'Hi, dad.'

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'No no no no... this can't be happening.' James mutter to himself. He turned around looking for Adam, but he couldn't see him anywhere.
'ADAM!' He yelled. 'ADAM, WHERE ARE YOU!'
There was no response. Suddenly James realized he had another problem. He had no idea where he was. He had no idea how to get out of this forest and even if he made it out, he didn't know which way to go to get back home.
'No no no no, what do I do?' He muttered to himself as he started panicking.
Suddenly he felt two hands on his shoulders which made him jump.
'Hey, Jamesy! What's up?' Adam giggled.
'Adam! You almost gave me a heart attack! Don't run off like that!' James said with a mixture of anger and relief.
'I came back looking for you, because you have my choccy milk.' Adam said.
'Is that the only reason?' James asked a little hurt.
'You wanted a nice place to eat and I know where!' Adam said as he grabbed the blonde's arm and dragged James behind him.
The two arrived at an open spot without trees. It was right at the edge of the forest. There was a little cliff looking out over the city. It was a beautiful view.
'Aw, Adam. This is beautiful.' James said. He took of his backpack and put it on the ground before sitting down next to it. Adam went to sit down next to the blonde and leaned back on his hands.
'My dad used to take me and Caleb here in better times. He always told us to never show this spot to anyone, because if to many people would come here, it would get ruined.' Adam said.
'Then why did you show me?' James asked.
'I trust you.' Adam replied.
James felt his cheeks turn hot. A smile appeared on his face as he looked at the other boy. Adam was staring at the amazing view before them and for a second, it seemed as if he wasn't drugged up at all.

'Let's eat.' James said as he took out the box with donuts and opened it. Adam took a chocolate donut and inspected it before throwing it back in the box and getting up.
'Someone ate it already!' He said in disgust.
'What do you mean? It's fine.' James asked as he inspected the donut.
'No! Someone took a bite out of it. The part in the middle is missing!' Adam yelled.
'Adam, that's how it's supposed to be. Donuts always have a hole in the middle.'
'That's only what they want you to think!'
James sighed.
'Sit down, Adam. I'll give you your choccy milk.' James said.
'NO! Don't take it out of your bag! They're waiting for you to do that! Just so they can take it!' Adam warned.
'Who's they?' James asked confused.
'They're everywhere around us, James! It's the birds! They're gonna take everything. They're acting all innocent, but I can see right through their lies!'
Adam turned around to face the trees.
'YOU HEAR ME? I CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOUR LIES!' He screamed at the trees. A couple of scared birds flew away.
'They're gone now. Can we sit back down and eat?' James asked.
'They're not alone, James. It's not just birds! It's bears and beavers and all the B animals. The B's! Yeah don't forget them. Bee's!' Adam said.
James sighed again. He grabbed his back and pulled out a banana. He remembered the story Adam had told him about how he went crazy for bananas when he was a kid. The blonde just hoped it would still work.
'Look what I have here.' He said. Adam turned around and his eyes widened.
'Is that a banana?' He asked in awe.
'Sure is.'
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!' Adam exclaimed jumping around like an overexcited puppy. It was actually really adorable.
'Sit down first.' James said calmly. Adam basically dove to the floor, rolled over, sat back up again and looked at James with his tongue out of his mouth like a dog. James couldn't help but start laughing at the sight. He gave the other boy the banana and Adam immediately attacked on it. He peeled it and started eating it while James took his donut. After Adam was done, he seemed to have calmed down, because he took his own donuts and started eating those. James also gave him the small bottle of chocolate milk he had taken with him from home. The blonde stared at the horizon and saw that the sun was setting. The view of the city with the setting sun was breathtaking. James turned his head to look at Adam and saw to his surprise that the other boy had fallen asleep against his shoulder. The sight made the blonde smile. He looked so peaceful and he had a tiny, adorable, little smile on his lips.

