A bright future

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Adam and Caleb nervously sat down. The chair on the other side of the glass wall was empty. Suddenly their dad appeared on the other side. He smiled at his son's and looked like he was about to start crying. Caleb picked up the weird, phone-like device they had to use to talk through.
'Hi, dad. It's been a while.' He said.
'Caleb... you've grown. I'm so sorry! I'm so extremely sorry! You have no idea how sorry I am! I can't believe everything I've done! I swear, I'm never touching any alcohol again!'
'That's good to hear, as long as you stick by it.' Caleb said a smile briefly appearing on his face.
'What happened to your friend, AJ? The blonde boy? They couldn't tell me anything in here. Is he okay?' Their dad asked.
'He's fine.' Adam replied a little cold. His dad noticed to tone and sighed.
'Listen. I... I know that I can't change the past and I know that I hurt both of you. I did things that give me nightmares to this day. And if it gives me nightmares, than I don't want to know what it does to you two who have actually been through that. I never would've done anything like that if I had been sober, but I know that's not an excuse. I'm here in this prison because I deserve it and I'll never be able to forgive myself for what I've done. I want you two to know that... that I really love you and care about you. You two is all I have left. I wouldn't know what to do without you guys.' A couple tears started to escape their father's eyes, but both boys stayed silent to let their dad speak.
'I don't expect you to just forgive and forget like nothing ever happened, but I hope we can be a family again. I promise that, when I eventually get out of here, I will do whatever I can to reunite this family. And I know there's nothing I can do to make up for all I've done, but all I ask... all I ask is a second chance. You have every right to not give it to me, I wouldn't blame you for that, but please. We've all lost so much family, so many people we cared for. You're my son's, I love you guys.'
The two brothers stayed silent for a moment.
'I... I think I'm willing to give you that chance, dad. If you stay true to your promises, you don't drink again, I think, after some time, we could be a family again.' Caleb said eventually.
'Thank you! I don't deserve it.' Their dad exclaimed.
'Indeed, you don't.' Adam said, still with a cold voice.
Caleb looked at Adam, almost surprised, and their dad looked at him with sadness and despair. A couple tears welled up in Adam's eyes as he continued.
'You drove my brother away! You constantly beat me up and even attacked me with a knife! If I hadn't run off, would I still be standing here, or would I be dead? You stabbed the person I care about most and had him fight for his life in the hospital! And I'm not even talking about all the mental stuff that was going on! You're words alone already beat me down over and over and over again, before we count for the physical violence! After everything, I don't know if I'll be able to trust you again, even if I wanted to!'
Adam spoke in a very calm and stable voice, yet tears were rolling over his cheeks. He never lost his cold tone or broke eye contact with his father until now. He looked down at the ground and a little smile appeared on his lips.
'You say you love us, but you forget one thing... we love you too. Why do you think we stuck around for that long? Every day since this whole thing started, I've dreamed of the chance of us being a happy family again. Today, that finally seems possible. I don't know if I'll trust again, but I'll try. I'm gonna give it everything to make what is left of this family whole again. It seems like you want to give it your all too. It might be hard, but fuck that, we're gonna get past it!'
Adam smiled at his father, who was crying from happiness.
'We're the Ortiz family! We're strong! If anybody can do this, it's us!' Caleb said with a smile.
'I'll be in here for a while, but I promise I'll do everything I can!' Their dad said.
'And we promise to help you with that.' Adam smiled.
'We'll keep visiting, and when you're out of here, we'll help you build your life back up.' Caleb said.
Their dad smiled at them, and they smiled back. This was what they had been dreaming about for so long. Their father loving, their father caring and their father telling them, they'd be a family again.

About an hour later the two brother's left the building.
'Let's not lose touch this time. We'll keep chatting and meeting up.' Caleb said with a smile as he walked over to a car.
'Heck yeah! Is that your's by the way?' Adam asked as pointed at the car.
'Me and my buddy share it. You need a ride home?'
'Nah, James is picking me up.'
'Okay, I gotta go, but we'll see each other again soon.'
'See ya!'
Caleb got in the car and waved at his brother before he drove off. Adam kept looking in the direction his brother disappeared in, smiling, until he heard a car honk behind him. He turned around and saw Dexter's car standing nearby, James behind the wheel. Adam quickly ran over, still smiling. He was gonna have a family again and he was gonna be with James through it all. The boy he loved. He knew it for sure, right then and there. A bright future was in front of them.

15 years later
Adam turned of the engine and got out of the car. He walked over to the trunk, pulled out two bags with groceries, closed the trunk again and walked to the front door. He had to put the groceries on the ground for a second to use his key to open the front door. As soon as he walked in, he heard a familiar, young and enthusiastic voice.
Adam put the groceries on the table rubbed the little boy next to him on his head.
'Hey there little man. I didn't know you missed me that much.' He said. The little boy laughed and went through his brown hair to put it back to normal after Adam had messed it up by rubbing his head.
'Somebody wanted to ask you something.' James said as he entered the room.
'Really?' Adam asked curiously.
'I wanted to know when uncle Caleb was gonna visit again.' The little boy said.
'Why couldn't you ask me?' James asked confused.
'Because uncle Caleb is Dad's brother.' The little boy replied. Adam started laughing.
'It's not because they're not related by blood, that they don't talk to each other.' He explained.
'Wait, Daddy talks with uncle Caleb too?' The little boy asked.
'Ofcourse I do! You know what? I'll even ask him to come visit again. He's pretty busy now, but I'm sure he'd love to see you again.' James said.
'Daddy? Why don't you have a brother?' The little boy asked.
Adam and James were silent for a moment.
'I used to have one. But unfortunately he's not here anymore. I used to have a couple sisters too. But they're gone as well.' James said. All three were quiet.
'Hey, if you go to the backyard, we can play some basketball together. I'll be there in a minute.' Adam said. The little boy smiled and ran off.
'Are you okay, Angel?' Adam asked.
'Yeah...I'm fine.' James replied.
They looked out of the window and saw the boy run around on the grass in the backyard, looking for a basketball.
'Do you think it was to early to tell him? I'm not sure at what age he's ready for such a story.' Adam asked.
'I think Luke should know about the person he's named after. And about the others. We don't have to tell him about the accident yet, but for now, he might like some stories. And I think I'd like that too.' The two looked at the boy in the yard again, smiling.
'He's growing up so fast.' Adam smiled.
'Yeah... I've been thinking about that, Adam, and maybe... maybe we should take another one.' James said.
'Another child?' Adam asked surprised.
'Yeah... A little brother or sister for Luke.'
'You know what? That sounds like an amazing idea.'
'DAD! ARE YOU COMING?' Luke yelled from the backyard.
'I'M COMING!' Adam yelled back. He took a couple steps toward the back door, but was stopped by James who turned him around and pressed his lips against Adam's.
'I love you.' He whispered when they pulled away from each other, looking deep into the dark haired boy's eyes.
'I love you too.' Adam whispered back.

The end

Author's note:
I just want to take a moment to thank you all for the support.
I've never gotten this much support and nice comments on any of my stories and I really appreciate it. I may not always reply to comments, but I do read them and they always make my day.

Shipping and fanfiction are not unusually what I write, especially not in English, but I had so much fun with this, that I can't just stop.

I'll soon start a new Jadam story, so be on the lookout for that. It'll be called: An odd demon. The first couple chapters should be up soon (maybe even today).

I'm thinking about making an alternate ending or a sequel to this story when I'm done with An Odd Demon. Let me know what you think about that. I wanna finish An Odd Demon first though.

Thank you again for everything and don't forget to stay hydrated and wear your seatbelt.

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