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Warning: gunfire

James tried to enter the room as quietly as possible. Some students looked up, but no one really payed attention to him. He'd had a hard time finding back the class. He had been gone so long, the class had already gone to a different room. Eventually James had asked a nice doctor where he could find them and now he quietly went to stand next to Rebecca.
'What took you so long?' Rebecca asked.
'The elevator got stuck.' James replied.
'When the power went out, right? I didn't even realize that would stop the elevator.' Jaiden said.
'Do you know why Adam had to leave?' Rebecca asked.
'No, he didn't say.' James lied. He felt like Adam had told him the truth, trusting the blonde to keep it between them. If James wanted Adam to be his friend, he shouldn't share his secret's.
'Strange, isn't it?' Jaiden asked.
'Can you guys be quiet and pay attention?' A teacher near them whispered with a stern look.
'Sorry.' James whispered back before turning to look at the doctor again.

That evening
James looked nervously as he saw his manager inspect the plates he cleaned.
'Good work, James. Finally an employee that at least knows how to do the dishes.' His manager said. James smiled feeling a little bit of pride even though he didn't do anything more than do the dishes.
'Can I ask you something, James?' The manager asked.
'Ofcourse!' James replied.
'I wished I didn't have to ask this, but Jay called to tell us he's sick. Can you take his Wednesday shift?' James quickly checked his pocket calendar.
'Yeah, sure, no problem.' He responded. Suddenly he remembered something.
'Can I ask you for a favor?' He asked.
'No, you're not getting a raise. You only just started working here.' His manager said a little annoyed.
'No, that's not what I wanted to ask. It's just, my friend really needs a job and he's having trouble finding one. I thought, maybe you can give him an interview. Since you're still looking for more employees anyway.'
'We do need more people... Fine, What's his name?'
'Adam Ortiz.'
'Tell him his interview is this Wednesday at 4pm. And tell him to not be late, I don't have a lot of time.'
'Thank you!'
James took out his phone as his manager walked away. His thumb hovered over the button with Adam's name for a couple of seconds before the blonde put his phone back in his pocket. He'd tell Adam at school in person. Than he could see the other boy's reaction. James yawned before getting back to work. He was doing the closing shift, so all he had to do was check everything one last time, turn on the alarm, leave, go home and go to bed.
'That sounds like a good plan.' The blonde muttered to himself as he heard the door close behind his manager.

The next day
James looked around excitedly as he was waiting for Adam. As soon as he saw the dark haired boy arrive he walked up to him.
'Hey Adam, good news! I talked to my manager and she's willing to give you an interview this Wednesday. At 4pm. I hope that's good. I didn't really get the chance to check if there was a better time to...' James was interrupted when Adam wrapped his arms around the blonde and pulled him into an embrace.
'Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You have no idea how much this means to me! I owe you! If there's anything I can do, just say it.' Adam said. James felt his cheeks turn pink as he awkwardly pushed Adam away.
'It's just an interview. It's not like I saved your life or something.' He said, not looking at Adam and trying to stop blushing.
'It's a lot more than that! It's complicated but, just know that I can't thank you enough for this. It was really important for me to get a job. I just... thank you!' Adam seemed to struggle to find the right words. James felt almost embarrassed by the gratitude Adam was showing for something so small. He felt like he didn't deserve it.
'Just make sure you're not late for the interview. With a little luck, they'll hire you.' James said as he heard the bell rang.
"Saved by the bell." He thought. Saved from the awkwardness he felt because of Adam's gratitude. But part of him would've wished he'd had an excuse to talk to the other boy just a bit longer.

The next day
'Hey, James. Are you taking Jay's shift?' Tyler asked. Tyler was one of the guys that worked at Subway. There were four of them: James, Jay, Tyler and a guy called Anthony. And the manager ofcourse.
'Yeah, the manager asked me. Apparently Jay's sick.' James replied as he threw his stuff on a chair and got ready to work.
'I know, I had to take his shift with Anthony, yesterday.' Tyler said.
'Isn't the manager usually here on Wednesday's?' James asked.
'Yeah, but she's doing an interview right now.' Tyler replied.
James stopped as he immediately turned to look at the door of the managers office. It was just past 4pm. That must mean Adam was in there. James got to work, but looked over at the closed door every now and then. He was curious as to what was going on inside. Eventually the door opened and James saw Adam nervously walk out.
'How did it go?' James asked.
'James? I didn't know you were working today? I hope it went well. I don't know. I'm nervous.' Adam replied.
'Don't worry. If I can get in, you must be able to as well.' James said.
'I hope so. I gotta go. I still need to fix some stuff before my dad comes back home.' Adam replied before awkwardly waving at the blonde boy and leaving.
James knocked on the open door of the office.
'What can I do for you, James?' The manager asked without looking up from her paper work.
'I was wondering how the interview went?' James asked.
'He didn't mess up terribly or something like that, but I don't know if he's gonna get hired. It's not just my decision, the owners have to agree as well. I won't be able to give you an answer for now. If you wouldn't mind going back to work now, I'm very busy.' The manager replied. James just silently nodded and left the office to continue his job.

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