The voice of an angel

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The two dropped the backpacks with Adam's stuff on the floor of James's bedroom. James sat down on the bed and looked at the clock. It was 4:25 am.
'I'll let you go back to bed now.' Adam muttered.
'No! I think we need to talk and I don't wanna wait until tomorrow.' James said.
'You sure?' Adam asked. James nodded. Adam walked over to the bed and sat down next to the blonde.
'You kissed me. Does that mean you have feelings for me?' James asked.
'You kissed me back! What does that say about your feelings?' Adam fired back.
'I asked first!' James said.
'I-I... fine. I feel something weird when I'm with you. Something fluttering in my stomach. I think I indeed have feelings for you, James. I'm just a little confused, because I've never felt like this before. But you kissed me back. So does that mean you feel the same?' Adam asked nervously.
'I think I do. It's like you say, it's confusing. I haven't felt like this before either.' James replied. The two boys were silent for a moment.
'Does... does that make us a couple?' James asked.
'I don't know.' Adam replied.
'I'd love to be your boyfriend if you wanna be mine.' James said. Adam started blushing.
'I'd love that.'
'We shouldn't tell Dexter and Sarah. I think I can convince them to let my friend that's in trouble stay here for a while, but I'm not sure I can convince them to let my boyfriend stay here for a while and convince them that nothing is going to happen.' James said.
'Yeah. We should keep it to ourselves for now.' Adam agreed.
'Never thought I'd be gay.' James chuckled.
'Why not? Something wrong with that?' Adam asked.
'No, I just... I never really thought about that kind of things. As a kid I honestly didn't care about love and later I was to busy with what happened to my family. But when I'm with you... I don't think about the pain. I just feel... happy.' James started to blush as well.
'That's all I want. For you to be happy.' Adam replied. The two looked deep into each other's eyes. They leaned in closer together and there lips touched for the second time that night. This time however, they slowly started getting more passionate. Adam pushed James down on the bed. They both got wilder and wilder as they were making out. James tried to roll over so he'd be on top, when suddenly Adam cried out in pain.
'I'm so sorry!' James said worriedly when he realized what he'd done.
'It's okay. You didn't do it on purpose.' Adam said as he rolled on his side again.
'I forgot about your injuries. I didn't remember it hurted if you lay on your back. I'm so sorry, Adam.' James said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
'It's okay, Angel. I'm fine.' Adam replied.
'Maybe we should go back to bed. It's pretty late.' James muttered. Adam scooted a little to the side so James could lay down next to him.
'You sure? I don't wanna accidentally hurt you again.' James asked.
'It's fine. The bed is big enough for the both of us. Don't worry, Angel.'
Adam smiled as the blonde lay down next to him. James smiled back as they looked into each other's eyes.
'Goodnight, Adam.' James whispered before closing his eyes.
'Goodnight, Jameson.'

The next day
James and Adam sat together on the couch. They were playing Mario kart again. Suddenly the front door opened and Sarah and Dexter walked in.
'Hey, James. I didn't know you'd have a friend over. Did everything go well while we were gone?' Dexter asked.
'Welcome back! Everything went great.' James replied.
'So who's your friends?' Sarah asked.
'This is Adam. He's in my class and also works at Subway with me.' James answered.
'Nice to meet you, Adam.' Dexter said politely.
'Hello.' Adam muttered a little shy. It made James smile. The other boy looked cute when he acted shy.
'Can... can I ask you guys for a favor?' James asked a little nervous.
'What do you need?' Sarah asked curiously.
'So, Adam has a little trouble at home and he kinda needs a place to stay for a while. I was wondering if it's okay if he stays here.'
It was silent for a moment.
'What's wrong at home?' Dexter asked.
'Some... family business. I'd rather not talk about it.' Adam replied.
'I think it's okay, as long as Dexter agrees. Friendship is important so if your friend needs help, you should help him. But, Adam, know you can always talk to us, okay?' Sarah said. Adam nodded and turned to Dexter.
'If your family's in trouble and they need help, it's important you tell us. We want to help you. And Sarah is right. You can stay here for now.' Dexter said.
'Thank you! Thank you so much!' Adam exclaimed happily.
'We don't have a guest's room, but I think we have a mattress in the attic. We can put it in James's room. I know it's not really a bed, but at least you can sleep somewhere better than the couch.' Sarah said.
'How about we go take a look in the attic after lunch.' Dexter smiled.

After lunch, James, Adam and Dexter went to the attic.
'I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner, but I've actually never been in the attic.' James said as he turned on the lights and looked around.
'This place is amazing!' Adam whispered in awe.
'It's just an old, dusty attic. What's so amazing about it?' Dexter asked.
'Look at all those music instruments!' Adam said as he pointed at all the different instruments.
'Oh, yeah. My family is pretty good at music, so I collected a lot of instruments over the years. Every time someone got something new, they'd give me the old one. But I don't know how to play any of these, so they kinda just sit here. Do you play anything, Adam?' Dexter asked.
'Yeah. I'm pretty good with a guitar and I also play piano.' Adam replied.
'We don't have a piano, but I think there's a guitar somewhere over there.' Dexter said as he pointed to a dark corner.
'Why don't you go look for the guitar while Dexter and I look for the mattress.' James suggested. He didn't have te say that twice. Adam immediately ran to the instruments. He was only partially looking for the guitar. Every single instrument he passed by, he would try. James smiled at the enthusiasm of the other boy.
'I found the mattress. Can you help me, James?' Dexter called out from the other side of the attic.

Ten minutes later the two boys were sitting in James's room. Adam's mattress was put against the wall on the opposite side of James's bed. Adam had put the pictures of his family on the floor next to the mattress and was sitting down with the guitar.
'I'm finally done tuning it.' Adam said after a while.
'So what are you waiting for? Play something!' James exclaimed.
'I'm not that good so don't judge, okay? I also haven't played in a long time. But here I go.' Adam said before closing his eyes. He let his fingers find the strings and heard the melody they were playing. He soon recognized the song he played and started singing:

'Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence'

James felt his jaw drop. Never before in his life had he heard a voice sing so pure and so beautiful. He stared at Adam and he couldn't look away as the other boy was playing and singing.

'In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence'

Adam wasn't thinking. He was singing and playing based of muscle memory and his own feeling for music. He remembered the good times when he and his family would sing songs together. He remembered the tiny little guitar his mom bought him when he was little and the regular sized guitar his dad bought him when he got older. And now, as he was playing, he didn't feel the pain in his back. He only felt the happiness music always brought him.

'And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools", said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence'

Adam slowly opened his eyes again as he hit the last string. He looked a little nervously at the blonde that was staring at him.
'That was beautiful, Adam! I didn't know you were so talented!' James exclaimed. Adam's face turned red.
'I used to play with my family. It's no big deal.' He muttered.
'Are you kidding me? You're awesome! You have the voice of an angel!' James said.
'I just... when I play I just don't have to think for a moment. I don't feel the sadness of the world and I don't feel the pain. It's kinda like a little escape from reality.' Adam explained.
'If it helps with the pain... maybe you should play when I take care of your injuries. I know it sounds stupid, but maybe it'll distract you. Because don't think I didn't notice it hurts when I touch the cuts every time I try to take care of them.' James said.
'You might be right. We should try that next time.' Adam replied.

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