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'Caleb? As in your brother Caleb?' James asked in surprise.
'Yeah...' Adam replied.
'What are you gonna answer?'
'I don't know. I haven't talked to Caleb since he ran away over a year ago and we parted ways while fighting. Do you think he knows that I turned in our dad?'
'Maybe. So what are you gonna do?'
Adam stayed silent. He stared at his phone for a minute before he started typing a reply. James looked over his shoulder to see how the conversation would go.

Caleb: Hey Aj

Caleb: It's been a while and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up again sometime

Adam: Hey bro,
I'd love to

Caleb: Are you free this evening?

Adam: No, sorry. I'm hanging with friends

Caleb: Good to see you're finally making friends again

Caleb: Are you doing anything tomorrow?

Adam: No, I'm free

Caleb: Wanna meet at 4pm? You know the place

Adam: Sounds good

Adam: Is it okay if I bring a friend?

Caleb: What friend?

Adam: Just someone I'd like you to meet.

Caleb: Sure, no problem

Caleb: I'll bring Thurnis too

Adam: Awsome

Adam: See ya tomorrow

Caleb: See ya

'Who are you bringing?' James asked curiously.
'Who do you think, smartypants? You!' Adam replied.
'Me? You want me to meet your brother?'
'Yeah, I want to tell him about us. I know you're a little scared to tell people, but I know Caleb and I know he'll be okay with it.'
'Do we have to tell him already? I... I really want to wait if that's okay.'
'Fine... we'll wait. But one day, we're telling him.'
Adam placed a quick kiss on the blonde's lips before getting up and walking towards the door.
'Not so quick.' James said with a grin. He quickly got up as well and grabbed Adam's shoulder, turning him around and kissing him. They'd been together for some time now, but every time they kissed, something was still fluttering in his stomach.
Suddenly the door opened.
'Is everything okay here, you were gone for a while and...' Rebecca abruptly stopped her sentence when she, Jaiden and Maaz saw the two boys. James and Adam immediately pulled away from each other, but they're friends had already seen it.
'I knew it.' Jaiden whispered.
'Yeah, you're not telling me that's still for the dare.' Maaz said with a teasing smile.
'Screw truth or dare! I think it's storytime! Tell us everything!' Rebecca exclaimed.
James and Adam both just stared at their friends, not really knowing how to react.

'I knew something was up between you two.' Jaiden said as James and Adam were done telling the story. They left out some details though.
'Why didn't you tell us anything sooner?' Maaz asked.
'I don't know. We were a little nervous.' James replied.
'We're your friends, what did you think we were gonna do?' Rebecca asked.
'I don't know. It was stupid. It's just kinda weird to randomly bring up and we're still kinda figuring stuff out ourselves.' Adam replied.
'I'm glad you guys know, though. Maybe we should tell more people.' James replied.
'Hey, if they really care about you, they don't care for what gender you fall.' Jaiden said.
'So Adam, since you did your dare, who do you want to challenge?' Maaz asked. Adam grinned.
'I believe James hasn't had a turn yet, right?'

The next day
'Where are we going?' James asked.
'We're meeting up with Caleb, remember.' Adam replied.
'I know, but where? Caleb just said "you know the place".'
'Yeah, and so do you...'
'Wait what?'
'Don't tell me you can't figure out where I'm going.'
James thought for a second, but then he recognized the route they were taking.
'Are we going to the cliff?' He asked. They'd been there a lot since James had left the hospital. It was their little place where they could be together without having to be afraid of being seen. As well as the fact that it was just a super romantic place overall.
'Bingo! I told you that aside from us two, Caleb and my dad the only people are that know about it.' Adam replied.
A couple minutes later they arrived. A boy with a dog was already sitting at the edge of the cliff. The dog barked and started running towards them. He jumped onto Adam, which made him lose balance and the dark haired boy fell to the ground.
'THURNIS! I missed you too, buddy!' Adam exclaimed. He started laughing when Thurnis started to lick his face. The sound of his laugh made James smile. The boy at the edge of the cliff had looked up when his dog ran off and now he went to stand next to the two boys that had just arrived.
'Hi, my name is Caleb. I'm AJ's brother.' The boy said.
'Hi, I'm James.' The blonde replied.
'As in, James Rallison?' Caleb asked.
'How did you know that?' Adam asked as he got up from the ground, still scratching the dog behind his ears.
'I was at dad's trail. The name fell and I remembered it.' Caleb said with a shrug.
'So you know about dad?' Adam asked.
'Yeah...' Caleb muttered.
'I kinda guessed that. We didn't talk in over a year and you suddenly wanted to meet up.' Adam said.
'Yeah... I missed you man.'
'I missed you too.'
'Do you and James mind explaining what happened?'

