twenty one

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surprised, clay looked at the caller id, it was his friend nick. nick usually talked to george, not him, so he was a little confused.
however, he still picked up.
"hi?" the texans voice picked up and clay smiled.
"what's up?" he asked, wondering what the boy had wanted with him.
"well i don't know really. kinda just wanted to talk." nick replied truthfully, honestly just wanting to talk to his friend.
"oh okay. well hi there nick" clay gave him a playful, happy tone.
"hi dream. george told me you like that name better so i'm gonna start using it"
clay felt his chest heat a little.
"oh? he did? that's nice, thanks" he smiled widely,
kind of glad nick couldn't see his smile.
"george thinks he should get everybody to call you dream,
he really loves you, dude."
once again, clay could feel those familiar butterflies returning, his neck and chest warm. "and i love him a lot. you know, everything has moved so fast and i never really had seen myself here." clay started, heartfelt lacing his voice.
"usually i wouldn't ever move this fast in a relationship but i know it's worth it. i'm really excited, nick. he and i will share a hotel at disney the following week, it won't just be school and we have the whole summer break. i'm genuinely happy for once, i can say." clay rambled, feeling excited with each word.
"that's actually really sweet dream. you two are really meant for one another, i know it." nick said to his friend,
cooing at all the sappy words coming from clay.
"heh. well yeah, so what are you up to then??"
clay tried to spark a new conversation.
"well, i've practically finished packing, was just talking to george, yknow now i'm just kinda sitting here."

"ah." clay acknowledged.
"what about you?"
clay sighed. "well, honestly not much. had to help my mum with some chores and am just scrolling on twitter now."
there was a small bit of silence amongst them before nick spoke up. "okay, well, i'll see ya around? don't you and george have that date later today??" nick asked.
clay nodded before realizing that his friend couldn't see him. "oh, yeah! heh. it's our first real date other than that movie thing."
clay felt butterflies again at the mention of their date. they would go out for dinner, and george would bring him back to his place.
clay didn't know what they'd do there, but he thought maybe minecraft or something.
he'd have to see.
"well, anyways, have fun with that! see you dreamie " nick closed the conversation.
"yeah! see ya nick!" clay hung up before sitting back down onto his bed and playing his music once more.
sitting there, clay sighed. he didn't know what to do, they were leaving in two days. what was there meant to do? he could always go to george's but he didn't wanna bother him.
as he lip synced to whatever song was playing, clay stood up and grabbed his headphones. he connected them, putting them in and turning off his bedroom lights.
clay took his vest and went downstairs. he made eye contact with his mum, nearing the corner of the hallway and heading for the front door.
"i'm going for a walk. i just feel kinda cooped up" clay explained, his tone kept quiet but loud enough for her to hear.
she nodded her head and waved. it was barely audible due to his headphones in but she bid farewell and told him not to be out too late.
he nodded, shut the door behind him and made his way down the street to his favorite park.


the air was crisp, it should have been warm outside but today was different, it was a little chillier than usual. george was with his friend red, they were down by the river in their usual spot.
now, this was a somewhat rare sight cause the two didn't talk as much.
conversation began to run smoothly though, george found himself surprised at how well they got along.
it went from talking about video games, to their boyfriends, to even family life and such. red was a very open person so it wasn't like one of those awkward things either.
george smiled, deciding to bring up their big trip.
"so. for the trip, did connor or carmen say anything about sharing rooms?" he asked.
red ruffled his hair and thought for a second. "yeah, actually. uh, you clay and nick will be sharing i believe, there's a mattress, carmen said, that nick can go on and the queen sized bed is for you two." he explained to george, every so often making gestures with his hands.
george nodded.
he didn't know how to feel about sleeping with clay,
personally he thought it was fine but he didn't know if clay wanted to sleep in the same bed yet.
his cheeks heated up at the thought of being in the same bed as him, being able to cuddle him all night.
"okay. that sounds good." although nick would be there, that meant endless teasing.
"but nick won't leave us alone will he?"
red laughed at that. "no, probably not! i mean i've dealt with that before, connor teased me and ant so much when he first learned we're dating." he added "nick and connor are similar in that way."
george nodded in agreement, that was true.
"yeah. true. well, honestly nick can be a good dude so i know he can give privacy"
red raised an eyebrow in a joking manner. "him? respectful? didn't he make you spray paint fuck in the principals office with him?"
george facepalmed before laughing. "i try to forget that."
"but really, yeah, i'm excited. i share a room with ant, bad and zak since ours is a little bigger." red told the man.
"mhm, well i just don't know what to do these next two days" george admitted.
"hang out with your boyfriend or nick" red suggested.
"i don't know if they'll be busy though"
red patted his shoulder for a moment before readjusting his position on the log he had been seated on.
"i don't think they will, if anything they both probably feel the same way as you-"
"true. well i'll text them later." george concluded, not wanting to put up an argument.
george then stood up, taking a last look at the river, water flowing, trees swaying as the sun was set about middle in the sky, it was afternoon, george had guessed. he fiddled with one of the reeds next to the log and stretched.
"i'd better get going home, my mom wants the laundry done." he said.
red nodded. "so should i. i have a small dinner date with ant in a couple of hours" red explained.
george smiled. "hope that goes well, see you!"
red waved and he returned the gesture.
"see ya george!"
the brit clambered up the stones and dirt, making his way back to the main path and to the street.

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