Confusing feelings

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Warning: Brief smut

Adam opened his eyes, yet he still couldn't see anything. He was confused for a couple of seconds before he realized he was wearing a blindfold. He was laying on a bed and he could feel the soft bedsheets on his naked back. He vaguely remembered something about injuries that would cause him pain if he lay on his back. Even though he wasn't feeling the pain now, he still tried to roll on his side. That's when he realised he couldn't move. His hands were tied to the side of the bed.
'What's going on?' Adam asked.
'Don't worry.' A familiar voice said. The voice sounded like he was really close to Adam, making the dark haired boy almost jump in surprise.
'James? Is that you?' Adam asked. He was starting to feel a little nervous.
'Don't worry, Adam. This is going to be fun.' James's voice said as Adam felt a hand trail down his naked chest. Which sent shivers down his spine.
Still confused Adam wanted to ask more questions, but he was cut off when he felt the blonde's lips touch his own. Instantly the nervousness was gone and Adam could feel how he calmed down completely. Then he felt the other boy's lips leave his own and go down to his neck. Adam moaned softly, enjoying the feeling the blonde was giving him. He closed his eyes, he couldn't see with that blindfold anyway. As the little kisses started to trail down his chest, he felt the top of his jeans get a little tighter. But when the kisses reached his bellybutton, they stopped.
'Don't stop!' Adam whispered in an almost begging tone, as he opened his eyes again.
Suddenly the blindfold was taken away and Adam could see the blonde's face just a couple of inches away from his own.
'I love you, Adam.' James whispered, looking deep into Adam's eyes.
'I-I love you too.' Adam replied. He noticed he had a really hard time speaking. James smiled. A beautiful smile that made the air leave Adam's lungs.
'Do you want me to continue?' James asked. Adam was still speechless, but he nodded. James's smile got even wider, before pressing his lips against Adam's. He started to give the little kisses in Adam's neck again, before trailing down his chest. Adam closed his eyes again, moaning, enjoying every second the blonde touched his body. This time, James didn't stop at his bellybutton, but he went down all the way to the top of his pants. Adam could feel how the other boy was trying to open the button and he moaned out louder as he could feel the blonde touch his erection.

Adam's eyes opened. 'What the actual frick!' Adam said out loud to himself. He got up from the couch and turned on the light. Apparently he hadn't woken Floof, because she was still laying before the empty fireplace. Adam let his head rest in his hands as he tried to think. James was his friend. He shouldn't have this kind of dreams. Yet a part of him knew he couldn't deny the blonde gave him some weird feelings. When James had first annoyed Adam into having lunch with him, he hadn't liked the blonde one bit. But ever since they got stuck together in the elevator, Adam couldn't help but feel something fluttering in his stomach when he saw James. For some odd reason, the blonde was always on his mind. Adam sighed and looked at the clock. It was 3 am. He knew he should go back to bed, but he was scared that his dream was gonna continue where it left off. Another part of his brain however, wanted the dream to continue. Adam thought about what was going to happen after that, about what he would've dreamed if he hadn't woken up. All the thoughts were making the boy's dick twitch in excitement.
'I shouldn't think about that.' Adam whispered to himself. 'Can I just have an at least kind of normal life for once?' With another sigh Adam got up and walked towards the kitchen to go get himself a glass of water, as he was trying to think about everything except his dream.

James screamed as he fell onto the floor.
'It was just a dream! Just a dream.' Ha said to himself when he realized he was save in his bedroom.
'Just a nightmare. There's no truck to crash in on you. At least not right now.' The blonde felt some tears in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. He didn't wanna cry. He groaned as he got up from the floor and sat down on his bed again. He stared into the darkness of his room for a couple of seconds before he got up again.
'There's no way I'm falling asleep again any time soon.' He muttered to himself as he left his bedroom. When he walked down the stairs, he was surprised to see the lights were on in the living room. When he entered, he saw Adam sitting on the couch, drinking a glass of water and staring into nothingness, probably deep in thoughts.
'Adam? It's 3 am. Why are you awake?' James asked. Adam looked up.
'I could ask you the same question, Angel.' He said.
'I had a nightmare and I just wanted to go get a glass of water. You?' James replied.
'Something similar.' Adam said, trying to avoid telling any details. James walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water before sitting down on the couch next to Adam. The two were silent, just drinking their water and both deep in thought about the dreams they'd had.
'Should we go back to your house? To go get your stuff. I don't mind you borrowing my things, but you probably want your possessions back.'
'I don't know. It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think my dad would appreciate me walking in to grab my stuff so I can leave him.'
'What if we go when he's not home?'
'It's weekend. He's always home. And if we wait for the week... let's just say my dad isn't very consistent with actually showing up for work. He gets paid by hours and if he doesn't go for a week, he just doesn't get paid. You never know if he's home.'
'What if we go now?'
Adam looked at the blonde in surprise.
'Now?' He asked.
'Yeah, now! I assume he's asleep and I assume you can get into your own house.'
'That is... that is... you know what? That's actually a pretty good idea.' Adam admitted.
'Let's go then.'

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