'Talk to me... please.'

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Adam followed James home in complete silence. He figured James wouldn't reply if he tried to start a conversation anyways. Once they got home, James just dumped his bag on the floor, took his sketchbook and sat down on the couch. He hadn't drawn in a long time.
'What are we going to do now?' Adam asked quietly. James didn't reply.
'Listen man, I know you're mad at me, but it wasn't my fault. I can't bring your family back and I can't change the past, but... I love you. And I wanna make it up to you. I wanna make things okay again... please talk to me.' Adam said, his voice soft. His vision turned a little blurry when the blonde didn't react, didn't do anything. Adam tried to blink the tears away as he walked over to James, who was sketching something in his book. Adam grabbed the pencil James was using, careful to not accidentally ruin the drawing.
'Give that back.' James called as he tried grabbing the pencil from Adam's hands.
'Talk to me first.' Adam insisted as he backed away to prevent the blonde from getting the pencil. James jumped up from the couch and the sketchbook that had been laying on his lap fell to the floor.
'Give that back, Adam!' He yelled.
'Talk to me first! I love you, man! I don't want it to be like this!' Adam replied.
'I told you, we'll talk later.' James yelled.
'I don't wanna wait until later. It hurts to see you like this. I want to make things okay. Please, Angel... talk to me.'
James was glaring daggers before he walked towards the stairs. He had a second sketchbook upstairs and plenty of pencils. He didn't want to see the other boy right now. And he didn't want Adam to see him. Not while he was on the verge of crying. He passed by Adam and gave him a cold glare before saying: 'Don't follow me!' With the coldest voice he could do. The sound made a shiver go through Adam's body as a couple tears finally escaped his eyes. He heard James run upstairs and heard him slam his bedroom door shut. The dark haired boy turned around and picked James's sketchbook up from the floor. It had fallen open on a page with a really cute drawing. It was a white, bubbly, marshmallow-like family. All smiling, all happy. It was James's family. The sight of the drawing was to much for Adam as he crashed down on the couch, sobbing. How could he ever make this okay? He was involved in the thing that made James lose almost his entire family, save for the twin sister that was already dead. He didn't know what to do, but he had to do something. Because he knew he wouldn't be able to live without the other boy.

James slammed his bedroom door shut. He let himself fall onto his bed just in time before he started sobbing. He hugged his pillow tightly as he cried, a wave of emotions coming over him. The pain was to much. His family. Because of that truck, he lost his family. The truck Adam was in. James loved his family. He also loved Adam, in a different way, but that didn't make the pain stop. The blonde was confused. Confused about what he was feeling, confused about what he should do. He wasn't ready to talk to Adam. It hurted to be with him right now. But it hurted just as much to not be with him. James grabbed his blanket and pulled it over his head, so it covered his entire body. He hugged his pillow even tighter as he continued sobbing.

Sarah just placed her key in the lock to open the front door when she heard a car pull up in the driveway behind her. She smiled as she turned around and saw her husband get out of the car.
'Hey sweetie.' Dexter said as he walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss.
'Hey, darling. Where are the boys?' Sarah asked.
'I believe they're home early.' Dexter replied.
'Really? Why?'
'I don't know. I went to school to pick them up and one of their friends came up to me and told me they were already home.'
Sarah opened the front door and she and Dexter entered the house. They saw Adam sitting at the table, his back facing the front door, not looking up from what he was doing when the couple entered.
'Hey, Adam. Where's James?' Dexter asked.
'Upstairs.' Adam replied, his voice cracking as he did. He quickly cleared his throat and continued with what he was doing.
'Is something wrong?' Sarah asked.
'No.' Adam replied.
Sarah and Dexter looked at each other in confusion, a silent question passing between them.
'I'll go check upstairs.' Dexter muttered before leaving his wife and the dark haired boy alone to go check on James. Sarah carefully walked over to Adam. As she came closer, she saw that he was drawing something.
'Are you sure everything is okay, sweetheart?' She asked as she sat down next to him.
'I'm fine!' Adam said as he quickly closed the sketchbook to try and hide what he had been drawing. He got up from the chair and walked over to the couch, hoping he could hide the fresh tear tracks on his face. Sarah looked at him suspiciously.
'If you say so. But you know you can talk to us about it, right?' She said.
'Yeah, I know. But I'm fine.' Adam said as he continued his drawing. He had a hard time making sure his voice didn't crack.
'Okay then... I'll start making dinner. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen.'

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