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Author's note: I'm not really happy with this chapter. I did my best, but I don't think it turned out that well. It's mostly filler. I promise to work hard to make the next chapter as quickly as possible. The next one will be much better.

The two boys sat in silence for a couple of minutes.
'How long can I stay here?' Adam asked after a while.
'As long as you want. I don't care if it's a night or a week or a year. I want to help you.' James replied.
'But what about Dexter and Sarah?' Adam asked.
'They'll understand. I know them well enough to know that they wouldn't want to sent you to an abusive dad.'
'No! We're not gonna tell them, James. You promised!'
'Okay, okay. I won't tell them. But don't worry. I'm sure I can convince them to let you stay. No running anymore! You don't have to do this alone anymore. I'm here for you, and I'm going to take care of you.'
'Thanks, Angel.' Adam's cheeks turned pink as he felt something fluttering is his stomach. He quickly looked away, trying to hide his red face from the blonde.
'We don't have a guest's room, but you can take my bed. I don't mind sleeping on the couch.' James said as he walked over to a closet and pulled out a pillow and a blanket.
'No way, Angel. I'm the one that involved you into my problems instead of giving you a nice and calm weekend. I'll take the couch!' Adam said.
'You're my guest, Adam. It's only polite of me.' James fired back.
'No, I don't want to drive you away from your own bed. It's okay, I don't mind. To be honest, this couch is more comfortable that my bed at home. I'll take it.' Adam said.
'Adam, I insist! You're not gonna change my mind, so you might as well give up.' James replied.
'Fine, I know a lost battle when I see one.' Adam muttered.
'Good!' James said before grabbing Adam's hand and dragging him back upstairs. Adam looked nervously at the hand James was holding. The blonde led the other boy to the bathroom again. He let go of Adam's hand and started searching the cabinets.
'Here is a spare toothbrush and you can use my toothpaste if you want. You know which bedroom is mine, so you just prepare yourself to go to bed and then you can just, well... go to bed. It's kinda late. I'll see you tomorrow.' James said before leaving the dark haired boy alone again.

Adam brushed his teeth and did all the other typical "prepare for bed" stuff. He left the bathroom and walked over to the door he'd seen James enter earlier when he was getting the pajamas. Adam carefully opened the door and looked around the room. The dark blue color of the walls had a calming effect and even though the room was pretty big and had a lot of empty space, it was cozy. Adam sat down on the bed and looked at the nightstand. There were a couple of frames with pictures on top of it. A picture of two adults and five kids. Adam assumed it was James's family. Another picture of a younger James with a blonde girl that kinda looked like him. The girl was also in the family picture. The last picture was recent. It had James, playing with a dog and a nice looking couple in the background. Adam recognized the man of the couple as the guy that dropped James of at school every day. Therefore the dark haired boy assumed the couple was Sarah and Dexter. Adam knew they had a dog called Floof, but he hadn't seen the dog yet. Maybe she was outside, or maybe Dexter and Sarah had taken her with them or maybe she was just sleeping somewhere. Adam turned off the lights and rolled up into a little ball under the warm blankets. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

The next morning
Adam was woken by the sound of a loud bark right next to him.
'Jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack!' Adam said to the dog that was sitting next to the bed. The dog just looked at him, her mouth open and her tongue out.
'You must be Floof. James was right, you are adorable.' The boy carefully reached out his hand, so the dog could sniff it. Adam got out of the bed and scratched the dog behind his ears, which Floof seemed to really like.
'Let's see if Jameson is awake already.' Adam said to the dog before walking over to the door and opening it. Floof ran behind him as if she wanted to follow him. The dark haired boy noticed it and started walking towards the stairs, Floof followed him. Suddenly Adam turned around and started running the opposite direction, but Floof still followed.
'You really wanna go where I go?' Adam laughed. Before turning around again to go downstairs.

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