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"that really just happened didn't it?" clay said as they exited the movie theaters.
"i guess it did."
there was still the big question lingering in clay's mind however, as his head had not stopped spinning ever since their kiss.
"what does this make us?"
george looked at him expectantly, seeming as he knew that question would come up. they shut their doors shut, now in the car.
"well. that depends. clay, i have feelings for you and do you feel the same or?" george asked.
clay nodded. "yes."
george buckled his seatbelt. he turned to his friend.
"personally, considering how recently we became friends, maybe we should wait a little bit before making it official?" george suggested. "taking it slow, yaknow? i've never dated a boy so i don't really know what i'm doing" he chuckled a bit, starting the car.
clay nodded. that made sense.
"okay. that sounds good.
i've never dated a boy either and i'm sure you can tell i'm always a nervous wreck, so i think waiting is good"
clay felt a little relieved now that the question was answered, he lay his head against the window, watching the houses and trees pass by them.
but the scene had not stopped replaying in his mind, it was like a record stuck on repeat.
he didn't mind that, however it was a little embarrassing.
oh, how he wished, that he could just sit up next to george all day, in his arms. but this was reality and if they were going anywhere,
he would have to wait.
"really? aw clay, that's really great!" his mom smiled, however her eyes hinted she was cracking up, eyes wetting.
clay wasn't sure why she was going to cry.
"clay you don't know how happy i am. you're finally making friends, you're showing yourself out there more and i am so proud of you." she rambled.
clay felt his body heat up slightly, he smiled a genuine smile.
"thank you mom, that means a lot to me."
he walked up to hug her, she hugged him back.
"you really like that boy don't you?"
clay nodded.
"he's so kind to me and understands me, mom. he said he shares the same feelings."
she nodded, smiling.
"are you guys going to start dating?"
"we both said we were gonna wait a little bit and take it slow." clay explained, backing out of the hug.
she patted him on the shoulder. "okay. sometimes it's better to take it slow. you know? to get to know who you're actually dating."
clay nodded in understanding.
"i'm gonna go upstairs for a while" he ended their conversation, nearing the stairs.
"okay! be down in a couple of hours, i'm cooking steak tonight."
he made his way up the stairs, stopping and turning for his room.
"alright!" he hollered, making sure she would hear.
closing his door behind him, he sighed a breath of relief and what seemed to be genuine happiness.
it was great.
he had just kissed his crush and they possibly might start dating.
oh man, was he happy.
"hey, siri, shuffle lgbtq playlist" he called out smoothly, waiting for his phones robotic voice to return.
and as it did, would you be so kind by dodie started playing.
he had compiled a playlist of any types of lgbtq music, didn't matter whether it was mlm, wlw and so on, he just loved listening to it all.
he smiled at the music fading in.

fairy lights were turned on, clay turned on his printer and went into his photo album on his phone.
he went through some photos, connected the printer with his phone and printed.
the blonde boy tapped his fingers to the beat of the music.
soon enough, some photos had finished printing.
he grabbed them, cutting them out properly and setting them down on the desk.
he looked at them lovingly, pictures of him and george.
their night in the field, at school, and from today.
taking a few spare pins, he pinned them up on his board, smiling at them in satisfaction.
he then powered off his printer and turned on the tv, in which he also turned on the switch.

minecraft was opened and he sat down on his bed.
as he opened a server, cubecraft, clay grabbed his phone and began texting.

clay💚: "hi do u wanna play mc? 👉👈, i'm on my switch rn."
read 3:45pm

george💙: sure! i'll call u  in a moment and join u :D
read 3:46pm

george sat his phone down and paused his music, waiting for a call.
loading up his world, he began to run his character around for a minute or so until he received a call, quickly accepting.
"hi clay!!" george's sweet voice called out.
"hi george" clay returned the same friendly tone.
"we playing the usual world?"
"mhm! i have it loaded right now."
"okay, gimme a min."

"clay! stop! i'm on half a heart, for real this time!!"
clay wheezed, gripping his controller tighter as he chased his best friend.
"you're dead george!" clay roared, bantering on.
"ah! no don't, don't i'm going to die!" george tried running, he was running short of places to run.
"don't do this! you wouldn't kill your best friend, you love me right?!" george jokingly screeched.
clay laughed almost maniacally, probably one of the loudest noises george had heard come from him.
"this isn't fair clay, you have better stuff than me!"
"all is fair in love and war, georgie!" clay triumphantly yelled, nearing george at a birch forest.
"isn't that a sun tsu quote or something??" george laughed slightly.
"yeah. now cmere!"
clay smiled as he hit a button, his characters sword hitting george's, dealing the final blow.
george's character disappeared, his items sprawled all around the ground.
clay didn't pick them up though.
"yes! i win!" clay smiled.
"no! i could've gotten away."
"face it, you were dead either way george."
"care to disagree."
"i dunno about that. anyways, do you have a piece of netherite to spare? i need to fix my helmet."
"yeah. you can have it but give my stuff back first." george responded, followed
by a short, faint cough.
"come get your stuff, it's where you died."
"okay, bringing the netherite."
"alright thank you."
clay smiled, today was a pretty good day if he were to say so himself.

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