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Warning: Bullying with a little violence

James groaned as the scream of his alarm clock woke him. The sound of the alarm disappeared and James assumed his roommate Michael had turned it off. He heard the sound of the curtains being opened and groaned again when the sunlight landed on his face. He took his pillow and put it on top of his head to block the light.
'You're gonna have to get up, James.' A voice said.
'I don't wanna go to school, Michael.' James complained. 'Can't you tell Mrs. Smith that I'm sick or something like that?'
'Come on, James, it's Friday! One more day before the weekend.' Michael said as he grabbed his uniform.
'Yeah, great! Weekend! With a mountain of homework to do!' James complained as he finally got out of bed.
'At least there are no bullies in the weekend.' Michael said.
'Fair enough.' James said while also putting on the orphanage uniform. It was a pair of dark green pants, a white shirt and a dark green tie. The girls had a dark green skirt instead of the pants.
'Why do we even have to wear these? Just so everybody can immediately recognize us as the kids from the orphanage?' James complained.
'Don't be so hard on Mrs. Smith. She's really trying to help us.' Michael said.
'I know. I'm just kinda losing hope.' James replied.
'Can't blame you. If you throw 60 depressed kids that lost their parents in one big building, you can't expect a happy and healthy atmosphere. But weren't you the one that told me to always try and stay positive?'
'Yeah, but that was before the bullying got this bad.'
'Don't lose hope, James. One day, this nightmare will be over and you'll get your happy ending.'
James gave his roommate a sad smile.
'I hope you're right.'

At school before the first class started
James was sitting on the floor of the empty hallway on the second floor of the school. He was drawing in his sketchbook. He preferred waiting in the hallway in front of the classroom instead of downstairs with the other kids. Because among those other kids were his bullies. Students weren't actually allowed in the hallways. They were supposed to be downstairs, but James wasn't going down there if he didn't absolutely needed to. He sighed as he looked at what he had just drawn. A family of little, white, bubbly marshmallow-people. He had drawn his own family. His mom, his dad, his brother, his three sisters and himself. All smiling. James heard the bell and got up. He didn't feel like he was going to enjoy classes today. Even though his day started with math class.

During recess time
'James? What are you doing here?'
James looked up from his sketchbook to see who was talking to him. It was his English teacher Mr. Jones.
'Don't mind me. I'm just sitting here, drawing, not bothering anybody.' James said. But Mr. Jones didn't leave.
'You're supposed to go downstairs during recess time. I'm sorry, but as a teacher, I can't allow you to hang out in the hallways.'
James sighed.
'I understand.' He said as he got up. He didn't want to start an argument. He'd tried that before, but it never changed anything. If a teacher cared enough about the rules to call you out on being in the hallway, then you weren't going to convince him to let you stay.

Nervously James got outside. He didn't see his bullies so he quickly ran to hide. At the edge of the school there was a little hillside he could climb down and a little stream running next to it. You were pretty well hidden when you were close to the water. Just to be sure, James had put his backpack and all his other stuff in his locker. You never know what Billy and his gang were going to pull. Billy and his two friends were James's bullies. And of course it didn't take long for them to realise their favorite victim wasn't hiding in the hallways today.

'Look who finally came out to play!' Billy said with an evil smirk.
'Just leave me alone!' James said in an irritated tone, trying to hide his fear.
'But than you're sitting here all lonely.' Billy said in a fake concerned tone.
'I'll be fine.' James replied, still trying not to look scared.
'Oh, you'll never be fine! It's just a matter of time before you get yourself killed, just like your family.'
'Get lost!' James yelled, no longer scared, but rather angry.
'Manners, Rallison! Or we'll have to wash your mouth with soap.' Billy said as he pushed James hard enough for the blonde to lose his balance and fall backwards into the stream. James swore and Billy grinned.
'I told you to watch your language, Rallison!' He said as one of his friends was searching for something in his backpack, before taking out a piece of soap and giving it to Billy. James didn't even have the time to wonder why someone would carrie a piece of soap in their school bag, before Billy's friends had already pushed him down on his knees in the middle of the stream. Billy came closer and as the other two were holding the blonde's arms back, Billy started to shove the piece of soap in his mouth as well as splashing the water of the stream in his face. James was struggling and tried to spit the soap out, but he got smacked across the face and punched in his stomach. He wasn't strong enough to defend himself against the three bigger boy's.
James felt the bullies letting go of his arms and he fell on his stomach in the stream, where he immediately started to spit out the soap.
'You'll pay for that, Rallison!' James barely heard Billy say it before he and his friends walked off to the principal's office. Only then could the blonde finally see who saved him. It was Mr. Jones.
'Are you okay, James? Do you need to go to the nurse?' He asked.
'I'm fine!' James snapped before getting up and running off. He got his stuff from his locker, including the extra clothes he kept there. He always had an extra outfit in his locker, because you never knew what Billy and his gang were going to do. He changed in the restrooms and put his wet and dirty clothes in a plastic bag before throwing the bag in his locker. He sighed as he heard the bell again.
"Just another regular school day" he thought.

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