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clay sighed a heavy sigh, letting out all of his worries and embracing a big hug from the brit infront him.
"hi" clay smiled back at the boy, but something tugged at him and his smile broke.
george was quick to realize his sudden switch of emotions and hugged him a little tighter before letting go. they were at clays house for a little, it was around an hour after school.
"clay, what's up? you don't seem alright." george eyes glazed with concern as he spoke.
clay looked up to him and shifted himself a little bit, moving closer to george and climbing into his lap as they were on clay's bed.
"a lot, mentally, i guess."
"would you like to talk about it?" he asked sweetly.
clay nodded. "i guess so."
"so uh before i moved here earlier this year i came from a bad school. my mom moved me because i was being bullied by my own old friends for being gay. it got severe and i kinda have trauma from it." clay went on.
george listened carefully but his face drooped as he continued.
"now i don't really have a dad, he was a really bad person, but my old friends would always bring that up and blame me for what he did. i, uh, that new kid was my old best friend. nathan."
clay finished and his voice had cracked after trying to keep himself calm.
george had a glint of anger show in his eyes before he hugged clay once more and kissed his cheek.
"i'm sorry. i'm really glad you were able to open up to me about all of that, things like that can be difficult to do.
as for nathan, i can tell our friends to steer clear from him and maybe me and nick could pay this boy a visit, ya think?" george then kissed him once more before breaking their hug and locking eye contact.
"i really don't want you to get in trouble george-" clay fretted.
"i don't mind, i'd rather this boy learn his mistakes first. a day or two of detention doesn't matter, there's literally only like 3 days of school anyways."
clay sighed inwardly and squeezed george's hand "i don't want you to get hurt either, please try to keep it peaceful at least?" clay suggested however full knowing nathan's scary possibilities.
george nodded. "but if he won't listen to me i don't really have a choice, clay, based off of what he seems like."
"i guess so."

after the tension of their conversation had settled a little bit, clay sighed and stood up. "we should get nick, he's probably waiting for us to pick him up since we said we would.
george then nodded in agreement and followed his boyfriend of who was heading downstairs.
they neared the bottom and clay's mum waved at the two,
them returning it.
"picking up nick?" she wondered.
"yeah. the idiot doesn't have his driver's license yet." george smiled, a friendly undertone coating his voice.
clays mum had laughed at the comment "alright, well before you go george, could i talk to just you?" she asked, looking at the brit.
he nodded a yes in response but was a little confused.
"clay, you could maybe wait in the car if you don't mind?" george patted clay on the back lightly who obliged. "okay"

as the door closed behind george, this left the two alone. george wondered what she wanted, did he do something wrong?
she stepped forward for a moment and smiled, which confused him. but then she embraced him in a small hug in which he'd returned.
she muttered into his shoulder;
"you'll take such good care of clay, i can really tell."
george's heart warmed at the words. "i'll do my best to make him happy, he deserves it." he responded with a big smile.
"i'm glad he found somebody, i know you already will but, please take care of him. he's a fragile boy who's past haunts him, he needs somebody like you." she went on,
staring at the short boy.
"and i need him." george said, without thinking and felt a small blush creep his face.
"awe, that's really sweet george. now you go with him, i won't keep you too long." she ushered him, opening the door for him. he nodded.
"thanks, see you in a bit."
"see you!"

"we're here." george said, quite quietly. clay nodded and began to unbuckle his seatbelt. shutting the car door behind him, clay made his way up the driveway to meet back with george and locked hands, heading for the front door.
as they reached it, george knocked. they stood in silence for a response before hearing footsteps go down what seemed to be stairs, and the door swinging open.
there was nick, phone in hand and practically ready to go.
he then said "ew it's the gays" jokingly. george smirked.
"ew it's the single gay" the brit retorted.
clay wheezed slightly and as he did so, he squeezed george's hand which george loved when he did that, weirdly.
"shut up, let's go. sister is bugging me and i can't stand her." nick grumbled in defeat.
a small dark brown haired girl stared from the couch and stuck her tongue out at their friend. george laughed lightly.
without thinking, clay muttered softly to george. "i like your laugh, it's cute"
george felt his cheeks heat up and he smiled. "you do?" he said, forgetting to return clay's quiet careful tone.
clay just nodded.
nick stared at them from the doorway.
"sooo, we going or are you guys just gonna keep flirting?"
clay sighed and swung around, george's hand still latched onto his hand and following him.
"let's go" george said, then letting go of clays hand and returning to the drivers seat.