'You saved AJ's life? My god, how can I ever thank you for that?' Caleb asked when they were done telling the story. James's cheeks turned red.
'Oh, well... it was nothing. Adam would've done the same for me.' He muttered.
'Still, I tried to put some common sense in that stubborn head of his, but he'd never stop defending dad. I don't know how you did it, but you managed to finally open his eyes.'
'I didn't do that. The attack with the knife and the fight they had at school did the trick.'
'Still... If you hadn't been there, he would've had no place to go when he was in trouble. As his brother, I feel that I too should thank you for that. We may have parted in a fight, we may have not spoken in over a year, but he's my god dam brother and I love him.'
James blushed. He didn't know why, but he alway had a hard time excepting "thank you"s.
'I just realized, I never really thanked your friend for letting you stay.' Adam noticed.
'That's okay. But AJ, if James ever needs help, you should help him out too.' Caleb said.
'Of course! That's what friends do!' Adam exclaimed.
'About that... there is something we need to tell you, Caleb...' James muttered. Adam gave the blonde a confused look. Suddenly he realized what James was talking about and a surprised expression made its way onto his face. He thought James wasn't ready to tell.
'What is it?' Caleb asked curiously.
'Adam and I are a little more than just friends...' James muttered as he started blushing a bit.
'What do you mean?' Caleb asked confused.
'Jameson and I are dating!' Adam said before James had the chance to even open his mouth. As soon as he said it, a blush appeared on his cheeks as well. Caleb looked at the two in confusion for a second, but then a wide grin appeared on his face.
'That explains why you always did that poorly with the ladies.' He said teasingly. Adam started laughing.
'I guess so.' He laughed.
'I'm proud of you, bro.' Caleb said.
'What for?' Adam asked confused.
'For how far you've come. Not just the whole situation with dad, but also on a personal level. Making friends, opening up, finding love... you were so closed up after the fire. You'd build a wall around yourself, locking everybody out. It must have been scary to trust people... but you got past that. And I'm proud of that.' Caleb replied.
Adam started to blush even more now.
'That wouldn't have happened without Jameson though.' He muttered.
'Thank you.' Caleb said to James, who shyly smiled back, not knowing what to say.

'There's something else I wanted to talk to you about, AJ.' Caleb said.
'What's up?' Adam asked.
'So... I got a phone call from dad... from prison. He wanted me to visit... to talk.' Caleb muttered.
'Yeah, he called me too...'
'Would you like to go together? I'm a little nervous to go alone.'
'I'd love to. I don't really want to go alone either. Honestly, I was gonna bring James, to not be alone.'
'He can come too, if you want.'
The two brothers looked at James, as if they wanted his opinion in the matter.
'I don't want to be rude or anything, but I think it's better if I don't join. You're family needs a good talk and I'm not a part of that family. You all have a history that I don't have anything to do with. But don't worry, I'll be right there when you go back home.' James said.
'I hope it's not to sudden, but today happens to be visiting day in prison. We can go now, if you want. We can also wait for next week if that's better.' Caleb muttered. Adam thought for a second.
'I don't think we should wait. Let's go now.'

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