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'I'm a little scared.' Adam admitted as he and James entered the school.
'If Liam's character is even remotely similar to Dexter's, you'll be fine.' James said.
'What do you mean "if Liam's character is even remotely similar to Dexter's"? You haven't met him yet?' Adam asked.
'No, I haven't been living with Sarah and Dexter for that long. I haven't met Liam yet, but Dexter told me a lot about him. I don't think you have anything to worry about.' James replied.
'I don't know. I mean... I'm already a little nervous when you look at the cuts, but a complete stranger? I'm not sure how that will go.'
'Liam's gonna do everything he can to help you. As nerve wrecking as it seems, it's for the best. I'm glad a doctor is gonna look at it. I told you it wouldn't properly heal like this.'
'I know. But that doesn't make it less scary.'
The two boys walked over to James's friends.
'Hey, James! How was your weekend?' Jaiden asked.
'Pretty good. You?' James replied.
'Good too.' Jaiden said.
'You look a lot happier than last week. Does that mean things are better?' Maaz asked.
'Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry, that was just a thing for last week.' The blonde replied.
'Oh, hey, Adam. How... how was your weekend?' Rebecca asked a little unsure of why the boy stood with them.
'I'm good.' Adam muttered.
'It's nice to see that you want to socialize a little.' Jaiden said.
'What? Oh, yeah. Socialize. I'm just mainly standing here because of James. But you guys are nice people so, ye.' Adam replied a little awkwardly.
'Why do I have the feeling I missed something between you two this weekend?' Maaz asked.
'Nothing special, we just talked a little and we're friends now. That's it.' James said quickly.
'Well, it's nice to see you're ready to make friends, Adam. Know that you can count on us too.' Jaiden smiled.

After school
'Your friends are really great, James. I'm glad to be able to talk to them. I kinda thought they'd be more suspicious of me.' Adam said as he and James walked over to Dexter's car.
'I know they're great. They were worried about you before, because you were so distant. I think they're glad you're opening up.' James replied as he opened the car door.
'Hey, guys. How was school?' Dexter asked as the two boys got in the car.
'Boring as always.' James replied with a chuckle.
'Hey, Adam. I called my brother Liam and he's on his way. Because Sarah will be home late today, I thought it'd be good to have you checked now. But we won't keep lying to Sarah forever.' Dexter said.
'TODAY? He's gonna check me today?' Adam asked nervously.
'Yeah, today. Don't worry! He's really good at his job, and he owes me a "no questions asked favor". So you don't need to worry about that either. But you owe me, okay? Maybe not now, but you will tell me what's up with those cuts.' Dexter said.
Adam just quietly nodded.

James and Adam were nervously sitting on the couch as the doorbell rang. Dexter went to open the door.
'Liam! It's been way to long! You should come over more often!' Dexter exclaimed.
'It's great to see you again too, little bro! So which one is the kid you adopted?' Liam asked as he looked at the two boys on the couch.
'James. The blonde one. The other one is a friend of him.' Dexter said. James awkwardly waved.
'Nice to meet you, James. I can't wait to get to know you better. But first, why did you need me to come over?' Liam asked.
'I need a favor. No questions asked.' Dexter said suddenly serious.
'Oh, no. What is it this time?' Liam asked.
'Promise you won't ask any questions and you won't tell anybody. Not even Sarah.' Dexter said.
'I promise. So what's the problem?' Liam asked, apparently not that surprised of what Dexter was asking.
'Adam? Can you show him?' Dexter asked.
Adam looked nervously at Liam. Liam looked like a good guy, but Adam just had a lot of trouble trusting people.
'It's okay, Adam. I'm here with you.' James whispered in Adam's ear. The dark haired boy took a deep breath and slowly pulled out his hoodie and shirt, turning around so Liam could see his back.
'Dear God, what happened to you?' Liam asked in shock.
'No questions, Liam! What do you think? How do we best take care of those?' Dexter asked.
Liam got closer and took a good look at the wounds. He reached out and carefully touched Adam's back.
'Don't do that!' Adam hissed as pain flashed through his body.
'Those are really deep. He's gonna need stitches. No doubt about that!' Liam said, completely ignoring Adam's comment.
'Do you think you can stitch him up?' Dexter asked.
'I think it's best to let that be done in a hospital.'
'No! That's not happening! I'm not going to a hospital!' Adam said loudly.
Liam looked at the stubborn boy.
'Why not?' He asked.
'No questions asked, Liam. Can you do it?' Dexter asked.
'I can, but only because I still owe you one, little bro. I think we should do it as quickly as possible. The sooner he's stitched up, the sooner those wounds can heal.' Liam replied.
'Can you do it today?' Dexter asked.
'I can, but I'll need some preparation. I need my doctor supplies and I want a room that's as clean as possible with access to water.' Liam replied.
'We can clean up the kitchen while you go get your stuff.' Dexter said.
'Good, I'm going to go now. I think I have all the necessary materials in my office at home. I'll be back in about half an hour.' Liam said before he left.
'Wait! We're doing this now?' Adam asked nervously.
'Yeah, you heard him. The sooner the better. Don't worry, he knows what he's talking about.' Dexter replied.
They all went to the kitchen, trying to clean it as much as possible.
'Why does Liam owe you something?' James asked curiously.
'Liam and I always had this thing going on where, if one of us needed help no questions asked, the other would help. But recently he's had a couple of favors, no questions asked. So it's only fair of him to repay me.' Dexter replied.
'What did he ask of you?' Adam asked.
'Those things are just like this not only no questions asked, but also kept a secret. But you can say that doctors sometimes spill the weirdest stuff over their computers and if you let that get fixed by a random repair guy, you'll get questions. Lucky for him that I repair computers for a job. And lucky for us that he's a doctor.'

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