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The soft sound of somebody hitting the string of a guitar echoed through the dark hallway.
'Be quiet! We don't want Dexter and Sarah to wake up!' James hissed.
'I'm sorry, it was an accident. I can't see in the dark. Can't we turn on the lights?' Adam asked.
'If we turn on the lights, Dexter and Sarah will wake up and wonder why we're still awake past midnight, as well as question why we're going to the kitchen.' The blonde whispered.
'But I don't know this house as well as you do. I can't navigate here in the dark without bumping into stuff.'
'Fine! Stay where you are!'
Adam stopped walking until he felt the blonde grab his hand. He felt his cheeks turn a little warmer as James led him through the hallway, down the stairs, through the living room and into the kitchen. The blonde let Adam's hand go again, leaving the dark haired boy in the darkness. Suddenly Adam felt James's lips press against his own, but before he could react, the blonde walked away again. James closed the door to the living room and turned on the kitchen lights.
'Sit down.' James said as he walked over to the cabinet and took out the first aid kit.
Adam pulled out his hoodie and shirt, revealing the bandages underneath.
James carefully unwrapped the bandages and took away the cotton wool.
'I'm not really sure if they're healing. You sure you don't wanna see a doctor?' James asked.
'I'm sure!' Adam replied.
James carefully wiped away a little dried up blood with a paper towel, making Adam hiss in pain.
'Sorry!' James said a little panicky.
'It's okay. I'll try the guitar thing. It helped deal with pain before, so it might work.' Adam said before taking the guitar and starting to play the first song that came to mind:

'Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken

And the violence, caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?'

Adam closed his eyes. He let the music take over as he felt the pain go away. He loved music. It would alway make him feel happy. Feel peaceful. Feel like al his troubles just weren't there for a moment. The only thing he knew he loved more than music, was the blonde boy sitting behind him.

'But you see, it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head, they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head they are crying

In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie, oh'

James shook his head. He'd been so focused on the beautiful angel voice of the boy in front of him, he'd totally forgotten he had to take care of the injuries. He carefully started disinfecting the cuts. Adam didn't react, which made the blonde happy. That meant it was working. It wasn't hurting. James would've loved to just close his eyes and lean back while listening to the song Adam was performing, but he knew he had to take care of the dark haired boy first.

'Another mother's breaking
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken

It's the same old theme
Since nineteen-sixteen
In your head, in your head, they're still fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head, they are dying

In your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie
What's in your head, in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie'

Adam opened his eyes again.
'I just need to put new bandages on and then we're finished.' James said.
Suddenly they heard a sound coming from the door. The sound of somebody softly clapping their hands. The two boys turned around in surprise and saw Dexter, leaning against the kitchen doorframe and looking at the two.
'That was beautiful, Adam. You're really talented.' Dexter said as he walked into the kitchen and closed the door behind him. Adam and James didn't say anything. They just nervously looked at Dexter.
'Adam! What happened?' Dexter asked with a quick look at the cuts on the dark haired boys back. He didn't sound angry, rather worried.
'It's a long story.' Adam muttered.
'I've got time.' Dexter said.
'I... I really don't wanna talk about it.'
'Does it have anything to do with the reason you're staying here instead of home? If anything is wrong at home like that you need to...'
'No! It's fine! There's no need for anything. It... it has nothing to do with that.' Adam quickly looked at James. He wanted to see how the blonde would react on him lying.
'Don't tell Sarah! Or anyone else, please.' James said.
Adam couldn't believe the blonde was taking his side on this. Dexter sighed.
'I don't know what happened, but I do know that that won't be enough care for it to heal. I have enough medical knowledge to see that you need a doctor looking at that.' Dexter said.
'No! No doctors. They ask questions I would rather not answer. It's complicated.' Adam replied.
'I have a brother. His name is Liam. Liam's a doctor. I'm gonna ask him to take a look at you, no questions asked. This is not a suggestion. It's a plan of what's going to happen. I can't let you walk around like that, Adam. For now, cover that up with the cotton wool and bandages like you did before and go to bed. Tomorrow is a schoolday.' Dexter said before turning around and leaving the kitchen.

James woke up, sweat going down his back, panting and panicking. He slowly calmed down and wiped a few tears from his face.
'Faith.' He whispered before laying down again. He rolled on his side and stared into the darkness, trying to fall back asleep. He knew it would take a while though. It always did. Suddenly he heard something in the quiet room.
"Was that a sob?" He thought.
'Adam? Are you okay?' James whispered. There was no reaction. It was silent for a couple seconds until James could hear a groan. The blonde got up from the bed and walked over to the mattress Adam was sleeping on. In the soft light that escaped from behind the curtains, James could see that Adam wasn't awake. The dark haired boy was tossing and turning in his sleep.
'No... no. Stay away from me.' Adam muttered.
James wondered what the other boy could be dreaming about. One thing was obvious, it was not a happy dream.
'No... don't! Please, just go away. No... leave him alone... Caleb...'
"Caleb?" James thought. "Who's this Caleb?"
'Caleb... no please, dad. Leave him alone...'
James started to consider waking him up. He knew people didn't appreciate being woken up in the middle of the night, but he doubted if Adam would wanna stay in his nightmare.
'Caleb no! No not him too. Leave him alone... Not James!'
The blonde froze when he heard his name.
"James? He's dreaming... about me?"
'No, don't hurt him! No. No! NO, JAMES!' Adam's eyes flashed open as tears started to fall down.
'James? W-what are you doing?' Adam asked trying to hide his sobs.
'I heard you talk in your sleep. Are you okay?' James asked worried.
'I'm fine, it was just a nightmare.'
'Who's Caleb?'
Adam looked up, straight into the blonde's eyes.
'Where did you hear that name?'
'You... you were muttering in your sleep. You said something about Caleb and someone that had to leave somebody alone.'
'Caleb is my brother.'
A moment of silence passed between the two.
'Do you wanna tell me what your nightmare was about?' James asked after some time.
'I... fine. I was at home, in my bedroom and my dad came in. He said he'd never beat me up again and I was so happy, but then he changed. He said that if he couldn't take his anger out on me, he'd have to do it on someone else. Preferably someone who had wronged him. Betrayed him. And then he started beating up my brother. And there was nothing I could do to help. I could only watch and scream...'
Adam started to sob again as the memories of his dream replayed in his mind.
'He only stopped beating when Caleb didn't move anymore. Then out of nowhere... you appeared. And he started to attack you, and I still couldn't do anything! And then... then...'
'It's okay, Adam. It was just a dream. I'm right here and I'm fine. Caleb is fine too. You're father isn't here.' James whispered, carefully wrapping his arms around the other boy, trying to comfort him.
'I know.' Adam said eventually. He wiped his tears away and went to lay down again.
'Can you stay with me? Just until I fall back asleep? It's comforting to know you're there. To know you're save.' Adam asked.
James smiled.
'Ofcourse I'll stay with you.'

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