each were soon in the car, clay had called shotgun as predictable, and they were on their way.
"george, i know you're british but why do you live in the usa?" clay thought out loud, genuinely wondering. maybe his family has been living here for a few generations, maybe they recently moved, he didn't know.
george smiled as he answered the question.
"well, i was born in england and lived there for about 10 years. my dad works as a band manager and the old band he worked with broke up for good. his new one was in america so he and my mum made the decision to move us over here." he explained.
"my mom also mentioned that i could maybe have more opportunities down here, although i don't know if she was right or not."
clay nodded in understanding, however he wasn't listening fully to george's words, mostly just his soft voice.
if he were to say this all loud, he would seem like a major simp, but he tended to notice and love the smallest things about his boyfriend.
the way his nose scrunches when he smiles, his voice, his laugh, how when he's embarrassed or laughing he tends to run a hand through his hair.
clay then shook his head, snapping back to reality to realize he'd been sitting in silence for a little.
"oh, that makes sense." he responded.
"yeah. i don't really see why he had to pick a band that was in the usa but, i mean, i met you through it so that's something good."
clay felt his cheeks light up at that and tried to hide his splitting grin.
nick piped up from his silence. "what about me?"
"fuck you swipnip."
clay heaved a wheeze as the two started their bickering
"georgie-poo! you know what bad would say, you naughty boy."
george quickly fixed his attention on the road before turning back to his friend. "don't word it like that."
"what, naughty? oh george, you little naughty boy! you're gonna get punished if you keep cursing like that." nick prodded him annoyingly with a smirk. clay couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laugher and wheezes, clutching the seatbelt he was secured in.
"shut the hell up nick-" george said between flustered giggles.
"well i guess i will for now, considering we're here now but no promises." nick said, pointing out that george was just about to pull into clays driveway.

"hi, i'm nick-"
"hi nick! i've heard some about you. nice to meet ya!". clays mum smiled, shaking his hand.
"usually everybody just calls me mum,
it's a thing we have so feel free to call me that!" she advised.
"okay, mum" nicks face sprawled into a small smile and he stepped away to rejoin his friends.
"i think we'll just be playing minecraft for a bit." clay told his mum. she nodded. "okay! well, if they want to stay, i'll be making chicken parmesan and noodles."
he looked at his boyfriend and nick who had nodded and both muttered a "sure"
"okay, see you later" he waved and the three had made their way upstairs.

"wow, your room is actually so cool-" nick examined the room, scanning the photos, drawings, and random decor like figurines.
"i like decorating." clay shyly replied.
"can tell." the texan responded, still looking around.
his eyes laid on a few hung up polaroid photos on the wall and he giggled a little.
"that's gay." nick said before moving on.
"huh?" george hummed, making his way over to where nick previously was.
it was some of the photos clay and george took the one night in the field. he smiled greatly. "that's cute clay, i should do something like that maybe."
nick then leapt onto clays bed. "let's get this gam started already!" he impatiently yipped.
clay sighed at his friends antics and turned the tv on.
they soon fell into a comfortable conversation, joking and continuing usual banter. sometimes screams when one another's characters were killed and some yelling.
nothing too new.
life was fairly good, clay realized. his fears were slowly seeping away and he had a hunch it was all because of this british boy next to him,
just a hunch.

hello hru
anyway i think once this is over i might make a sequel i believe. would probably add some angst and all that jazz idk.
we'll see! anyway follow dnfpoggers , my acc purely for random dnf oneshots and stories.
yes ok bye

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