Horrible memories from a horrible truth

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In the bright light of the living room James could see Adam's injured face, despite the shadows Adam's hood was casting.
'So, you wanted answers...' Adam started.
'That can wait.' James said as he grabbed Adam's wrist and dragged him towards the kitchen.
'First, I'll give you an ice pack for that bruise and some tissues for your bleeding nose and lip. Then I'm gonna get you some towels and dry clothes, you can borrow some of my pajamas, and only then you will tell me the story.'
James let go of Adam's wrist and walked over to the freezer to look for ice.
'Believe me, my face is not the thing I'm most bothered by. You don't have to help me.' Adam said feeling his cheeks heat up a little.
'What do you mean, your face is not the thing you're most bothered by? It must hurt. Just let me patch you up.' James replied.
'My face isn't really the thing that needs patching up.' Adam muttered so quietly, it was almost as if he didn't want the blonde to hear it.
'What do you mean? Do you have any other injuries you need help with?' James gave the dark haired boy a worried look. Adam sighed and grabbed the bottom of his hoodie, carefully pulling it over his head before throwing the soaking wet piece of clothing on a chair. James felt his jaw drop. Underneath his hoodie Adam had been wearing a plain white shirt. Or at least, it used to be white. From the back, a large, blood red stain was spreading.
'I might have gotten hurt a little.' Adam said nervously. James carefully pulled Adam's shirt up to better see the injuries on the other boys back. Several deep cuts were spread over his back. They looked like they were made recently by a knife or some other sharp object and they were still bleeding pretty bad.
'Oh, Adam.' James whispered worried.
'Now you probably do want to hear the story first.' Adam sighed.
'No, these are pretty big wounds, Adam! You need medical attention right now! I'll drive you to the hospital!'
'No!' Adam turned around and pulled his shirt back down. 'No hospitals, no doctors, no one can know about any of this. No authorities, no friends of yours, no Dexter and Sarah, no one.'
'But why? You clearly need medical help! Doctors can give you that!'
'Doctors ask to many questions! Can't you help me?' Adam almost sounded like he was begging.
'I'm no doctor! Those cuts are really deep! I'm not sure if I can fix that! You might need stitches!'
'No doctors, James, please! You'll understand when I tell you the story.'
'Why do you want to tell me your story, but not the doctors?'
'Because you're the only person I trust!'
James fel silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond. He felt his cheeks turn hot and quickly stared at the floor.
'Sit down, I'll see what I can do.' The blonde said eventually.

James went to sit down behind Adam. He carefully pulled out the other boys shirt and with water and paper towels, he tried to clean up the blood around the wounds. It didn't help much. The cuts were still bleeding and every time the blonde wiped away some blood, new blood immediately replaced it. Eventually James gave up on wiping the blood away and started disinfecting the cuts. Adam hissed as he felt the stinging of the spray.
'Your back is cut open and the disinfectant is what you his at?' James said. He didn't say it like a joke, but more like he was actually expecting an answer. He didn't get one though. James carefully covered Adam's back with cotton wool before taking a bandage from the first aid kit. He started to walk around Adam in circles, wrapping the bandages around his back and chest.
'That should hold it for now, but I'm not sure they can properly heal like this. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to see a doctor.' James said.
'I can't thank you enough. You really are an angel, Jameson.' Adam replied. James gave the other boy a little smile before grabbing Adam's wrist again and dragging him behind him.
'Where are we going?' Adam asked as he nervously looked at the wrist James was holding.
'The bathroom. I'll get you some towels and you can borrow pajamas and then I'll leave you alone for a bit so you can freshen up. You're still soaked from the rain and don't think I didn't notice you've been shivering the entire time.' James answered without looking back at Adam. The blonde opened the bathroom door and walked in, still dragging Adam with him. He finally let go of the dark haired boys wrist and left the room, leaving the door open.
'I'll go get some pajamas you can borrow. You like red, right?' James called out from inside his bedroom.
'Yeah, but the color doesn't really matter to me.' Adam called back as he kept looking at his wrist. He could feel the place James had touched almost burn.
'Here you go!' James said as he handed Adam the pajamas.
'Thanks.' Adam responded. The two were silent for a moment.
'You can find me downstairs when you're done.' James said eventually before leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

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