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finally, like a huge breath of fresh air, it came fairly quickly. the last day of school had arrived and their disney trip was now in 4 days.
clay had already begun packing just in case, his mom ecstatic and helping him the whole time.
now that he had been done, after school, clay would hang out and help george pack for a while.
at the mention of george, clay could hear the regular school bell fill his ears and he stood up to head to the cafeteria.
today was a very laidback day today, he knew. that's how last days in school usually went, as far as his knowledge reached.
clay made his way through the classroom and left, walking at a faster pace to escape the rush of students.

clay smiled subconsciously as he walked down the hallway.
'just a few more hours, and summer will arrive.' is what he'd thought.
this very thing brought him on a trail of thoughts, all the potential things he could get to do on the summer break.
this break would be a lot eventful and happier now, with george and new friends.
excitement bubbled in his chest as he got lost in his thoughts.
disney would be a blast, he could spend it with george, and he hopefully would be rid of people like nathan.
as he thought, he opened the cafeteria door and scanned for his usual new seat.
glancing around, he spotted the tops of a few peoples heads, heading exactly in that direction.

he smiled as his boyfriends image became more clear, their eyes soon locking.
george returned the gingerly smile and clay waved at him, and his other friends as well.
"hi guys"
"hi clay" george was the first to respond as clay sat down.
george quickly noticed that clay hadn't grabbed any food.
"did you not want food?" he asked carefully.
clay rummaged through his tiny backpack in which recently he had started wearing everywhere with him.
he picked up a small brown bag. "i made my own today, don't really want any of that crap." he explained, setting it down on the table before beginning to nudge closer up to george.
"gay." connor interrupted, receiving a glare from george.
"well that's the point." the brit said, taking a sip from his apple juice.
"indeed" clay smiled through a gentle laugh.
nick shot a strangely happy glance at clay, leaving the blonde slightly confused.
he replied by raising his eyebrow.
nick caught onto that and gestures with his eyes at him and george sitting together.
clay sighed in defeat and confusion. he'd just have to ask nick what he was saying later.
" clay, did you ever bother with the hamilton play?" ant asked, slowly pulling out of the previous conversation he had.
clay lifted his head from george's head but immediately missed the warmth, slowly after he snaked his arm around george's waist instead.
"i didn't no, anxiety got a little too high. maybe some other time however"
ant nodded in understanding. "i get ya. still bet you would've done great."
"oh he would!" george chimed in.
"how do you know?" clay asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"don't pretend like i haven't heard your singing when i come over. you're great at it" george took his left hand and caressed clays hand as he linked them together.
"you're just saying that." clay replied doubtfully, but happiness still tugged at his chest.
"trust me i'm not, dream. heck, i don't think i can sing like you do." george said, honestly.
tommy who was seated at the opposite side in the corner, raised his eyebrow at the unfamiliar nickname.
"thank you-" clay could tell george was being genuine but something in his mind kept telling him otherwise.
for now he would just ignore those thoughts.
george kissed his cheek lightly.
clay blushed and decided he would do the same, doing just that and kissing his cheek in return.
"well, who's excited for disney?" carmen broke the dawned silence.
a chorus of 'me!'s followed and clay smiled at everybody at the table.


pulling into the driveway, george sighed. "packing earlier could've been a better idea" george laughed.
clay nodded. "yeah, but what could i expect?"
"wow that's bold. you huwt my feewings dweam" george mocked a sad tone.
clay laughed, a smile splitting his face.
"i like that you're getting used to calling me dream. i know not everyone will but i think i like it better than clay." he said to george, who kissed him in return, just because.
"i'm glad that makes you happy. in that case, i'm going to make sure to just use dream instead."
they got out of the car, now entering george's house.
"oh, hi clay! welcome back. " george's mom greeted the two at the door, posing a quick conversation with george until turning back to clay.
"i heard your guys' news, you two are together now?"
clay nodded shyly.
"i'm really proud of you two! i know george fairly well, obviously, and i'm glad you've gotten such a good partner."
george peeked in on the conversation, standing next to clay and smiling.
"heh, thanks, he's honestly all i could ask for."
"that's cute." is all she mustered, then walking away and waving a goodbye
"we're talking about me are we?" george laughed.
"yes georgie, i'm talking about you." clay smiled and faced the brit.
clay then ducked down slightly to kiss george and they'd headed to george's room.
"alright. now, what the hell do we start with first?" george asked.
"probably clothes, just to get that out of the way." clay suggested, grabbing the suitcase that was on the ground and opening it on the bed.
clay nodded.
"alright, what do you want on?"
clay though for a moment. "doesn't matter, whatever you like best."
"well my favorite band is blink-182, so you'll have to put up with punk rock."
"that's fine!" clay reassured, and slowly enough a song called 'not now' began to fade in.
"alright! let's get this started."
might make a sequel after most this is done. have some ideas :]

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