seemed to have done the same thing, gaze locking onto george's.
they made a silent, mutual agreement that they'd be partnered.
making his way over to the boy, he glanced around the class to see who else could join their group.
"who else do you want to join?" he asked clay.
"oh i know!" clay said as he rushed to darryl.
darryl was a good, quiet kid.
almost ginger but dark brown hair, glasses, the same black hoodie with red lines almost every day.
george never really talked to this kid, but was willing to properly meet him for clay.
they chatted before rejoining george.
"i know we don't have very many classes with him but this is my best friend!" clay explains to george.
darryl awkwardly waved.
"oh, well hi, darryl is it?"
he nodded. "yup! i've heard about you from dream."
"oh! i mean clay. i usually call him that."
clay sighed.
"he made it for me because apparently i've 'always got my head in the clouds and day dream.'"
george nodded. it was a cute and fitting name.
"can i call you that? since you insist on calling me gogy."
"sure, i honestly like it better than my real name."
darryl intervened, feeling the slightly awkward tension.
"we should probably get started, i don't want homework."
the two nodded and they sat in the corner of the room, opening the bible darryl had grabbed.
now that george had thought about it, 'maybe clay liked darryl?'
he wondered that, thinking back on what clay had talked about earlier.
i doubt it though.
darryls pov

those two were definitely in love.
darryl hadn't know about dream's little secret for less than a day but could easily see that his friend was already head over heels for this mischievous boy.
darryl hoped he could help dream some how, knowing he's in a relationship with zak, he might have some advice.
it was funny, watching the two stare eachother down whenever they thought the other wasn't looking.
whenever dream looked up to read the board, george would just admire his face.
darryl personally had never seen george this soft, he always thought that george was this bad trouble maker,
but maybe he was softer and nicer than seen on the outside.
clays pov.

clay genuinely found it hard to get his eyes off of george. at this point he admitted he was in love,
but it was the stupid feeling of imagining them together but realizing they'd never get together because george didn't feel the same way, right?
darryl kept giving him looks and smirks, every time he'd seen clay staring at the british boy.
"darryl stop, you can tease me all about it over text not here-"
he whispered.
darryl giggled a bit.
"yeah yeah, but how could i not do anything, you're like a deer in headlights." he responded, a little louder.
"i should be teasing you! you're the one in a relationship not me," clay sneered, a hint of playfulness in his tone.
that grabbed george's attention. "hm?"
clay quickly butted in "oh nothing don't worry, darryls just being an idiot."
darryl raised his hands, as if offended.
"well okay" george giggled.

okay okay so hello there
just wanna explain stuff so u don't get confused

zak and darryl= dating
however they don't really interact with george's friendgroup all too much.

darryl and zak always refer to clay as dream,

george will only rlly refer to clay as dream when talking towards him, but still occasionally uses clay

nick doesn't really call him dream.

nick is single but maybe not soon!??? :0

and a few other characters should be on the way

uh yeah!

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