I will protect you

519 18 37

Warning: Violence

There was a tense atmosphere as James, Adam and Dexter were sitting at the table. When James went to bed last night, Adam was already asleep. Neither of the boys had said a word the entire morning. James and Dexter were eating their breakfast, but Adam could only stare at his cereal. He wasn't hungry. He even felt a little nauseous. He was sure he'd never been this nervous before in his life and he wasn't sure if he was ready. But he had to do this.
'Ready to go?' Dexter asked.
Adam looked up. James and Dexter were looking at him. Apparently they realised he wasn't gonna be able to eat breakfast. Adam slowly nodded his head and got up, feeling more nauseous every second.

They drove to the police station in complete silence, the tense atmosphere never leaving. They circled around for a while, looking for a parking spot, until Dexter stopped in the middle of the street.
'Why don't you two get out and go ahead already? I'll be right there as soon as I find a parking spot, okay?' Dexter said.
James and Adam silently nodded and got out of the car. They nervously started walking towards the building.
'James? Maybe we should first...'
'No!' James interrupted.
Adam held his head low. He hated the silence the blonde was giving him, but the coldness in his voice hurted just as much. Adam felt almost dizzy when they entered the building. He had never in his life been this nervous. Or this scared.
They entered the lobby and walked over to the receptionist's desk. There were no other people except them and the receptionist, who looked up from her computer when the two boys entered, almost surprised.
'How can I help you?' The receptionist asked kindly.
James looked at Adam, who was staring at the floor. After a couple seconds, James realized that Adam wasn't going to be saying something so he answered instead.
'We're here to report a case of child abuse.'
The receptionist's face got serious.
'I'll take you to an officer that'll help you out.' She said.

'So tell me what happened.' An officer said as soon as the two boys sat down in front of her. The officer cleared some paperwork off her desk and prepared to take notes on her computer. There was a small sign on the desk that said: Officer Johnson.
'We're here for my friend Adam.' James said as he pointed at the boy next to him. He wanted Adam to tell the story himself, but the other boy didn't seem to wanna talk.
'What happened, Adam?' Officer Johnson asked kindly.
Adam didn't reply. He had a lump in his throat and stared at the floor. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't. He promised his dad he wasn't like Caleb.
"But you know very well that Caleb was right!" A voice in the back of his head said.
'It's okay, kid. You don't have to be afraid. We're here to help.' Officer Johnson said.
Adam still didn't look at her. His body started shaking and his heart started racing. His breathing quickened and it seemed as if everything around him was spinning.

"I can't do it! I'm no snitch! I'm not Caleb!"
"But Caleb was right!"
"Dad was straight up ready to kill Caleb when he heard! He hates him! He despises him! He could almost drink his blood!"
"Dad tried to kill you too, remember? He charged at you with a knife! If you didn't ran, you would be six feet under!"
"But dad still loves me, right?"
"He doesn't! He told you he doesn't! Why aren't you doing this?"

'Adam?' The voice sounded soft and so much better than the voices in his head. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and looked up. He looked up at James's face, that looked at him worriedly. Adam hadn't even noticed the tears that were escaping from his own eyes.
'It's okay, Adam. I'm here. You can do this.'
For a moment it seemed as if James was the only thing that existed around Adam.
'Take a deep breath.'
Adam followed the advice. He closed his eyes, inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. He felt his heartbeat calm down and when he opened his eyes, he looked straight at officer Johnson.
'It all started when our house caught fire about three years ago...'

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