twenty two

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it was the day. boy, was everyone excited. george smiled, his hand locked into his boyfriends, he glanced at the group of kids and some parents.
only connor and carmens mom was coming, george was glad. he didn't think he could take his mother pestering him the whole time. he was also elated at being able to spend this whole week with clay, and of course the others.
feeling clay squeeze his hand, his attention was quickly averted back to the boy next to him.
"i know the car ride isn't too long but i don't really like them. can you sit next to me please?" clay asked.
george's heart melted on the spot as his face split into a smile. he nodded. "of course, dream! i'll try to make it more comfortable for you. do you get car sick?"
clay smiled back at him before nodding. "yeah, my momma brought some medicine." he gestured to the bottles sticking slightly out of his travel bag.
"you want me to hold onto them?" he asked.
"if you want to." clay took the bottles and handed them to the brunet. george gingerly took the medicine and placed it in his hoodie pocket before slipping his hand into clays again.
clay glanced at their friends in conversation, the parents chit chatting every so often, and looked back to george. his cheeks were dusted a light pink.
"you know, i really like when you hold my hands. i like the warmth and i feel safe." clay said oh-so-softly.
george felt his face burn a passionate red. he lightly giggled and pressed a kiss against clays face. "now that i know you like that, i'll do it all the time."
clay hummed, eyes still on george's. "and, what do you like??
george was slightly taken aback by clays retort. "uh, i think maybe cuddling and lots of kisses?? i dunno i've never really been asked, heh."
clay nodded slow. "you just like attention?"
"basically yeah, i've been touch starved"
"so have i" clay added quietly.
george tugged clay's hand, the bashful look in his eyes fading.
"c'mon, i think we're going now." he gestured towards the grey van, their friends were getting ready to board. clay stopped him before they were about to leave, gazing into his eyes.
george hummed at the boy, wondering why he'd stopped.
"i need to say goodbye to my mum first" clay explained, letting his hand escape george's, the newfound space making george's hand grow slightly cold.
george nodded, grabbing clays luggage. "here, lemme bring your stuff in the van." clay took off his backpack as well, handing it to him. "thanks." he pressed a chaste kiss to george's cheek, making the brit blush slightly.
george stood there for a moment as clay walked away before flinching, someone poked his shoulder. "huh?"
"you're locked in some lovebird trance" conner prodded as george turned around to face him. "pack it up, gogy" he giggled, running back to the van and finding his seat. "yeah, yeah, i'm coming!" he shouted, making sure his words were heard. george hauled clay's things over his shoulder and making his way to the car.

as things were settled and george was about to climb in, he heard footsteps followed by arms being thrown around his waist. "hi george"
"hi there dreamie." he whispered as clay let go so he could take a seat. george sat down, they were seated at the very back.
in total, there were ten people on this trip, including carmen and connors parents. they knew ten people wouldn't all fit in their van, so their father, ant and red would all be going in a separate car as the van had seven seats.
as the car engine started, clay buckled his seatbelt and nestled himself up against george.
they were seated next to nick, not much complaining. as surprising as it seems, nick knew how to be respectful and decided to just let them do their own thing. george snaked his arm gently behind clay and put atop clays shoulder. george could feel how clay had begun to shake very slightly and he buried his neck into the crook of clays neck. "hey, if you start to feel any worse, i'll let carmens mom know and she'll stop somewhere for you." he whispered reassuringly to his boyfriend. clay hummed and in response he once again kissed george's face. "you're awfully affectionate today." he pointed out, tone of voice still kept quiet. "not complaining though" he added, smiling.
"was gonna say, you want me to stop?" clay giggled. "never" george retorted playfully.
nick peered over them for a quick moment. "we haven't even entirely left yet and i feel like i'm watching some crappy romance tv show."
connor snickered from the seat ahead.
"then stop watching it" george retorted, only holding on tighter to his boy. clay giggled from in his arms and nodded in agreement.
their conversation seemed to come to a halt there and george propped his head up next to the window, looking out of it. however, on the other hand, clay's eyes were locked onto his boyfriend. he watched his chest rise and fall with every breath, his eyes fixated on the trees moving past and the slight movements every so often. clay found this better than worrying on the rising nausea in the pit of his stomach, he knew it would pass so he decided he would distract himself as he rode it out.
george looked back and clays breath hitched. george didn't look away either, he caught the gaze clay had been giving him. pure unfiltered love. clay really had been very affectionate today, maybe he was tired. george didn't know but he loved it. the brit repositioned himself so he was no longer facing the window, but his boyfriend.
"you're so pretty." george whispered, fully meaning it. his cheeks were dusted a light pink, as were clays. "not as nearly as pretty as you." clay responded and brought his hand to george's face, cupping it lightly. nick scoffed from the other side of the van but didn't say anything. "he's just jealous" george said still quietly. clay nodded, his gaze never being stripped from george's. "can i text you something? i'm just embarrassed to actually say it." clay blushed, words almost hardly intelligible as he was being very quiet.
"of course dreamie."

clay💚: is dreamie just gonna be a thing now 🥺

george💙: yes. is that what u wanted to ask?

clay💚: no, uh how do i say this??? when we get there can we kiss a lot and stuff?? djfghdh i just wanna be close to u idk aaa

george laughed somewhat loudly next to him. clay shushed him and the two were given strange looks from the others.

george💙: u mean,, make out-? sorry for laughing it was just kinda awkward LOL

clay💚: i guess so 👉👈

george💙: of course dreamie, but with nick, how?

george still couldn't help himself from giggling a little.
clay was sick of texting so he set his phone down and looked back up with him, excitement and embarrassment glinting in his eyes. "uh, he'll probably be with connor and we can say we're unpacking." clay whispered.
george thought that would work so he just nodded and set his phone down as well. "why are you so affectionate today?" he asked, tone still sweet so he wouldn't come off as harsh.
"i don't know, i'm just excited" clay giggled.
luckily, nick was falling asleep and they could continue to talk about whatever they wanted considering their hushed tone. they blocked out any other conversation in the van and only focusing on one another, talking about whatever had come to their mind. this is what george loved, they got along amazing and could talk with each other easily, never running out of things to talk about.
he would cherish this man so strongly for the rest of this life.

sorry for such a crappy-ish ending, also that 'makeout' won't be anything too bad, it's just clay really being touch starved :]
once again; THANJS SO MUCH FOR THE READS I CANT DJDJHDH thank y'all smmmm 🥺🥺
anyways have a good day :]]]]]]

psps new love boutta start blooming out of the kids (excluding clay and gog), make ur assumptions 👁👁

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