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'Do you want a cup of water?' Dexter asked.
Adam looked up, surprised by the sudden interruption of the silence.
'No, thank you.' He said with a voice that was hoarse from crying. They had been waiting in the hospital for hours, but no one could give them an update on how James was doing. All they could say was that doctors were working on him. Adam didn't even know what time it was. He hadn't looked at his phone. He'd spent the last hours staring at the door that James dissapeared through. The only thing he could think about was whether or not James was gonna live. He was scared. He didn't know what he was going to do if he lost the blonde.
"Don't think like that!" He thought to himself as he shook his head. Yet, that was all he could think about. A doctor came through the doors.
'Is there any news?' Dexter asked.
'You're here for James Rallison right?'
'I'm sorry, but I don't have any updates. He's still in surgery. That knife did a lot of damage.'
'Can you say anything about how he's doing? Do you know if he's gonna live?'
'I'm sorry, I don't know anything yet. But we're doing everything we can.'
'I know.' Dexter muttered before sitting back down again. He slowly turned his head and looked at Adam.
'Are you okay?' He asked. The dark haired boy nodded silently and kept staring at the doors. All of Dexter's attempts to get more information from the boy had failed. But he knew that Adam wasn't fine.
'I'm not talking about physical injuries.' He added. Adam finally looked away from the doors to look at Dexter.
'I'm scared.' He said, his voice cracking.
'I know. So am I.'
'He saved me... He risked everything to save me... If I were to lose him now... I wouldn't know what to do.' Adam whispered. Tears started escaping his eyes, which were already red from crying.
Dexter wanted to comfort the boy more, but he didn't know how. He didn't think he could say anything that would make the situation better and he was terrified himself. Another hour passed by. Suddenly another doctor walked through the doors and walked straight up to them.
'You're the people that are here for James Rallison, right?'
'Yes, do you have any information?' Dexter asked.
'He's gonna live. If everything goes according to plan, he should make a full recovery. Maybe he'll keep a scar, but that's the least of our problems.' The doctor replied.
'James is gonna be okay?' Adam almost yelled. A smile spreading on his face as he used the sleeves of his hoodie to dry his cheeks and eyes.
'He's gonna be completely fine.' The doctor smiled. New tears started to fall, this time from happiness and relief.
'Can we see him?' Adam asked.
'He's still pretty tired and we don't want to overwhelm him. You can see him, but we allow only one person at a time.' The doctor replied. Dexter and Adam looked at each other.
'You go first. I'll wait.' Dexter said with a smile.

Adam softly knocked on the door.
'Come in.' James's voice said from the other side, sounding just a little weaker than usual. Adam tried to stay calm as he entered, suppressing the urge to throw open the door and immediately pull the blonde into an embrace.
'I'm so glad to see you're doing okay!' Adam said as he sat down in a chair next to the blonde's bed.
'I'm glad you're okay too.' James replied.
'What do you mean? You saved me! I wasn't in danger. You were the one fighting for your life.'
'I mean, I'm glad you're safe from your dad. What happened after he stabbed me? I didn't really pay attention to what was happening around me.'
'The police officers came and arrested him before he could cause more harm.'
A beat of silence went between them.
'How can I ever thank you? You saved my life!' Adam asked.
'You were ready to do the same thing, weren't you? You stood in front of me and were ready to take that knife for me. Just like I ended up doing for you. I love you, Adam. I always will.'
'I love you too. I love you so fricking much! I thought I'd lost you!' Adam said, his eyes tearing up again.
'I told you I wouldn't leave you.'
'Yeah, I guess you did. Don't scare me like that ever again.'
'I won't. I promise.'

A couple months later
Adam stretched his legs and got up from his chair.
'Finally, that class took forever!' He said.
'It always seems like the last class of the day takes longer than it actually does.' Jaiden replied.
'Especially on Friday.' James added.
'Don't forget the sleepover! I'm expecting all of you at 6!' Rebecca exclaimed.
'I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world.' Maaz smiled.
'Adam, you should bring your guitar!' James said.
'Why?' Adam asked.
'You guys never heared Adam sing before, right. He's got the voice of an angel.' James replied.
'In that case, you gotta show us.' Jaiden said with a smile.

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