James slowly opened his eyes. The dark blue sky above him was lit by millions of brightly twinkling stars.
'I must have fallen asleep too.' James mumbled as he stared at the beautiful sky. He took his phone to check the time. It was just past midnight. Only then did he realize he had multiple missed calls and messages from Dexter. James immediately called him back.
'JAMES! I was so worried! Where are you two?' Dexter said.
'I'm sorry. We fel asleep.' James muttered.
'It's okay. Are you two coming home now?'
'Yeah, we're on our way.'
'Good. Sarah has been asleep for a while now. I'm gonna go to bed too. I'll see you guys in the morning.'
'Okay, goodnight.'
James hung up and pocketed his phone before turning to look at Adam. He was crawled up in a little ball on the ground and looked very peaceful. James carefully started shaking him to wake him up.
'Adam. Wake up. We gotta go home.' He said softly.
'What? Where am I?' Adam asked still half asleep. He got up and looked at the view of the city at night.
'How did I get here? What happened? I got a bit of a headache and I'm also a little lightheaded.'
James smiled.
'Liam gave you some painkillers and you were a bit high.' He responded.
'Really? I don't remember. We had to go home, you said?'
'Yeah. It's past midnight and we have school tomorrow. I'm counting on you to find the way back, because I have no idea where we are.'
'That's okay. I do.'

Adam yawned loudly as he and James joined Maaz, Jaiden and Rebecca.
'Hey, guys.' James muttered while rubbing his eyes.
'Are you two okay? You both look like you haven't slept at all.' Rebecca noted.
'It got kinda late for both of us last night, but how are you all doing?' Jamed asked.
'Pretty good.' Maaz replied.
'Can I ask you something, Adam?' Jaiden asked.
'Sure.' Adam replied slightly surprised.
'I was walking in the forest yesterday evening and I could've sworn I heard your voice somewhere nearby, but I didn't see you, so where you there? And if so, what were you doing because you were screaming something like a crazy person, but I couldn't hear what it was.' Jaiden asked.
James started violently coughing to try and hide his laughter while Adam's face turned red.
'I... I... I don't know what you're talking about.' He said eventually. Jaiden opened her mouth to ask more questions, but at that moment the bell rang.
'What the hell happened yesterday?' Adam whispered to James as they followed their friends to the math class they all shared together.
'Quite a lot.' James replied still snickering.

James stared out of the window. While he enjoyed math, he wasn't paying attention as his mind was wandering to all sorts of topics. He was better at math than most of his classmates, so while the teacher was giving extra explanations to stuff he already understood, he just kinda zoned out. His attention was brought back when the sound of his teachers voice was interrupted by a knock on the door. The blonde looked up to see the principal walk in with a men that seemed familiar, but James couldn't quite remember where he'd seen him before. Next to him, the blonde noticed Adam's reaction. The dark haired boy looked at the men with wide eyes and every muscle in his body was tense.
'Can I borrow mister Ortiz for a moment?' The principal asked.
'Ofcourse.' The teacher replied.
'You can leave your stuff here, mister Ortiz. I don't think you'll be gone until the end of class.' The principal said.
Adam gave James a scared look before slowly getting up. James didn't understand exactly what was going on.
'Hurry up, AJ! I didn't raise a snail!' The men called out.
James suddenly got it. He knew where he'd seen the men before. On Adam's pictures. He was Adam's dad. James gave Adam a concerned look as the dark haired boy walked over to his father.
'Hi, dad.' He muttered.
'Is that al you have to say, you little piece of...'
'Mister Oriz! I assume you'd like to talk to your son in private.' The principal said.
James didn't miss the concern in the principal's voice, nor did he miss the agression Adam's dad showed or the way Adam cowered in fear as soon as his father started talking.
'I'd like that.' Adam's dad replied.
'Then follow me.' The principal said before leaving the classroom. Adam quickly glanced back at James, scared, before turning around and followed his dad and the principal.

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