A new life

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'What?' James exclaimed. Why would anybody choose him to adopt? People always wanted the little kids, never the teens. People wanted to raise kids as if they were their own, they didn't want to get stuck with an annoying teenager going through puberty. And even if they would want a teenager, why would they want him.
'You look confused?' Mrs. Smith noted.
'I'm just surprised. I don't understand why anybody would want to adopt specifically me.' James said.
'If you don't want to go with them, I can't force you. At the age of sixteen you have a say in the matter as well.' Mrs. Smith said.
'No, I'd love to leave! Nothing personal, Mrs. Smith. But...' james didn't know how to formulate it in such a way it wouldn't sound at least a little offensive, but Mrs. Smith smiled.
'It's fine, James. I know what you mean.' James looked nervously at the couple. He didn't really like the idea of going with these strangers, but he knew the orphanage did a background check before they let people adopt and he knew he'd do anything to not have to go back to school on Monday. To not have to see his bullies again.
'Do you want a couple of days to say your goodbyes?' The women, who was apparently called Sarah, asked.
'No, I don't have a lot of goodbyes to say. Just my roommate really.' James said.
'Are you okay with leaving today, or do you want a wait a little?' Mrs. Smith asked.
'I'm down to go as soon as I can.' James replied.
'Than why don't you go pack your stuff and bring it downstairs. Wait for us at the entrance. We still have some paperwork to go through.' Mrs. Smith said. James nodded and left. He couldn't believe it. He was leaving. Away from Billy and his gang. Away from the negative atmosphere of the orphanage and maybe he would like the new family he was going to be a part of.
'That was quick. How did it go?' Michael asked as James entered the room.
'I'm getting adopted!' James exclaimed.
'No way, really? That's awesome!' Michael said. 'I thought people always wanted the little kids.'
'I thought so too, but I'm not going to complain.' James responded as he started to put his stuff in the boxes that were under his bed. The boxes had been there ever since he arrived. He'd used them to bring his stuff from his old home to this place and now he was using them to leave this place again.
'I'm gonna miss you, though.' Michael said a little sad. James turned to look at his roommate.
'I'm gonna miss you too, Michael. Thanks for everything you've done for me.'
'I liked being your roommate.'
'Same. I wish you the best of luck.' James said as he closed his last box.
'Let me help you with those.' Michael said as he picked up one of James's boxes.

James waited at the entrance together with Michael. Dexter and Sarah Brown appeared at the end of the hallway together with Mrs. Smith.
'Do you have everything?' Dexter asked.
'Yes, Mr. Brown.' James responded.
'Ah-ah, nope, we're not doing that. No Mr no Mrs, just Sarah and Dexter, okay?' Dexter said with a goofy smile.
James nodded.
'Are you ready to go?' Sarah asked.
'Just one second.' James replied before turning to Michael and pulling him in an embrace.
'I'm gonna miss you. Take good care of yourself and say bye to John for me.' He said.
'Take care of yourself too. Goodbye, James.'
James and Michael let go of each other and James turned back to Sarah and Dexter.
'If you want, we can come and visit your friend from time to time.'  Sarah said.
'I'd like that.' James replied.
'So that'll be it, James.' Mrs. Smith said. 'Next week and next month someone will come visit to check on you. I hope everything is going to go well.'
'I hope so too. Thanks for al the care, Mrs. Smith.' James said. Mrs. Smith just smiled as she opened the door for James, Sarah and Dexter to leave.

In the car
James stared at the blue sky through the window. His mind wandering. He was thinking about what his new life was gonna look like. He thought back of Michael, waving at him as the car left the parking in front of the orphanage. He hoped Michael would get the chance to be adopted too one day.
'I hope you're not scared of dogs. We have one.' Dexter said, breaking the silence.
'I love dogs!' James replied excitedly.
'It's girl and she's called Floof.' Sarah said with a smile.
'I can't wait to meet her!' James exclaimed.
The car went silent again.
'Why did you pick me to adopt?' James asked after some time had passed. It was something he'd been wondering about since he heard the news.
'I'm not complaining or anything, but usually people...'
'Want the little kids.' Dexter finished James's sentence.
'I know. I grew up in an orphanage as well. I was a teen and I remember how hard it was. I wanted to be able to save at least one teenager from having to grow up like that.'
Dexter turned a little in his seat to look at James.
'Listen, kid. We're not gonna try to replace your family, because we know we can't. But we're gonna try to have a good time and be our own little family.' He said.
'Thanks. I appreciate that.' James whispered.
'Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?' Sarah asked.

James ended up talking a lot about himself so Sarah and Dexter could get to know him. He also got to know them a little better. Par example, he learned that Sarah was a kindergarten teacher and that Dexter repaired computers for a living.
Eventually they arrived at Sarah and Dexter's house. It was a nice house with a garden. It wasn't in the middle of the city, but it wasn't in the middle of nowhere either.
Sarah opened the front door as James and Dexter carried the boxes inside. As soon as he entered the house, a dog jumped against James's side and he fell over, dropping the boxes he'd been carrying. He wasn't mad about it. There was nothing breakable in the boxes and he didn't fall hard. He laughed as the dog was licking his face.
'Hello, Floof. I'm James and I'm gonna live here too. I've heard a lot about you.' He said. Dexter put down the boxes and chuckled.
'I have to warn you, she will chew on your socks if she gets the chance to.' He said.
James laughed and looked around him. When entering through the front door he immediately entered the living room. There was a TV against the wall close to a window and the couch was facing it. At the end of the room was a door that probably led to the kitchen and to the right of the front door were the stairs.
'Let's go show you your room.' Sarah said as she picked up the boxes James had dropped. They went upstairs and James saw a hallway with four doors. Two to the right, one at the end of the hallway and one on the left.
'The first door right is our bedroom, the door next to it leads to the stairs that go to the attic, the door at the end is the bathroom and the door here on the left is for you.' Dexter explained. James opened the door and saw a rectangular bedroom. The door was against the wall on the right and in front of him, pushed in the corner was the bed. Next to the bed was a nightstand and a little further away was a window. Next to the window was a desk. The wall on the left was empty and against the wall the door was in, was a big closet. The walls were painted in a calming dark blue. Dexter and Sarah put James's boxes on the floor and looked at the blonde boy.
'It's getting kinda late already. I suggest we go out to eat dinner somewhere and after that you can take your time to put your stuff in your new room. Maybe we can go shopping tomorrow. I assume you would like some new clothes, unless you want to keep wearing your orphanage uniform. Than we can also buy some decorations. Posters or plushies or stuff like that. This room is gonna be your little place, so decorate it however you want it.' Dexter said.

The next day, James went shopping with Dexter and Sarah. He got a lot of new clothes as well as posters and other stuff to decorate his bedroom. By the time he'd finished decorating his room, it was already time for dinner.
'Hey, James, do you like video games?' Dexter asked.
'Depending on which game it is.' James replied.
'Nintendo stuff. Mario games mostly. I just realized I didn't show you where I keep them. If you need somebody to play against I'm always up for a good game.' Dexter said.
'Yeah, let's do that this evening!' James exclaimed.
'Oh, and if you like music, I have a couple of instruments in the attic. I don't use them because I don't know how to play any of them. But if you do, feel free to play.' Dexter said.
'That's nice of you, but I don't play any instruments either.' James replied. 'I'm up for a mario kart game after dinner though. And you can count on the fact that I'm gonna win.'

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